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湖南省不同土地利用方式的碳排放效应及时空格局分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
土地利用变化是造成碳排放量增长的主要原因.运用相关统计数据,测算并分析了湖南省不同土地利用方式的碳排放效应及时空差异.结果表明,2003-2009年,湖南省净碳排放量呈增加趋势,年均增加478.15万t,而单位GDP碳排放强度却呈下降趋势,且与人均GDP呈现出倒U型曲线关系,曲线拐点在人均GDP达到0.97~1.00万元·人-1附近.同期,湖南省建设用地和耕地成为主要的碳源,其中,建设用地碳排放量年均增加约483.19万t,对净碳排放量的年均贡献率超过84%;林地为主要碳汇,其碳汇量年均可达769.67万t.2009年,湖南省净碳排放量存在着明显的区域差异,总体上呈现从东到西、从北到南逐渐减小的趋势,其中,娄底、岳阳、湘潭与郴州4市属于高排放-低效率(HE-LE)类型;永州、怀化、吉首与张家界4市属于低排放-高效率(LE-HE)类型;邵阳、长沙、常德、株洲、衡阳与益阳6市属于中排放-中效率(ME-ME)类型.  相似文献   
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is declining across the western United States. Aspen habitats are among the most diverse plant communities in this region and loss of these habitats can result in shifts in biodiversity, productivity, and hydrology across a range of spatial scales. Western aspen occurs on the majority of sites seral to conifer species, and long-term maintenance of these aspen woodlands requires periodic fire. Over the past century, fire intervals, extents, and intensities have been insufficient to regenerate aspen stands at historic rates; however the effects of various fire regimes and management scenarios on aspen vegetation dynamics at broad spatial and temporal scales are unexplored. Here we use field data, remotely sensed data, and fire atlas information to develop a spatially explicit landscape simulation model to assess the effects of current and historic wildfire regimes and prescribed burning programs on landscape vegetation composition across two mountain ranges in the Owyhee Plateau, Idaho. Model outputs depict the future structural makeup and species composition of the landscape at selected time steps under simulated management scenarios. We found that under current fire regimes and in the absence of management activities, loss of seral aspen stands will continue to occur over the next two centuries. However, a return to historic fire regimes (burning 12–14% of the modeled landscape per decade) would maintain the majority of aspen stands in early and mid seral woodland stages and minimizes the loss of aspen. A fire rotation of 70–80 years was estimated for the historic fire regime while the current fire regime resulted in a fire rotation of 340–450 years, underscoring the fact that fire is currently lacking in the system. Implementation of prescribed burning programs, treating aspen and young conifer woodlands according to historic fire occurrence probabilities, are predicted to prevent conifer dominance and loss of aspen stands.  相似文献   
Cu2+和Cu-EDTA对鲫鱼脑组织应激蛋白HSP70诱导的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)作为实验对象,经过40d不同浓度铜(Cu2+)及其配合物(Cu-EDTA)的暴露后,运用SDS-PAGE和Western Blotting方法检测鱼脑组织内应激蛋白HSP70的诱导表达情况.结果表明:在实验浓度下,与对照组相比,Cu2+和Cu-EDTA对鱼脑内HSP70有显著的诱导(p<0.05),而将Cu2+和Cu-EDTA实验组相对比,络合剂EDTA一定程度上改变了Cu的生物可利用性,从而降低了其毒性.实验还发现,Cu2+浓度在国家渔业水质标准0.01mg/L下时,鱼脑组织内HSP70已经有明显的表达,说明运用分子生物学指标要比传统的环境监测指标更敏感,具有对污染物早期预警的作用.  相似文献   
湖南长株潭中度污染区土壤镉概率生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南长株潭地区土壤修复试点工作已经开展,但并未关注重金属镉对生态系统的威胁,尤其是继续进行作物种植的中度污染区。文章选取长株潭地区三个县的中度污染区为研究区域,结合文献调研,利用美国ECO-TOX数据库获取了共计28个本地物种两个层次的毒性数据,利用物种敏感度分布(Species sensitivity distribution,SSD)模型和联合概率曲线(Joint probability curve,JPC)方法开展中度污染区的概率生态风险评价研究。结果表明,在LC/EC/IC水平50下,A县、B县、C县的概率生态风险值依次为1.65%、3.40%、5.80%;在NOEC/LOEC水平下,A县、B县、C县的概率生态风险值依次为7.46%、12.97%、19.50%。该结果说明,长株潭地区中度污染区土壤中重金属镉对生态系统具有一定的风险作用,同时该结果为生态系统保护目标制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The size of shells in some freshwater pulmonate mollusk species abundant in Western Siberia (Lymnaea fragilis, L. terebra, Planorbis planorbis, and Anisus leucostoma) is relatively large in the south and decreases in the north. It is supposed that this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the season with conditions allowing the growth of mollusks is shorter in the north than in the south of Western Siberia.  相似文献   
湖南早前寒武纪变质结晶基底的Sm-Nd同位素年龄   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
出露在湘东北益阳一浏阳,呈近东西向断续分布,经角闪岩相一绿片岩相变质结晶片岩、层状、似层状超镁铁质岩的sm—Nd全岩等时线年龄为2.6—3.028Ga、2.2—1.9Ga,应属湖南早前寒纪结晶基底岩片。  相似文献   
湖南省特有植物的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省特有植物共计235种(含种下等级;下同),归110属52科,其中蕨类植物25种,裸子植物3种,被子植物207种(双子叶植物和单子叶植物各计125和82种),主要集中于Theaceae,Rosaceae,Dryopteridaceae,Urticaceae,Ericacaeae,Gesneriaceaea,Labiatae(=Lamiaceae)和Gramineae(=Poaceae)等8科,共计155种,占全省总特有种数的65.96%.湖南特有植物所归的属的分布区类型以北温带,热带亚洲,泛热带及中国特有成分为主,分别占总数的20.00%,19.09%,13.64%和13.64%.从水平分布上看,湖南省特有植物主要分布于西北部,计77种,占全省总特有种数的32 17%;其次是西南部与南部,各有51和50种,分别占全省总特有种数的21.70%和21.28%,从垂直分布上看,它们主要分布于中山地带(海拔800-1 600m),计108种,占全省总特有种数的45.80%;其次是低山地带(海拔300-800m),计84种,占全省总特有种数的35.88%。  相似文献   
湖南省环境质量演进的波动研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境库兹涅茨曲线是学术研究的热点问题,但是。对环境质量演进波动的研究还是空白。本文以湖南为例。运用计量分析及谱分析方法对湖南省环境质量演进中的波动性问题进行了尝试性实证研究。结果表明湖南环境质量的演进存在波动。且近年来各环境质量指标的波动有正向扩大的趋势;未来湖南环境质量周期波动亦将步入正向波动时期。因而。今后的发展可能会进一步加大对环境的压力。需要制定相应的环境政策来降低出现的大幅正向波动。  相似文献   
Abstract:  The acceleration of processes such as forest fragmentation and forest fires in landscapes under intense human pressures makes it imperative to quantify and understand the effects of these processes on the conservation of biodiversity in these landscapes. We combined information from remote-sensing imagery and ground maps of all fires in the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary (MWLS) in the Western Ghats of India over 14 years (1989–2002). These spatial data on fire occurrence were integrated with maps of vegetation types found in the MWLS to examine fire conditions in each. We calculated the average fire-return interval for each of the vegetation types individually and for the MWLS as a whole. Using vegetation data from the larger Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and the entire Western Ghats region, we conservatively estimated fire-frequency information for these larger regions. Because the MWLS does not contain tropical evergreen or montane forests, we were unable to estimate fire conditions in these forest types, which represent 31% of all Western Ghats vegetation cover. For the MWLS, all vegetation types had average fire-return intervals of <7 years, and the sanctuary as a whole had a fire-return interval of 3.3 years. Compared with a 13-year MWLS fire data set from 1909–1921, this represents a threefold increase in fire frequency over the last 80 years. We estimated average fire-return intervals of roughly 5 years for both the larger Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and the entire Western Ghats region. Given other recent reports, the estimated fire frequencies for the Western Ghats forests outside protected reserves are conservative. We conclude that the current fire regime of the Western Ghats poses a severe and persistent conservation threat to forests both within and outside protected reserves.  相似文献   
A geophysical seismic survey was conducted in the summer of 2001 off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia. The area of seismic exploration was immediately adjacent to the Piltun feeding grounds of the endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). This study investigates relative abundance, behavior, and movement patterns of gray whales in relation to occurrence and proximity to the seismic survey by employing scan sampling, focal follow, and theodolite tracking methodologies. These data were analyzed in relation to temporal, environmental, and seismic related variables to evaluate potential disturbance reactions of gray whales to the seismic survey. The relative numbers of whales and pods recorded from five shore-based stations were not significantly different during periods when seismic surveys were occurring compared to periods when no seismic surveys were occurring and to the post-seismic period. Univariate analyses indicated no significant statistical correlation between seismic survey variables and any of the eleven movement and behavior variables. Multiple regression analyses indicated that, after accounting for temporal and environmental variables, 6 of 11 movement and behavior variables (linearity, acceleration, mean direction, blows per surfacing, and surface-dive blow rate) were not significantly associated with seismic survey variables, and 5 of 11 variables (leg speed, reorientation rate, distance-from-shore, blow interval, and dive time) were significantly associated with seismic survey variables. In summary, after accounting for environmental variables, no correlation was found between seismic survey variables and the linearity of whale movements, changes in whale swimming speed between theodolite fixes, mean direction of whale movement, mean number of whale exhalations per minute at the surface, mean time at the surface, and mean number of exhalations per minute during a whales surface-to-dive cycle. In contrast, at higher received sound energy exposure levels, whales traveled faster, changed directions of movement less, were recorded further from shore, and stayed under water longer between respirations.  相似文献   
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