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我国县域尺度生态环境质量状况及空间格局分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)2008年的县域数据,按照《生态环境状况评价技术规范(试行)》(HJ/T192-2006)的方法和指标,评价了全国县域尺度的生态环境质量状况,分析县域生态环境质量的空间分布格局。结果表明,我国县域生态环境质量以"良"和"一般"为主,占国土面积的72%;东部地区县域生态环境质量好于中西部地区,中部地区县域生态环境质量以"良"为主,西部地区则以"一般"为主;在空间分布格局上,各生态环境质量类型受气候、大的地形地貌影响明显,与重要的气候分界线、山脉分布具有很好的相关性。  相似文献   
在越来越多的自然灾害风险防范中,风险沟通被作为一种工具以提高政府与公众风险消息交流成功的概率。公众的风险认知情况是影响灾害风险沟通成功的重要因素,如果没有洞察到公众对风险的感知与理解,有效的风险沟通几乎是不可能的。本文通过问卷调查,分析和评价了公众的旱灾风险认知水平,针对性别、受灾经历和风险消息传播媒介等对公众风险认知...  相似文献   
Manipulative parasites are known to alter the spatial distribution of their intermediate hosts in a way that enables trophic transmission to definitive hosts. However, field data on the ecological implications of such changes are lacking. In particular, little is known about the spatial coexistence between infected prey and dead-end predators after a parasite-induced habitat shift. Here, we used an Amphipoda (Gammarus roeseli)–Acanthocephala (Polymorphus minutus) association to investigate how infection with a manipulative parasite affects the predation risk by non-hosts within the invertebrate community. First, we collected invertebrates by sampling various natural habitats and calculated the distribution amplitude of amphipods according to their infection status. Infection with P. minutus significantly reduced the habitat breadth in G. roeseli, parasitised individuals being mainly found in floating materials whereas uninfected ones were widespread throughout the sampled habitats. Second, to test if these changes also affect the risk for P. minutus to be ingested by non-hosts, we estimated the predation risk experienced by G. roeseli within the macro-invertebrate community. The habitat overlap between potential invertebrate predators and G. roeseli showed that the spatial probability of encounter was lower for P. minutus-infected amphipods than for uninfected conspecifics. For the first time, to our knowledge, a study used ecological tools to bring field evidence for the spatial avoidance of dead-end predators in a manipulated amphipod.  相似文献   
We present a mechanistic formulation of the intake response of ruminants to vegetation biomass based solely on physiological and morphological parameters that scale allometrically with the animal's body mass. The model is applied to describe herbivore-vegetation interactions in dynamic and heterogeneous landscapes with low quality but abundant “tall grass” and high quality but sparsely available “short grass”, under two conditions: “uncoupled” (such that the effect of food intake on vegetation biomass can be neglected), or “coupled” (such that the vegetation biomass is determined by herbivore feeding). The results show that under uncoupled conditions, the minimum acceptance (proportion of vegetation consumed by the herbivore) at which the herbivore can leave its current patch without reducing its intake rate is when it has depleted the current patch by the energetic cost required to travel to another patch. The maximum acceptance at which the herbivore should leave its patch is when it has depleted the current patch by the cumulative energetic cost of traveling, handling, cropping, and digesting. Under coupled conditions, the optimal acceptance equals half the relative growth rate of the vegetation. Analytical solutions are obtained for equilibrium values for utilization of the vegetation, and for the densities of vegetation and ruminants, expressed in physiological and morphological herbivore parameters.  相似文献   
The outcome of predator-prey interactions depends on the characteristics of predators and prey as well as the structure of the environment. In a replicated field enclosure experiment, we tested the effects of quantity and quality of different prey refuges (no structure, structure forming a partial refuge, and structure forming a complete refuge) on the interaction between piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis) and juvenile perch and roach (Rutilus rutilus). We quantified the behaviour of the predators and the prey and predator-induced prey mortality. The piscivores stayed in or close to the prey refuge and were more dispersed in the presence than in the absence of prey refuges. Survival of juvenile perch and roach decreased in the presence of predators and was higher for juvenile roach than for juvenile perch. In addition, juvenile perch survival increased with refuge efficiency Roach formed schools which were denser in the presence of predators, had a higher swimming speed (both in the open water and in the refuge) and used a larger area than juvenile perch. Both prey species decreased their distance to the prey refuge and increased the proportion of their time spent in the refuge in the presence of predators. The number of switches between the open-water habitat and the prey refuge was higher for juvenile roach than for juvenile perch. Juvenile perch used different parts of the prey refuge in a flexible way depending both on presence of predators and refuge type whereas juvenile roach used the different parts of the prey refuge in fixed proportions over all refuge treatments. Our results suggest that juvenile roach had a overall higher capacity to avoid predation than juvenile perch. However, in the presence of qualitatively different prey refuges juvenile perch responded to predators with more flexible refuge use than juvenile roach. The differences in antipredator capacities of juvenile perch and roach when subjected to piscivorous perch predation may depend on differences in life history patterns of the two species.  相似文献   
利用广东省260个土壤剖面数据,开展区域尺度下的土壤砷(As)元素质量分数的空间分布和垂直变异研究。结果显示,研究区土壤砷的几何平均质量分数为10.4 mg.kg-1,高于全国的平均水平9.6 mg.kg-1。表层土壤As的上基线质量分数为23.4 mg.kg-1。土壤As的空间分布特征主要决定其成土母岩的类型,主要表现为A、B、C 3层土壤As的空间展布形式相似,高As背景质量分数主要分布于石灰岩和砂页岩地区。此外,由A层至C层,As质量分数呈逐渐增加的趋势(由低到高依次为10.4 mg.kg-1,10.7 mg.kg-1,11.3 mg.kg-1),但无底层富集特征,这种垂直变异特征与低有机质含量和强烈的土壤侵蚀作用有关。计算得出,研究区由土壤侵蚀引发的流入周边水体的土壤As每年可高达1 040 t。  相似文献   
The intraurban distribution of PM2.5 concentration is influenced by various spatial, socioeconomic, and meteorological parameters. This study investigated the influence of 37 parameters on monthly average PM2.5 concentration at the subdistrict level with Pearson correlation analysis and land-use regression (LUR) using data from a subdistrict-level air pollution monitoring network in Shenzhen, China. Performance of LUR models is evaluated with leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) and holdout cross-validation (holdout CV). Pearson correlation analysis revealed that Normalized Difference Built-up Index, artificial land fraction, land surface temperature, and point-of-interest (POI) numbers of factories and industrial parks are significantly positively correlated with monthly average PM2.5 concentrations, while Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Green View Factor show significant negative correlations. For the sparse national stations, robust LUR modelling may rely on a priori assumptions in direction of influence during the predictor selection process. The month-by-month spatial regression shows that RF models for both national stations and all stations show significantly inflated mean values of R2 compared with cross-validation results. For MLR models, inflation of both R2 and R2CV was detected when using only national stations and may indicate the restricted ability to predict spatial distribution of PM2.5 levels. Inflated within-sample R2 also exist in the spatiotemporal LUR models developed with only national stations, although not as significant as spatial LUR models. Our results suggest that a denser subdistrict level air pollutant monitoring network may improve the accuracy and robustness in intraurban spatial/spatiotemporal prediction of PM2.5 concentrations.  相似文献   
基于Sentinel-5P卫星遥感数据,分析济南市2019—2021年夏季甲醛浓度的时空分布特征及对臭氧污染的影响。结果表明:研究期间夏季甲醛平均柱浓度呈逐年下降趋势,2020年同比降幅最大为24%;甲醛浓度高值区域主要分布在人口密集的市区及工业聚集的章丘区、济阳区和商河县,呈现由城市中心向外扩散的趋势;甲醛浓度受周边城市的影响,形成一条东西向的区域化污染带;甲醛对臭氧的影响主要表现在臭氧污染轻度或污染初期,而氮氧化物的排放进一步加重臭氧污染。  相似文献   
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