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This study conducted a combined adsorption-sequential extractionanalysis (CASA), by which five phases (i.e., exchangeable, carbonate, Mn-Oxide, organic, and Fe-Oxide phases) of adsorbed heavy metals were analyzed, to investigate temperature effects on single and competitive adsorptions of Zn(II) and Cu(II) ontonatural clays. In the case of single adsorption of Zn, the exchangeable phase adsorption decreased from 65 to 40%, but thecarbonate phase adsorption increased from 30 to 40%, with an increase in temperature from 15 to 55 °C. However, in itscompetitive adsorption with Cu, Zn was mostly present in the exchangeable phase (over 90%), and with an increase in temperature, the exchangeable phase adsorption decreased only 10%. In the case of Cu, over 50% among the total amount of adsorption was present in the carbonate phase in both cases ofsingle and competitive adsorptions. The carbonate phaseadsorption of Cu increased from 56 to 61% and from 60 to 66% in single and competitive adsorptions, respectively, with atemperature increase. These results show that in the case of Zn,the major mechanism of retention in natural clay soils might beexchangeable phase adsorption, especially in the case of competitive adsorption with Cu. However, in the case of Cu, the major mechanism might be carbonate phase adsorption, which is known to be a more immobile phase than exchangeable phase adsorption. It seems that the adsorption of Zn and Cu onto natural clays is an endothermic reaction, which represents thatthe adsorption equilibrium constants and capacities increase with a temperature increase, with the exception of exchangeablephase adsorption.  相似文献   
The provision of energy for households is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the domestic sector. There is significant scope for energy savings and thus emission reduction in this sector. This paper constructs a bridge between thermal analysis and environmental assessment in the occupancy stage of the dwelling life cycle, approaching both methods as being on a common system Environment–Dwelling–Inhabitant. The importance of the local level in the thermal analysis and assessment of either a dwelling or an inhabitant's behaviour is demonstrated. It is shown that the researcher can choose between natural experiment, computer experiment and mathematical modelling to analyze the system. Such a choice is discussed for two particular methods of thermal analysis. Thermal Nomograms are the result of mathematical modelling, and the Energy Score Sheet is the result of a computer experiment in energy rating. Despite being developed for the purpose of thermal analysis, these methods can also be utilized for environmental assessment at the local level. The discussion centres on Australian conditions where the majority of the population resides in a relatively benign climate wherein behavioural alterations have significant potential for energy savings and environmental impact. The purpose of the paper is to emphasise benefits apart from energy minimisation to promote the use of energy efficient housing strategies.  相似文献   
扬州地区酸雨现状及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2006年1月—2010年12月的酸雨监测数据,对扬州地区酸雨的变化规律和趋势进行了统计分析。结果表明:扬州地区酸雨主要集中在扬州市区与仪征城区,"十一五"期间,扬州市区酸雨呈逐年减少趋势,仪征城区大气污染严重,降水pH年均值均小于5.6,经评价扬州市区属于非酸雨区-较重酸雨区,仪征城区属于轻酸雨区-重酸雨区。高邮、江都、宝应城区从2007年起无酸雨出现。仪征城区酸雨主要是由燃煤型和燃油型混合空气污染造成的,近年来随着机动车拥有量的迅速增加,各种机动车排放的尾气已成为形成酸雨的重要原因,应引起重视。  相似文献   
针对环境监测领域,研制了一种基于顺序注射分析技术的总氮在线分析仪。该分析仪以注射泵为分析过程的液体驱动定量单元,以多通道选向阀为流路切换单元,以发光二极管和硅光电管为检测单元。在该分析平台上,含氮化合物在高温高压条件下经过硫酸钾氧化成硝酸根,硝酸根被还原为亚硝酸根后与N-(1-萘基)乙二胺盐酸盐生成偶氮染料,再由光电检测单元测定吸光度值,经计算得到总氮含量。与现有的总氮在线分析技术相比,该分析仪具有检测单元简单、生产成本低、测量精度高、试剂消耗和废液产生量少等优点,适合于环境监测等领域的长时间在线分析。  相似文献   
以江苏省河流湖泊为研究对象,选取不同水体代表性点位,运用多生境采样法和形态学鉴定获取淡水大型底栖无脊椎动物的物种数及对应的采样面积,拟合实际结果的物种数与面积关系对数函数曲线。所研究采样量包括采样面积值、样方及样带数。研究发现,不同水体点位最适采样量面积为1.45~12.75 m2,样方及样带总数为6~16个,其要求十分耗时耗力。为解决这一问题,以物种数与面积关系对数函数的一阶导数曲线y≈1值为临界点,提出"高效采样量"概念,并提出3条采样原则供讨论。同时得到江苏地区高效采样量:涉水可过河流采样面积为1.36 m2,涉水不可过河流采样面积为1.5 m2,不可涉水河流和浅水湖泊采样面积为1.75 m2,均需采集4个样方,1个样带。  相似文献   
段国玉 《环境科学与管理》2007,23(9):129-130,141
中水回用作为一项保护环境、节约资源的措施,将有力地促进城市的可持续发展和加速生态城市的建设,是解决中国水资源危机的有效途径之一.文章着重对住宅小区的中水回用系统进行了经济技术分析.  相似文献   
本文回顾了灾害经济学的发展历程,分析了灾害经济学的理论框架及与其他学科的关系,从经济学的角度阐述了建立这一学科的必要性,并探讨了建立这一学科的基础条件.全文从经济学的角度阐述了建立这一学科的必要性.并探讨了建立这一学科所要研究的理论知识.  相似文献   
中国省际资源节约指数的空间差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文首次利用改进的"节约指数"并结合图形数据,对中国各省区资源消耗现状进行定量分析。结果表明:中国资源节约指数空间差异明显,总体上东部比西部节约、中部过渡(除山西外);低于全国平均节约水平的省域约占2/3,其中大部分在西部地区;此外,经济发展水平越高的省域,资源环境绩效水平相对越好。研究结果揭示了中国不同省域建设节约型社会的节约水平和资源利用效率差异,同时也为促进区域协调发展以及经济社会的可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   
通过宏观观察、微观断口分析、成分分析、金相分析和磁粉探伤等方法对靶试后出现开裂的某小口径弹药药筒进行了失效分析.该药筒的裂纹处有明显的压痕,断口微观形貌韧性特征明显,药筒钢材的化学成分、夹杂物含量和显微组织均符合规定的要求,磁粉探伤表明其表面、近表面无缺陷.认为药筒表面的压痕是导致药筒开裂的主要原因.  相似文献   
主成分和聚类分析应用于淮南矿区地下水水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用主成分方法分析淮南矿区23个地下水样的7个水样指标,提取出4个主成分,应用聚类分析对该4个主成分的得分进行聚类。在此基础上,将主成分得分与其对应的特征值相乘,得到水质综合评价指数。聚类分析后水样划分为5类,对每一类的水质综合评价指数取平均值,从而确定水质等级。  相似文献   
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