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ABSTRACT: Analyses of cumulative impacts to riparian systems is an important yet elusive goal. Previous analyses have focused on comparing the number of hectares impacted to the number of hectares restored, without addressing the loss of riparian function or the effect of the spatial distribution of impacts. This paper presents an analysis of the spatial distribution of development‐related impacts to riparian ecosystems, that were authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Impacts on habitat structure, contiguity, and landscape context were evaluated using functional indices scaled to regional reference sites. Impact sites were mapped using GIS and analyzed for spatial associations. Positive spatial autocorrelation (i.e. clustering of impact sites) resulted from the piecemeal approach to impact assessment, which failed to prevent cumulative impacts. Numerous small projects in close proximity have resulted in adverse impacts to entire stream reaches or have fragmented the aquatic resources to a point where overall functional capacity is impaired. Additionally, the ecological functions of unaffected areas have been diminished due to their proximity to degraded areas. A proactive approach to managing cumulative impacts is currently being used in Orange County, California as part of a Corps of Engineers sponsored Special Area Management Plan (SAMP). The SAMP process is evaluating the ecological conditions and physical processes of the study watersheds and attempting to plan future development in a manner that will guard against cumulative impacts.  相似文献   
The current risk management approach for the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry came into effect in 2001 and has been stable with minor changes for 15 years. Relatively few new installations were slated for development until quite recently, and several new projects have been started in the last few years. The paper considers the risk management approach in the pre-FEED phase and builds on two case studies selected from the most recent cases. These case studies have been evaluated with respect to how uncertainties are considered in the early phase, based on the submission of the Plan for Development and Operation, their evaluations by authorities and the supporting documents. Both case studies involve new concepts for which there is no experience from similar environments and/or water depths. In spite of what could have been expected, the case studies conclude that uncertainties have not been in focus at all during concept development. This appears to be definitely the case for the licensees, but also to be the case for the authorities. Some suggestions are presented for what could have been considered by the licensees and authorities.  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates why it is necessary to take the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for integrated catchment management, in coastal area of the Tolo Harbour. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM) in the Tolo Harbour is to meet with Water Quality Objectives. The performance of an ICM plan, Tolo Harbour Action Plan (THAP), is evaluated by using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including stress indicators and responses indicators. Since the implementation of THAP in 1988, some significant reduction in pollution loading has been observed—reduction of 83% of BOD load and 82% of TN between 1988 and 1999. There has been an improvement in the health state of Tolo Harbour marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced in the trends of the physical, chemical and biological indicators, although some reverse fluctuations in some periods exist. However, this can only be considered as the first sign of the ecosystem health restoration, since ecosystem health covers not only physical, chemical and biological aspects of an ecosystem, but also ecosystem-service-function aspect. It is recommended to take the restoration and protection of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal, instead of water quality objective management, for integrated catchment management in Tolo Harbour catchment. Steps to further improve the marine coastal ecosystem health of Tolo harbour are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
我国森林资源及其产品流动特征分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
论文运用物流分析的基本思想,基于我国森林资源产品的产量、贸易量统计资料,采用统一的“原木当量(m3)”单位,沿森林资源采伐→资源产品加工→资源产品消费链,研究了我国“九五”期间主要森林资源产品的流动状况。结果表明,我国“九五”期间年均消耗森林资源16962×104m3,其中48.3%来自国外;本国森林资源主要流向原木、锯材、人造板加工制造行业,仅有9.3%用于制浆造纸;而纸类产品所用的森林资源主要依赖于进口;终端消费中75%的森林资源产品用于建筑装修、家具生产和包装3个主要消费项。因此,认为我国必须提高森林资源利用效率、增加纸类产品中的森林资源用量,以提高我国森林资源流动的经济效益;资源战略上既要充分利用国外森林资源,又要提高我国资源供给的保障能力。  相似文献   
国家科技发展规划与中国的资源科学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
国家先后编制了七次科技发展规划,资源科学研究也从最初的自然资源综合考察发展成了一门综合性交叉学科。其中以《1956-1967年科学技术发展远景规划》和《1978-1985年全国科学技术发展规划纲要》,对资源科学的形成与发展影响最大。前者推动了中国自然资源综合考察事业的形成与发展,后者促进了中国资源科学考察事业的发展与壮大,进而推动了资源科学的形成与发展。全文在回顾与展望国家科技发展规划与中国资源科学发展的基础上,提出了新世纪初期国家中长期科学技术发展规划有关资源科学发展的3条建议。  相似文献   
针对《水污染防治行动计划》提出的畜禽养殖污染治理思路和措施,梳理了我国现阶段畜禽养殖污染防治中存在的问题,对《水污染防治行动计划》中提出的"调布局、建设施、促利用"三大举措进行了分析和解读,提出了落实《水污染防治行动计划》的几项重点工作,为地方推进畜禽养殖污染防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   
本研究利用2010年污染源普查数据和MEIC排放清单建立全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单,在此基础上利用2012年环境统计数据对其进行修订建立2012年全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;结合《大气污染防治行动计划》(以下简称《计划》)研究工作,测算了《计划》实施后在污染源综合治理、落后产能淘汰、能源结构调整方面对SO2、NOx、颗粒物、VOCs的减排量,同时对污染物新增量进行了预测,建立了《计划》实施后全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;利用CMAQ空气质量模型模拟分析了《计划》实施的空气质量改善效果。结果表明:《计划》实施后,将可以减少641万吨SO2、859万吨NOx、547万吨颗粒物(不含扬尘污染控制)、627万吨VOCs,全国、京津冀、长三角及珠三角区域PM2.5年均浓度将分别比2012年下降22.08%、33.99%、23.98%、24.04%。如果《计划》要求全部落实,可以实现空气质量改善目标。  相似文献   
天津市作为京津冀地区重要城市之一,经济迅速发展,环境空气质量保持稳定形势不容乐观。研究分析了‘‘十一五”期间天津市大气污染防治工作进展和环境空气质量变化趋势,探讨了未来天津市经济持续发展带来的能源消耗、机动车保有量及施工面积等的增加与大气复合污染防治面临的压力与挑战,提出了“十二五”期间大气污染防治对策与建议,重点涉及控煤、控尘、控车、加强保障等方面,为促进天津市经济可持续发展、持续改善环境空气质量起到指导作用。  相似文献   
国家统计局数据显示,2006年我国节能减排任务均远未实现国家十一五规划开局之年的目标,特别是主要污染物排放总量不降反升.本文在分析了中国环境治理体系和国家十一五规划主要污染物减排指标分配机制的基础上,研究了市场转型对中国环境治理结构的影响.中国的市场转型可以抽象为以分权让利、市场化和工业化为主要特征的结构演进过程.文中提出,中国市场转型过程对环境治理结构造成了重大影响,而环境治理的各项措施反过来也应与市场转型相适应.当前中国主要污染物减排指标没有实现达标的重要原因是国家污染物减排指标的分配机制无法适应我国市场转型的要求.为此,本文提出一系列国家主要污染物减排指标分配机制的政策建议.  相似文献   
The present development plan system in Scotland began in 1975. Its origins and purpose are discussed. Progress in the submission and adoption/approval of local and structure plans and in reviewing these plans is outlined. Performance to date is assessed and means of improvement are suggested, in relation to timeliness, transparency, scope and quality.  相似文献   
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