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由于我国对企业特别是海外来大陆投资的企业,缺乏严格的安全管理手段,致使不少企业屡次出现安全事故。为了减少企业安全事故的发生,提高企业安全度,要求企业在贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的基本方针的基础上。建立“以人为本。以制度和伦理道德为约束的人性化的安全管理系统”。本文给出了该系统的模型,并对此模型进行了分析和解释,探讨了相关的几个理论基础,最后给出了人性化安全管理的实质。通过该系统的管理执行,使企业在尊重人权、尊重生命的前提下发展壮大,最终实现安全的全球化。  相似文献   
Wildlife conservation and management (WCM) practices have been historically drawn from a wide variety of academic fields, yet practitioners have been slow to engage with emerging conversations about animals as complex beings, whose individuality and sociality influence their relationships with humans. We propose an explicit acknowledgement of wild, nonhuman animals as active participants in WCM. We examined 190 studies of WCM interventions and outcomes to highlight 3 common assumptions that underpin many present approaches to WCM: animal behaviors are rigid and homogeneous; wildlife exhibit idealized wild behavior and prefer pristine habitats; and human–wildlife relationships are of marginal or secondary importance relative to nonhuman interactions. We found that these management interventions insufficiently considered animal learning, decision-making, individuality, sociality, and relationships with humans and led to unanticipated detrimental outcomes. To address these shortcomings, we synthesized theoretical advances in animal behavioral sciences, animal geographies, and animal legal theory that may help conservation professionals reconceptualize animals and their relationships with humans. Based on advances in these fields, we constructed the concept of animal agency, which we define as the ability of animals to actively influence conservation and management outcomes through their adaptive, context-specific, and complex behaviors that are predicated on their sentience, individuality, lived experiences, cognition, sociality, and cultures in ways that shape and reshape shared human–wildlife cultures, spaces, and histories. Conservation practices, such as compassionate conservation, convivial conservation, and ecological justice, incorporate facets of animal agency. Animal agency can be incorporated in conservation problem-solving by assessing the ways in which agency contributes to species’ survival and by encouraging more adaptive and collaborative decision-making among human and nonhuman stakeholders.  相似文献   
针对挥发性有机废气的生物法净化过程,进行了吸附-生物膜新型理论的相关动力学模型研究.经采用实验室数据和工业应用试验结果的对比验证表明,该模型对描述实际过程有很好的适用性.应用该模型对人口气体甲苯浓度、气体流量及生物膜填料层高度等主要因素的影响进行模拟研究,模拟计算值与实验值之间有较好的相关性,相关系数r为0.80~0.97.  相似文献   
利用职业安全卫生费用模型结合博弈论原理,对企业安全投资背后的利益冲突与协调问题进行了浅析.研究表明:企业凭借资本优势在与政府和劳动者的利益博弈中为了寻求经济利益最大化减少安全投资,使企业安全度大大降低,导致事故频发是政府、企业和劳动者之间利益博弈的结果.此外,劳动者的合法权益得不到保护,造成其在利益博弈中处于弱势地位是造成安全生产现状的重要原因之一.  相似文献   
城市轨道交通应急疏散方案决策是1个多准则决策问题,传统方法难以将决策者的偏好与风险倾向纳入考虑,因此引入累积前景理论与集对分析,得到1种结合累积前景理论与集对分析的决策方法。该方法考虑决策者面对风险时的态度,计算出方案的累积前景值;引入集对分析,通过时间权重与准则权重将前景值与集对势联系起来,计算出方案综合集对势,并利用其大小对备选方案进行排序;最后通过实例计算以及对权重的扰动分析,验证了方法有效性。  相似文献   
针对内蒙古自治区火力发电厂烟气脱硫装置运行现状,结合内蒙古环保厅工况在线平台和总量核算需求,以双膜理论为基础模拟脱硫喷淋塔内部的化学反应及相际传质过程,建立一个包含所有含硫组分浓度及传质速率的数学模型。得到的常系数微分方程用Runge-Kutta法求解。为适应环境监管平台的需要,对模型进行优化,得到一个脱硫效率模型。将模型预测结果与在线监测数据进行比较,误差分析表明模型具有较高的预测能力,且对不同的机组具有通用性。  相似文献   
中国环境基准研究重点方向探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
环境基准是环境标准的科学依据,在国家环境质量评价和风险管理体系中处于基础地位。它主要是依据特定对象在环境介质中的暴露数据,以及与环境要素的剂量效应关系数据,通过科学判断得出的,涉及环境化学、毒理学、生态学、流行病学、生物学和风险评估等前沿学科领域。国家环境基准研究是一个长期的系统工程,本文基于环境基准研究的学科特点和国际前沿,结合国家科技需求和相关领域的研究现状,综合分析并提出了未来中国环境基准研究的重点研究方向:1)环境基准的理论与方法学;2)环境基准基础数据库;3)基准目标污染物的筛选甄别和优先排序技术;4)水体营养物基准;5)生物测试与毒性评价技术;6)人体暴露评价理论与相关技术;7)环境基准的审核和校对;8)环境基准与标准转化理论及其对环境管理支撑技术。本文从环境基准学科发展的角度,阐述了与环境基准研究紧密相关的8个重点研究方面的国内外研究进展、关键科学问题以及未来重点研究内容。同时指出,这些重要的研究方向是环境基准研究的根本,未来环境基准的长期战略发展必将是建立在各个重要方向长足发展的基础之上,环境基准研究也必带动这些方向的共同蓬勃发展,为环境地球化学、毒理学、生态学等学科领域发展注入活力。  相似文献   
Social parasites exploit the worker force of colonies of other social insects to rear their own young. Social parasitism occurs in several Hymenoptera and is particularly common in several tribes of the ant subfamilies Myrmicinae and Formicinae. Here, we document the occurrence of miniaturized queens (microgynes) in colonies of Ectatomma tuberculatum, an ant belonging to the subfamily Ectatomminae. Behavioral observations and genetic analyses show that microgynes concentrate their reproductive efforts almost exclusively on the production of sexual offspring (microgynes and males), whereas the regular, large queens (macrogynes) produce workers in addition to sexuals. According to mitochondrial and nuclear markers, gene flow between microgynes and macrogynes is extremely limited. Whereas the co-occurrence of microgynes and macrogynes in the related species Ectatomma ruidum constitutes an intraspecific polymorphism associated with alternative dispersal tactics, microgynes found in colonies of E. tuberculatum appear to be a distinct species and to represent the first case of social parasitism in the poneromorph subfamilies of ants.  相似文献   
运用灰色系统理论,结合实例详细介绍了GM(1,1)模型在大气环境浓度预测中的应用。  相似文献   
为了科学客观地对应答器系统进行风险评估,规避评估过程中的主观性和不确定性,提出了一种基于改进型AHP与证据理论的评估方法。首先识别系统的风险因素,采用改进型AHP法确定风险因素的权重;然后依据权重将模糊子集引入证据体空间,并加入模糊概率,将专家的模糊描述转换为定量描述,利用证据理论合成规则得到系统风险的mass函数值。最后,以应答器系统为例进行风险评估,结果表明,该方法的评估结果与实际情况基本吻合,验证了该方法的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   
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