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The impact of disasters, whether natural or man-made, not only has human dimensions, but environmental ones as well. Environmental conditions may exacerbate the impact of a disaster, and vice versa, disasters tend to have an impact on the environment. Deforestation, forest management practices, or agriculture systems can worsen the negative environmental impacts of a storm or typhoon, leading to landslides, flooding, silting, and ground/surface water contamination. We have only now come to understand these cyclical causes and impacts and realize that taking care of our natural resources and managing them wisely not only assures that future generations will be able to live in sustainable ways, but also reduces the risks that natural and man-made hazards pose to people living today. Emphasizing and reinforcing the centrality of environmental concerns in disaster management has become a critical priority, requiring the sound management of natural resources as a tool to prevent disasters and lessen their impacts on people, their homes, and livelihoods. As the horrors of the Asian tsunami of December 2004 continue to be evaluated, and people in the region slowly attempt to build a semblance of normalcy, we have to look to the lessons learnt from the tsunami disaster as an opportunity to prepare ourselves better for future disasters. This article focuses on findings and lessons learnt on the environmental aspects of the tsunami, and its implications on disaster preparedness plans. This article essentially emphasizes the cyclical interrelations between environments and disasters, by studying the findings and assessments of the recent Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that struck on 26 December 2004. It specifically looks at four key affected countries - Maldives, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand.  相似文献   
污泥处理及其处置所面临的重要问题之一,就是如何对城市污水处理厂产生的污泥进行有效减容,尽量降低对外部能源的需求。文中在掌握国内外污泥干化主要工艺技术的基础上,针对某城市污水处理厂的污泥干化工程,拟对采用燃煤烟气干燥、污泥消化一干化一体化、太阳能热泵干燥等三种不同污泥干化工艺进行物料、能量工艺核算。并在此基础上,计算初期投资与15年的运行费用总和。通过对燃料价格、环保和安全等影响因素的研究,分析比较了五种供热系统,以太阳能热泵供热系统为最优,值得大力推广和应用。  相似文献   
环境保护是科学发展观的题中之意,科学发展观关于环境保护的论述,是党的环境保护理论的精髓。学习实践科学发展观活动,是一个哲学内涵非常丰富的课题,是十分难得的研究环境哲学的大好机遇。试点经验显示了环境保护在学习实践科学发展观活动中的重要作用。他们一方面在科学发展中通过转变发展方式,调整经济结构,解决环境难题;一方面坚持环境保护与经济发展并重,在保护环境中求发展,努力实现环境与经济“双赢”。其共性是,注重治本、注重生态、注重政策。深入学习实践科学发展观,关键在实践,要深入一线,深入调研,融人群众的实践,总结来自一线的新鲜经验。要适应新形势,了解新情况,解决新问题。在学习实践科学发展观活动中,不断提高落实科学发展观,在科学发展中,提高解决环境问题的能力,实现环境与发展、环境与经济的“双赢”。  相似文献   
建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测中存在的问题,阐述了工况控制、总量监测、环境相容性等环节的技术要求和注意事项,并就与之相关的公众参与、监测人员的素质等问题展开了讨论。  相似文献   
面向作物病害识别的高光谱波谱库设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪70年代以来,国内外波谱数据库发展迅速,但都存在着针对性不强的缺陷,不能满足我国现阶段遥感应用的需要。该文通过以小麦条锈病为案例的高光谱波谱库的设计与开发,实现了波谱查询、影像管理、用户管理、数据管理、反演模型等功能,可供其它面向病害识别的高光谱波谱库的建立参考。  相似文献   
水动力条件下蓝藻水华生消的模拟实验研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓝藻水华是当今世界共同面临的重大水污染问题之一。通过室内模拟实验,在温度、光照、初始pH值和营养盐等基本条件相同的前提下模拟水流流速分别为10cm/s、20cm/s、30cm/s、40cm/s时铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)水华的产生与消亡过程,在10~40cm/s流速区间里藻类生长周期随流速增大而变长,藻类最大现存量在40cm/s流速下最大,在10cm/s流速下最小,流速为30cm/s时藻类比增率最大,较适合藻类生存,在整个水华暴发过程中水体氮磷营养浓度呈下降趋势,水体的pH、DO和Ec变化不大。  相似文献   
Laminarization of flow in a two-dimensional dense gas plume was experimentally investigated in this study. The plume was created by releasing CO2 through a ground-level line source into a simulated turbulent boundary layer over an aerodynamically rough surface in a meteorological wind tunnel. The bulk Richardson number (Ri*), based on negative plume buoyancy, plume thickness, and friction velocity, was varied over a wide range so that the effects of stable stratification on plume laminarization could be observed. A variety of ambient wind speeds as well as three different sizes of roughness arrays were used so that possible effects of roughness Reynolds number (Re*) on plume laminarization could also be identified. Both flow visualization methods and quantitative measurements of velocity and intermittency of turbulence were used to provide quantitative assessments of plume laminarization.Flow visualization provided an overall picture of how the plume was affected by the negative buoyancy. With increasing Ri*, both the plume depth and the vertical mixing were significantly suppressed, while upstream propagation of the plume from the source was enhanced. The most important feature of the flow revealed by visualization was the laminarization of flow in the lower part of the plume, which appeared to be closely related to both Ri* and Re*.Measurements within the simulated dense gas plumes revealed the influence of the stable stratification on mean velocity and turbulence intensity profiles. Both the mean velocity and turbulence intensity were significantly reduced near the surface; and these reductions systematically depended on Ri*. The roughness Reynolds number also had considerable influence on the mean flow and turbulence structure of the dense gas plumes.An intermittency analysis technique was developed and applied to the digitized instantaneous velocity signals. It not only confirmed the general flow picture within the dense plume indicated by the flow visualization, but also clearly demonstrated the changes of flow regime with variations in Ri* and Re*. Most importantly, based on this intermittency analysis, simple criteria for characterizing different flow regimes are formulated; these may be useful in predicting when plume laminarization might occur.  相似文献   
林业科技成果转化为现实生产力,须通过一系列的中介才能发挥作用,尤其是在社会主义市场经济条件下,其中介更主要地表现为市场.如何使湖南林业科技成果市场化,作者认为:加强湖南林业科技推广是实现湖南林业科技成果市场化的重要环节.  相似文献   
秸秆腐解剂在秸秆还田中的效果研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大田、微区和盆栽条件下,研究了秸秆腐解剂对小麦、水稻生长及产量的影响,同时研究了秸秆腐解剂对小麦、水稻秸秆腐解速率及对土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,稻、麦秸秆还田时施用秸秆腐解剂对提高稻、麦产量具有明显的增产效果,增产的原因是穗数和粒数增加;稻、麦秸秆还田量不同时,还田量大且配施秸秆腐解剂的效果较还田量小好;麦秸秆还田方式不同时,麦秸以栽稻前耕翻还田且配施秸秆腐解剂的效果较好,上水沤制的效果较差;秸秆腐解剂能促进稻、麦秸秆较快腐解,减轻和防止多量秸秆还田给作物生长带来不利影响,并可稳定和提高土壤养分含量。  相似文献   
如何加强思想道德建设,文章认为应确立新的道德价值观、继承发扬传统道德精华,准确把握新时期的道德原则、道德建设的基本结构与目标,同时切实抓好思想道德教育,实行综合治理.  相似文献   
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