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厚煤层沿底布置巷道顶板维护难度较大,从爆破扰动影响顶板稳定性的角度对此进行了研究.在分析爆破应力波远区破坏效应的基础上,建立了沿底布置巷道顶板的剪切梁模型,依此研究了顶板煤、岩体的水平位移及应力分布规律,最后以某矿地质条件为原型利用Flac3D数值软件进行了模拟研究.研究发现:基于爆破应力波的远区破坏效应,沿底布置巷道的顶板煤层与上覆岩层的相对错动可以用剪切梁理论加以分析.基于此得到了厚煤层巷道顶板中煤层与岩层单调加载过程及循环加载条件下的位移及应力分布,单次爆破对顶板的影响有限,多次扰动的累积效应会对其产生一定程度的损伤.模拟中,随着装药量的增加,沿底布置巷道顶板煤、岩体的水平位移随之增加,且煤体的位移量大于岩体;持续扰动条件下,煤、岩体的水平位移均出现了累加效应,且随着动力扰动作用次数的增加,煤、岩体的相对错动逐渐增大,容易产生顶板离层垮落等动力灾害.研究成果对加强扰动作用下顶板的支护管理具有一定的理论与指导意义.  相似文献   
边坡的稳定性问题关系到人们的生命安全,对其进行研究是非常有必要的。以白云鄂博铁矿的D区边坡稳定性分析为例,采用复合法进行研究,首先通过对其边坡进行现场节理的详细线测量绘制赤平投影图,来判断出可能发生破坏的位置;其次通过Sarma法进行平衡理论计算,稳定性系数结果为0.75;最后通过FLAC3D进行数值模拟计算,得出应力、应变云图,另对分析出可能破坏的两个位置进行剖面计算,计算后的稳定性系数结果分别为0.5、0.6。总之,边坡稳定性系数均小于1,可能发生失稳,需对其进行加固,保证矿山安全开采。  相似文献   
主要对硅藻土的烧结改性进行了进一步的研究,并对改性硅藻土用于污水处理系统生物膜的载体制作进行参数研究。通过设置适宜的污水水力学特性、良好的载体挂膜性能表征、实验运行稳定性等多方面进行对比实验,得出最佳生物膜挂膜性能的改性硅藻土陶瓷生物膜载体。  相似文献   
在摇瓶试验中通过投加4种对应不同蛋白酶的抑制剂,研究了白腐真菌 Phanerochaete chrysosporium 固定化发酵过程中所产的胞外蛋白酶对其MnP的产生以及稳定性的影响.在培养1d后投加 Pepstatin A 可使MnP峰值提高且提前1d出现,而投加PMSF、EDTA后MnP峰值出现时间不变但峰值皆下降;培养4d后投加 PMSF 和Pepstatin A可使MnP酶活提高且稳定性增强;培养过程中投加 HgCl2 均会抑制菌体生长,使 MnP酶活水平较低.在培养1d后直接补人初级蛋白酶浓缩液.MnP 峰值酶活稍有提高.且第3d补入初级蛋白酶浓缩液会使MnP提前1d出现.在离体条件下,EDTA 和 HgCl2均可抑制MnP酶活;初级蛋白酶和次级蛋白酶均会导致MnP不稳定,但投加 PMSF 和 Pepstatin A 后,MnP稳定性增强.以上结果表明,在培养过程中初级蛋白酶部分组分对MnP的产生过程具有促进作用;初级蛋白酶和次级蛋白酶会导致离体MnP迅速失活,且证实其中2种组分--丝氨酸蛋白酶和天冬氨酸蛋白酶--可导致离体MnP不稳定.  相似文献   
对于投资较少的上游式尾矿筑坝法而言,在实际的堆积施工过程中,由于很难严格按照设计的坡比进行每一级子坝的堆筑,导致矿方无法及时、真正掌握当前尾矿坝的受力性能和稳定状态。因此,针对某典型尾矿坝剖面,采用迈达斯商业软件试用版对尾矿坝的堆积过程进行了模拟分析,利用强度折减有限元方法对施工当前状态的尾矿坝进行了边坡稳定分析,得到了当前状态尾矿坝的塑性剪应变云图和相对应的抗滑稳定安全系数。比较了尾矿坝安全系数随着子坝堆筑的变化情况,结果发现:随着堆积子坝的进行,尾矿坝的整体抗滑稳定系数逐渐减小,此外在初期坝和一级子坝的下游坡脚处容易出现相对较大的变形。此研究结果为矿部管理部门及时了解尾矿坝的稳定程度和实际生产提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
稳定的矿井通风系统是实现矿井安全高效生产的前提,但是随着采掘工作面的推进,通风网络结构的变化,巷道的冒顶变形等,通风系统的稳定性也随之变化.基于矿井通风系统稳定性的重要性、非线性和时变性,运用Lyapounov(李雅普诺夫)稳定性理论和灵敏度,提出了定量分析判定矿井通风系统稳定性的方法.方法以Lyapounov稳定性分...  相似文献   
A Markov model for assessing ecological stability properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological systems are frequently modeled as dynamic systems. It is natural then to use the techniques of dynamic systems theory to analyze such models. However, the methods and results that are produced by dynamic systems theory do not always capture the aspects of ecological systems that are of greatest interest to managers and decision-makers. We identify some of the challenges of using dynamic systems theory to explore ecological systems and propose an alternative approach that emphasizes the understanding of transient effects in light of uncertainty and variability. We illustrate this method by an examination of a model for phosphorus levels in fresh water lakes.  相似文献   
In planktonic food webs, the conversion rate of plant material to herbivore biomass is determined by a variety of factors such as seston biochemical/elemental composition, phytoplankton cell morphology, and colony architecture. Despite the overwhelming heterogeneity characterizing the plant–animal interface, plankton population models usually misrepresent the food quality constraints imposed on zooplankton growth. In this study, we reformulate the zooplankton grazing term to include seston food quality effects on zooplankton assimilation efficiency and examine its ramifications on system stability. Using different phytoplankton parameterizations with regards to growth strategies, light requirements, sinking rates, and food quality, we examined the dynamics induced in planktonic systems under varying zooplankton mortality/fish predation, light conditions, nutrient availability, and detritus food quality levels. In general, our analysis suggests that high food quality tends to stabilize the planktonic systems, whereas unforced oscillations (limit cycles) emerge with lower seston food quality. For a given phytoplankton specification and resource availability, the amplitude of the plankton oscillations is primarily modulated from zooplankton mortality and secondarily from the nutritional quality of the alternative food source (i.e., detritus). When the phytoplankton community is parameterized as a cyanobacterium-like species, conditions of high nutrient availability combined with high zooplankton mortality led to phytoplankton biomass accumulation, whereas a diatom-like parameterization resulted in relatively low phytoplankton to zooplankton biomass ratios highlighting the notion that high phytoplankton food quality allows the zooplankton community to sustain relatively high biomass and to suppress phytoplankton biomass to low levels. During nutrient and light enrichment conditions, both phytoplankton and detritus food quality determine the extent of the limit cycle region, whereas high algal food quality increases system resilience by shifting the oscillatory region towards lower light attenuation levels. Detritus food quality seems to regulate the amplitude of the dynamic oscillations following enrichment, when algal food quality is low. These results highlight the profitability of the alternative food sources for the grazer as an important predictor for the dynamic behavior of primary producer–grazer interactions in nature.  相似文献   
In the present paper we propose a modification of a basic eco-epidemiological model by incorporating predator switching among susceptible and infected prey population. A local and global study of the basic model is performed around the disease-free boundary equilibrium and the interior equilibrium to estimate important parameter thresholds that control disease eradication and species coexistence. Next we analyze the switching model from the same perspective in order to elucidate the role of switching on disease dynamics. Numerical simulations are carried out to justify analytical results.  相似文献   
EcoTroph (ET) is a model articulated around the idea that the functioning of aquatic ecosystems may be viewed as a biomass flow moving from lower to higher trophic levels, due to predation and ontogenetic processes. Thus, we show that the ecosystem biomass present at a given trophic level may be estimated from two simple equations, one describing biomass flow, the other their kinetics (which quantifies the velocity of biomass transfers towards top predators). The flow kinetic of prey partly depends on the abundance of their predators, and a top-down equation expressing this is included in the model. Based on these relationships, we simulated the impact on a virtual ecosystem of various exploitation patterns. Specifically, we show that the EcoTroph approach is able to mimic the effects of increased fishing effort on ecosystem biomass expected from theory. Particularly, the model exhibits complex patterns observed in field data, notably cascading effects and ‘fishing down the food web’. EcoTroph also provides diagnostic tools for examining the relationships between catch and fishing effort at the ecosystem scale and the effects of strong top-down controls and fast-flow kinetics on ecosystems resilience. Finally, a dynamic version of the model is derived from the steady-state version, thus allowing simulations of time series of ecosystem biomass and catches. Using this dynamic model, we explore the propagation of environmental variability in the food web, and illustrated how exploitation can induce a decrease of ecosystem stability. The potential for applying EcoTroph to specific ecosystems, based on field data, and similarities between EcoTroph and Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) are finally discussed.  相似文献   
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