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Methods that are more cost-effective and objective are needed to detect important vegetation change within acceptable error rates. The objective of this research was to compare visual estimation to three new methods for determining vegetation cover in the sagebrush steppe. Fourteen management units at the US Sheep Experiment Station were identified for study. In each unit, 20 data collection points were selected for measuring plant cover using visual estimation, laser-point frame (LPF), 2 m above-ground-level (AGL) digital imagery, and 100-m AGL digital imagery. In 11 of 14 management units, determinations of vegetation cover differed (P < 0.05). However, when combined, overall determinations of vegetation cover did not differ. Standard deviation, corrected sums of squares, coefficient of variation, and standard error for the 100 m AGL method were half as large as for the LPF and less than the 2-m AGL and visual estimate. For the purpose of measuring plant cover, all three new methods are as good as or better than visual estimation for speed, standard deviation, and cost. The acquisition of a permanent image of a location is an important advantage of the 2 and 100 m AGL methods because vegetation can be reanalyzed using improved software or to answer different questions, and changes in vegetation over time can be more accurately determined. The reduction in cost per sample, the increased speed of sampling, and the smaller standard deviation associated with the 100-m AGL digital imagery are compelling arguments for adopting this vegetation sampling method.  相似文献   
Global Earth Observation (GEO) is one of the most important sources of information for environmental resource management and disaster prevention. With budgets for GEO increasingly under pressure, it is becoming important to be able to quantify the returns to informational investments. For this, a clear analytical framework is lacking. By combining Bayesian decision theory with an empirical, stakeholder-oriented approach, this paper attempts to develop such a framework. The analysis focuses on the use of satellite observations for Dutch water quality management in the North Sea. Dutch water quality management currently relies on information from 'in situ' measurements but is considering extending and deepening its information base with satellite observations. To estimate returns to additional investments in satellite observation, we analyze the added value of an extended monitoring system for the management of eutrophication, potentially harmful algal blooms and suspended sediment and turbidity in the North Sea. First, we develop a model to make the potential contribution of information to welfare explicit. Second, we use this model to develop a questionnaire and interpret the results. The results indicate that the expected welfare impact of investing in satellite observation is positive, but that outcomes strongly depend on the accuracy of the information system and the range of informational benefits perceived.  相似文献   
This paper elaborates on recent advances in the use of ScanSAR technologies for wetland-related research. Applications of active satellite radar systems include the monitoring of inundation dynamics as well as time series analyses of surface soil wetness. For management purposes many wetlands, especially those in dry regions, need to be monitored for short and long-term changes. Another application of these technologies is monitoring the impact of climate change in permafrost transition zones where peatlands form one of the major land cover types. Therefore, examples from boreal and subtropical environments are presented using the analysed ENVISAT ASAR Global mode (GM, 1 km resolution) data acquired in 2005 and 2006. In the case of the ENVISAT ASAR instrument, data availability of the rather coarse Global Mode depends on request priorities of other competing modes, but acquisition frequency may still be on average fortnightly to monthly depending on latitude. Peatland types covering varying permafrost regimes of the West Siberian Lowlands can be distinguished from each other and other land cover by multi-temporal analyses. Up to 75% of oligotrophic bogs can be identified in the seasonal permafrost zone in both years. The high seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of the subtropic Okavango Delta can also be captured by GM time series. Response to increased precipitation in 2006 differs from flood propagation patterns. In addition, relative soil moisture maps may provide a valuable data source in order to account for external hydrological factors of such complex wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   
我国洪涝灾害加剧的主要因素与进一步抗洪减灾应取的对策   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
我国正面临着洪涝灾害加剧的严峻形势。90年代以来,已出现了4个洪涝重灾年,每年的直接经济损失都接近或超过千亿元人民币。本文分析了导致我国洪涝灾害加剧的主要原因:首先是随着人口膨胀,大规模砍伐森林,大面积垦殖坡地,导致水土流失面积扩大,大量泥沙注入江河湖库;加之过度围垦湖泊与沿河低洼地,湖面大幅度萎缩;快速发展的城市化也使出现洪涝的可能性加大,损失加重。在总结我国抗洪防灾经验的基础上,讨论了应该进一步采取的措施,并提出了建立以Radarsat为主体的多卫星抗洪减灾遥感信息系统的设想。  相似文献   
We model coral community response to bleaching and mass mortality events which are predicted to increase in frequency with climate change. The model was parameterized for the Arabian/Persian Gulf, but is generally applicable. We assume three species groups (Acropora, faviids, and Porites) in two life-stages each where the juveniles are in competition but the adults can enter a size-refuge in which they cannot be competitively displaced. An aggressive group (Acropora species) dominates at equilibrium, which is not reached due to mass mortality events that primarily disadvantage this group (compensatory mortality, >90% versus 25% in faviids and Porites) roughly every 15 years. Population parameters (N individuals, carrying capacity) were calculated from satellite imagery and in situ transects, vital rates (fecundity, mortality, and survival) were derived from the model, field observations, and literature. It is shown that populations and unaltered community structure can persist despite repeated 90% mortality, given sufficiently high fecundity of the remaining population or import from connected populations. The frequency of disturbance determines the dominant group—in low frequency Acropora, in high frequency Porites. This is congruent with field observations. The model of an isolated population was more sensitive to parameter changes than that of connected populations. Highest sensitivity was to mortality rate and recruitment rate. Community composition was sensitive to spacing of disturbances and level of catastrophic mortality. Decreased mortality led to Acropora dominance, increased mortality led to Acropora extinction. In nature, closely spaced disturbances have severely disadvantaged Acropora populations over the last decade. Unless a longer (>10 years) disturbance-free interval can be maintained, a permanent shift away from Acropora dominance will be observed. A mortality rate of 99% in Acropora, as observed in 1996, is not sustainable if repetitive and neither is a disturbance frequency <15 years—each leading to population collapse. This shows that the severity and/or the spacing of the 1996–1998–2002 disturbances were unusual in frequency and duration.  相似文献   
以2020年1月—2021年9月对流层观测仪(TROPOMI)卫星观测资料反演获取的对流层甲醛(HCHO)、二氧化氮(NO2)柱浓度数据为依据,采用统计方法分析了扬州市HCHO和NO2柱浓度的时空分布特征。结果表明,扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2平均柱浓度分别为903.01×1013, 633.77×1013mole/cm2;受太阳紫外辐射影响,HCHO柱浓度变化特征表现为6月最高、1月最低;受气象条件和人为排放强度影响,NO2则表现为1月最高、8月最低。2021年1—9月扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2柱浓度月均值同比2020年分别增长4.0%,40.6%。空间分布特征显示,扬州市对流层HCHO和NO2浓度高值区主要分布在扬州市南部,且浓度高值区域与重点排污企业分布情况较为一致,多为电力供热、工业锅炉、冶金、石化与化工、表面涂层等行业。相关性分析显示,对流层HCHO与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著正相关,而NO2与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
The ecological and economic impacts associated with invasive species are of critical concern to land managers. The ability to map the extent and severity of invasions would be a valuable contribution to management decisions relating to control and monitoring efforts. We investigated the use of hyperspectral imagery for mapping invasive aquatic plant species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the Central Valley of California, at two spatial scales. Sixty-four flightlines of HyMap hyperspectral imagery were acquired over the study region covering an area of 2,139 km2 and field work was conducted to acquire GPS locations of target invasive species. We used spectral mixture analysis to classify two target invasive species; Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa), a submerged invasive, and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), a floating emergent invasive. At the relatively fine spatial scale for five sites within the Delta (average size 51 ha) average classification accuracies were 93% for Brazilian waterweed and 73% for water hyacinth. However, at the coarser, Delta-wide scale (177,000 ha) these accuracy results were 29% for Brazilian waterweed and 65% for water hyacinth. The difference in accuracy is likely accounted for by the broad range in water turbidity and tide heights encountered across the Delta. These findings illustrate that hyperspectral imagery is a promising tool for discriminating target invasive species within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta waterways although more work is needed to develop classification tools that function under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
基于DEM的SAR图像洪水水体的提取   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
星载雷达遥感已广泛应用于洪水灾害的监测和评估中。但是由于其阴影与水体严重混淆 ,使得从雷达图像中提取洪水水体较为困难。为此 ,本文探讨了在地形数据的支持下 ,实现星载SAR图像洪水水体半自动提取的方法。主要包括以下几步 :首先 ,对雷达图像进行滤波处理 ,并将其与地形数据匹配 ,从雷达图像中提取出初步的洪水水体范围 ;其次 ,利用地形数据生成DEM ,并根据雷达图像的成像参数和DEM生成相应的模拟雷达图像 ;最后 ,利用模拟雷达图像上的阴影 ,剔除被误提为洪水水体的阴影 ,从而实现洪水水体的准确提取。研究表明 ,该方法能有效地、半自动地将星载雷达图像上的洪水水体提取出来 ;同时 ,该方法可以用于多种星载多模式的雷达图像的洪水水体的识别提取 ,尤其对含山区的大范围洪水水体的半自动提取 ,更为适用。  相似文献   
利用RADARSAT SWA SAR和LANDSAT TM的互补信息确定洪水水体范围   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从RADARSAT SAR图像中自动提取洪水水体,一直是一个急需解决而又未能得到解决的问题。主要困难是由于阴影与水体严重相混淆。为此,本文研究发现,通过RADARSAT SWA SAR图像和LANDSAT TM图像上的互补信息,利用RADARSAT SWA SAR图像和LANDSAT TM图像上的水体和阴影进行复合处理,可以从RADARSAT SWA SAR图像上准确、半自动提取洪水水体范围。研究结果表明,该方法不仅适用于平地洪水水体范围的半自动提取,而且更适用于包含山区的大范围洪水水体的半自动提取。  相似文献   
太湖湖泛现象的卫星遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010年8月20日太湖地区Landsat ETM影像显示,太湖西部沿岸带存在湖泛黑水团现象,对该景遥感影像进行了大气校正,提取了湖泛样区、其他水体样区的ETM各波段光谱反射率数据统计特征。结果表明,湖泛样区在可见光波长的ETM波段1、2、3具有很低的反射率,水色暗黑,与人眼观察一致,而在反射红外波长的ETM波段4则有比波段3高的反射率,差异植被指数DVI>0,其原因为湖泛黑水团中,虽然大量蓝藻死亡分解,然而水中还残留有一定数量的活体蓝藻,残余叶绿素及细胞造成了虽然较弱、但仍较为稳定的反射红外波长处的光谱反射能力。提出了识别湖泛现象的遥感判据为ρ0.485<0.05 andρ0.56<0.08 andρ0.66<0.065 and(ρ0.83-ρ0.66)>0 andρ0.83<0.1。  相似文献   
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