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环糊精在土壤有机污染物治理中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
综述了环糊精及其衍生物在土壤弱极性有机物治理中的应用和原理。环糊精可与土壤中弱极性有机污染物形成主客包合物,从而增加其水溶性促进其从土壤中解吸去除;能够同时去除金属离子;能够改变有机污染物理化性质促进其光解;可降低有机污染物毒性促进其微生物降解。 相似文献
加强土壤污染防治资金和工程项目管理的建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章首先分析了中央财政土壤污染防治专项资金的性质,结合资金管理办法进一步阐明了资金使用范围、资金分配方式、绩效导向和信息公开要求。分析了部分省份开展的土壤污染防治工程项目、资金管理制度建设的现状和获得2016年第一批土壤污染防治专项资金支持项目的情况,对比指出了在支持重点、支持方式上的不同特点。基于主要问题,从加强土壤污染防治项目储备库建设、开展项目与资金规范管理的制度建设、明确不同对象的组织管理职责、重视咨询服务队伍和专家队伍建设等四个方面,阐述了加强土壤污染防治项目组织和资金管理的建议,为相关环境管理部门提供决策参考。 相似文献
Sean LIU 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2003,(6)
IntroductionTheconventionalmethodforsubsurfaceremediationofgroundwatercontaminationwithVOCsistheso called“pump and treat”technology .Thelimitationofthisapproachistheprohibitivelylongtreatmenttimeforremediatingthegroundwatercontaminatedwithcommonchlorinatedsolventsthathavedensitiesgreaterthanthatofwater(classifiedasDNAPLs densenon aqueousphaseliquids) .Thisislargelyduetotheverylowwatersolubilityandlowbiodegradabilityofthisclassofsolventsandthetendencyofthesolventssettlinginthebottomofanaqu… 相似文献
微波萃取技术在分析土壤中有机污染物的应用 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
介绍了微波萃取技术及其使用的试剂、设备和条件,对微波萃取在分析土壤中有机污染物的应用予以综述,阐述了微波萃取技术是分析土壤中有机污染物的好方法。 相似文献
针铁矿及腐残质对水体重金属离子的吸附作用 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
采用针铁矿、腐殖质,针铁矿-腐殖复合微粒对重合微粒对重金属离子进行了吸附-解吸实验。结果表明它们对Cu^2 ,Zn^2 有强烈的吸附作用。针铁矿对Cu^2 和Zn^2 的吸附边界pH值分别为4.3和5.8,且吸附率可达95%以上。腐殖质对Cu^2 和Zn^2 的吸附边界pH值分别为4.1和5.6,且在pH值为8时,吸附率可达96%以上。针铁矿与腐殖形成的稳定复合微粒不仅对重金属离子具有良好的吸附作用,还具有均匀性好和沉降稳定的特点,可用于土壤修复和含重金属离子的污水的处理。 相似文献
Disturbance by military maneuvers over short and long time scales may have differential effects on grassland communities.
We assessed small mammals as indicators of disturbance by military maneuvers in a mixed prairie in southern Oklahoma USA.
We examined sites on two soil series, Foard and Lawton, across a gradient of disturbance intensity. A MANOVA showed that abundance
of small mammals was associated (p = 0.03) with short-term (cover of vehicle tracks) disturbance but was not associated (p = 0.12) with long-term (loss of soil organic carbon, SOC) disturbance intensity. At the individual species level, Sigmodon hispidus (cotton rat) and Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) occurred across all levels of disturbance and in both soil types. Only P. maniculatus abundance changed (p < 0.01) with short-term disturbance and increased by about one individual per 5% of additional track-cover. Abundance of
P. maniculatus also increased (p = 0.04) by about three individuals per 1% increase in soil carbon. Chaetodipus hispidus (hispid pocket mouse) and Reithrodontomys fulvescens (fulvous harvest mouse) only occurred in single soil types limiting their potential as more general indicators. Abundance
of P. maniculatus was positively related to shifts in plant species composition and likely reflected changes in vegetation structure (i.e.
litter depth) and forage availability resulting from disturbance. Peromyscus maniculatus may be a useful biological indicator of ecosystem change because it responded predictably to both long-term and short-term
disturbance and, when coupled with soil, plant, and disturbance history variables, can reveal land condition trends. 相似文献
Govil PK Sorlie JE Murthy NN Sujatha D Reddy GL Rudolph-Lund K Krishna AK Rama Mohan K 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2008,140(1-3):313-323
Studies on quantitative soil contamination due to heavy metals were carried out in Katedan Industrial Development Area (KIDA),
south of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India under the Indo-Norwegian Institutional Cooperation Programme. The study area falls
under a semi-arid type of climate and consists of granites and pegmatite of igneous origin belonging to the Archaean age.
There are about 300 industries dealing with dyeing, edible oil production, battery manufacturing, metal plating, chemicals,
etc. Most of the industries discharge their untreated effluents either on open land or into ditches. Solid waste from industries
is randomly dumped along roads and open grounds. Soil samples were collected throughout the industrial area and from downstream
residential areas and were analysed by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for fourteen trace metals and ten major oxides. The
analytical data shows very high concentrations of lead, chromium, nickel, zinc, arsenic and cadmium through out the industrial
area. The random dumping of hazardous waste in the industrial area could be the main cause of the soil contamination spreading
by rainwater and wind. In the residential areas the local dumping is expected to be the main source as it is difficult to
foresee that rain and wind can transport the contaminants from the industrial area. If emission to air by the smokestacks
is significant, this may contribute to considerable spreading of contaminants like As, Cd and Pb throughout the area. A comparison
of the results with the Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines (SQGL) show that most of the industrial area is heavily contaminated
by As, Pb and Zn and local areas by Cr, Cu and Ni. The residential area is also contaminated by As and some small areas by
Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. The Cd contamination is detected over large area but it is not exceeding the SQGL value. Natural background
values of As and Cr exceed the SQGL values and contribute significantly to the contamination in the residential area. However,
the availability is considerably less than anthropogenic contaminants and must therefore be assessed differently. The pre-
and post-monsoon sampling over two hydrological cycles in 2002 and 2003 indicate that the As, Cd and Pb contaminants are more
mobile and may expect to reach the groundwater. The other contaminants seem to be much more stable. The contamination is especially
serious in the industrial area as it is housing a large permanent residing population. The study not only aims at determining
the natural background levels of trace elements as a guide for future pollution monitoring but also focuses on the pollution
vulnerability of the watershed. A plan of action for remediation is recommended. 相似文献