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We investigated the effect of calcium ion on the adsorption of humic acid (HA) (as a target pollutant) by powered activated carbon. The HA adsorption isotherms at different pH and kinetics of two different solutions including HA alone and HA doped Ca2+, were performed. It was showed that the adsorption capacity of powdered activated carbon (PAC) for HA was markedly enhanced when Ca2+ was doped into HA. Also, HA and Ca2+ taken as nitrate were tested on the uptake of each other respectively and it was showed that the adsorbed amounts of both of them were significantly promoted when HA and calcium co-existed. Furthermore, the adsorbed amount of HA slightly decreased with the increasing of Ca2+ concentration, whereas the amount of calcium increased with the increasing of HA concentration, but all above the amounts without addition. Finally, the change of pH before and after adsorption process is studied. In the two different solutions including HA alone and HA doped Ca2+, pH had a small rise, but the extent of pH of later solution was bigger.  相似文献   
在春季采集了南昌森林地区(28.75°N,115.71°E)大气PM2.5样品,测定了其结合氨基酸(CAAs)和游离氨基酸(FAAs)的浓度以及甘氨酸(Gly)的氮同位素.结果表明,大气气溶胶中总CAAs的浓度为272.8~4761.5pmol/m3,总FAAs浓度为56.4~494.0pmol/m3.通过分析PM2.5中氨基酸的百分比组成,得出CAAs中Pro、Gly、Glu、Leu和Ala为主要氨基酸,分别占总CAAs的(19.5±12.0)%, (19.4±10.6)%, (15.3±4.9)%, (12.8±5.4)%和(9.1±1.6)%.在FAAs中,Gly为最丰富的氨基酸,占总FAAs的(71.1±9.2)%,其他单个FAAs的百分比却很小(占比范围为0.1%~14.3%).FAAs中的中性氨基酸百分占比明显高于其在CAAs中的百分占比,这可能与远距离传输过程中氨基酸的光化学反应有关.通过氨基酸浓度与O3、NO2和温度的相关性分析,发现森林地区气溶胶中FAAs形成与大气光化学过程和热反应有关.气溶胶中δ15NC-Gly值(-1.0‰~+17.5‰)和δ15NF-Gly值(-5.5‰~+13.0‰)均接近于土壤源的δ15NGly值,说明森林地区PM2.5中氨基酸可能主要来源于土壤源.  相似文献   
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which are largely generated during the anaerobic acidification process, are considered to be reliable indicators of the stable process operation. However, the common methods for monitoring VFAs are offline, and they are typically manual requiring time-consuming, costly and complex instruments. This study aims to develop a novel online analyzer for automatic measuring VFAs, which was based on the 5-pH point titration, embedded with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback control system. The results show that it can achieve accurate and rapid monitoring of VFAs ranging between 0-400 mg/L (<9 min/sample) but simultaneously faces the problems of overtitration and interference of complex characteristics of wastewater. In order to improve its accuracy and stability, the effects of three general coefficients (KI, KP, and KD) of PID on the titration were investigated, and the optimal values of KI, KP, and KD were found to be 1.5, 1.0, and -1.0~0.5, respectively. Besides, the initial titration speed was set at 0.06 mL/min, equal to the minimum speed of the peristaltic pump, and the dichotomy approach was integrated into the PID feedback controller. Owing to the above improvements, the relative mean deviation and standard deviation of measuring VFAs in both synthetic and real wastewaters were mostly lower than 5.0% and 5.0 mg/L, proving the online analyzer is rapid, accurate and reliable.  相似文献   
王青清  蒋珍茂  王俊  魏世强 《环境科学》2017,38(5):2136-2145
腐殖酸(HAs)是制约土壤铅赋存形态与活性的重要因素.本研究通过室内模拟实验,结合化学连续提取形态分级方法,探讨HAs活性组分(胡敏酸,HA;富里酸,FA)添加量及其比例(HA/FA比)对紫色潮土中铅赋存形态、有效性变化动态的影响.结果表明:(1)外源铅进入土壤经60d转化平衡后,土壤中交换态、残渣态铅降低,铁锰氧化物结合态、有机结合态铅增加,碳酸盐结合态铅变化不明显.(2)紫色潮土以交换态铅和碳酸盐结合态铅对有效铅贡献最大,HA通过降低碳酸盐结合态而对土壤铅产生钝化作用,FA则通过增加交换态和碳酸盐结合态而活化土壤铅;随着HAs用量的增加,钝化或活化作用越强.当HAs用量为3%C时,添加HA的土壤碳酸盐结合态铅较对照降低13.4个百分点,有效铅相应降低14.19%;添加FA的土壤交换态铅较对照增加13.59个百分点,碳酸盐结合态铅增加2.15个百分点,有效铅较对照相应增加4.09倍.FA(1%C)是土壤铅活化的突变点,当FA1%C时,土壤铅活化百分率增加了14%,土壤铅活性和生物有效性显著增大.(3)等量HAs(1%C)条件下,当HA/FA比≥7/3时,促进土壤铅向低活性的有机结合态和残渣态转化,HAs对土壤铅表现为钝化作用,而当HA/FA比≤5/5时,则表现为活化作用.  相似文献   
以长三角比较有代表性的3处水源(太湖、钱塘江、金兰水库)为实验对象,研究不同消毒条件下9种卤乙酸(haloacetic acids,HAAs)的形成及其影响因素,并通过建立多元回归模型来评估水源水氯化后HAAs的形成.结果表明:HAAs的形成水平依次为太湖钱塘江金兰水库,且均以二卤乙酸(dihaloacetic acid,DHAA)、三卤乙酸(trihaloacetic acid,THAA)为主.二氯乙酸(dichloroacetic acid,DCAA)、总二卤乙酸(ΣDHAA)、HAA5(USEPA规定的5种HAAs)、HAA9(9种HAA的简称)的回归模型具有良好的预测潜力,准确率达83.3%~94.4%,而三氯乙酸(trichloroacetic acid,TCAA)、一溴二氯乙酸(bromodichloroacetic acid,BDCAA)、ΣTHAA(总三卤乙酸)模型的预测准确率较低,只有47.2%~61.1%.根据偏相关系数分析,影响DCAA、ΣDHAA、HAA5的关键的因子是溶解性有机碳;影响TCAA、ΣTHAA、HAA9的关键的因子是投氯量;影响BDCAA形成的最关键因子是溴离子.  相似文献   
氢氧化钙调控剩余污泥碱性发酵,可有效提高发酵液原位合成层状双金属氢氧化物(LDHs)提取短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)的效率.本文拟利用氢氧化钙和氢氧化钠混碱调控剩余污泥碱性发酵,提高发酵过程SCFAs产量,进一步提高SCFAs提取效率.通过配置不同氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙混合比例的碱液,用于调控剩余污泥碱性发酵实验,发现混碱比例为25∶75时,可避免钙离子对污泥水解产酸影响,发酵液中SCFAs浓度达到6581.4 mg·L~(-1)(以每COD计,下同),是空白对照组(4179.4 mg·L~(-1))的1.6倍.同时,碱液提供的钙离子可将污泥发酵过程释放的无机阴离子去除,CO■、PO■浓度分别低至3.7 mmol·L~(-1)和0.5 mg·L~(-1).利用氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙调控剩余污泥进行混碱厌氧发酵,可有效提高SCFAs的产量,消除主要无机阴离子对发酵液原位合成层状双金属氢氧化物(LDHs)提取SCFAs的干扰,合成的LDHs中SCFAs的含量为52.3 mg·g~(-1) LDHs,是空白组(18.9 mg·g~(-1)LDHs)的2.8倍.  相似文献   
杨杰文  钟来元  郭荣发 《环境化学》2011,30(7):1348-1353
研究土壤Mn(Ⅱ)释放规律对揭示锰氧化物的形成机制和了解酸性土壤锰毒效应大小具有重要意义.结果表明,柠檬酸溶解砖红壤过程中,Mn(Ⅱ)的释放速率在前4 h比较迅速,其释放数量可达24 h反应时间内总释放量的59.5%,但随后释放速率逐渐减缓.快速阶段被认为是土壤表面交换态Mn(Ⅱ)的释放,而慢速阶段则与土壤锰氧化物的缓...  相似文献   
Protein and fat rich slaughterhouse waste is a very attractive waste stream for the production of biogas because of the high biochemical methane potential of the substrate. The material has however some drawbacks as the sole material for biogas production due to the production of several process disturbing metabolites such as ammonia, sulfides and long chain fatty acids. We can in this work present results that show that zeolites have the potential to relieve inhibitory stress from the presence of long chain fatty acids. Moreover, the results strongly indicate that it is mainly acetic acid consumers that are most negatively affected by long chain fatty acids and that the mechanism of stress relief is an adsorption of long chain fatty acids to the zeolites. In addition to this, it is shown that the effect is immediate and that only a small amount of zeolites is necessary to cancel the inhibitory effect of long chain fatty acids.  相似文献   
长链二元酸生产废水具有高有机物和硫酸盐含量的特点。本研究探索了在控制出水硫化物的条件下厌氧生物处理工艺对二元酸废水的处理效能。实验在空白对照(R0)、添加Fe0抑制剂(R1)和微曝气(R2)3组UASB反应器中进行。经过93 d的连续运行后发现:添加Fe0和微曝气均可提高UASB的运行性能;在稳定期,R1和R2的COD去除率相比R0分别提升了104%和77%,并减少了48%和78%的出水硫化物含量。添加Fe0有助于产生甲烷,但微曝气降低了沼气产率和甲烷含量。微生物群落分析表明,AUTHM297Desulfovibrio、Macellibacteroides、Longilinea是厌氧生物处理二元酸废水中的优势菌属。硫酸盐还原和产甲烷过程可共同作用于二元酸废水中有机物的去除。  相似文献   
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