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Spatial synchrony, defined as the correlated fluctuations in abundance of spatially separated populations, can be caused by regional fluctuations in natural and anthropogenic environmental population drivers. Investigations into the geography of synchrony can provide useful insight to inform conservation planning efforts by revealing regions of common population drivers and metapopulation extinction vulnerability. We examined the geography of spatial synchrony and decadal changes in these patterns for grassland birds in the United States and Canada, which are experiencing widespread and persistent population declines. We used Bayesian hierarchical models and over 50 years of abundance data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey to generate population indices within a 2° latitude by 2° longitude grid. We computed and mapped mean local spatial synchrony for each cell (mean detrended correlation of the index among neighboring cells), along with associated uncertainty, for 19 species in 2, 26-year periods, 1968–1993 and 1994–2019. Grassland birds were predicted to increase in spatial synchrony where agricultural intensification, climate change, or interactions between the 2 increased. We found no evidence of an overall increase in synchrony among grassland bird species. However, based on the geography of these changes, there was considerable spatial heterogeneity within species. Averaging across species, we identified clusters of increasing spatial synchrony in the Prairie Pothole and Shortgrass Prairie regions and a region of decreasing spatial synchrony in the eastern United States. Our approach has the potential to inform continental-scale conservation planning by adding an additional layer of relevant information to species status assessments and spatial prioritization of policy and management actions. Our work adds to a growing literature suggesting that global change may result in shifting patterns of spatial synchrony in population dynamics across taxa with broad implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
A systematic understanding of dynamic animal extinction trajectories for different regions in a nation like China is critically important to developing practical conservation strategies. We explored historical and contemporary changes in terrestrial mammalian diversity to determine how diversity in each of the 5 regions in China has changed over time and to examine the conservation potential of these regions. We used records from databases on Pleistocene mammalian fossils and historical distribution records (1175–2020) for Primates (as a case study) to reconstruct evolutionary and historical distribution trajectories of the 11 orders of terrestrial mammals and to predict their prospective survival based on the national conservation strategy applied. The results indicated that since the Pleistocene, 4–5 mammalian orders have been lost in the northeast, 3 in central China, 2 along the coast, and 1 in the northwest. In the southwest, all 11 orders were maintained. Contemporarily, the coast and southwest had the highest and second-highest species densities. The southwest region and southeastern sections of the northwest region were the most historically and contemporarily diverse areas, which suggests that they should be the first priority for protected area (PA) designation. The central and coastal areas should be secondarily prioritized. In these 2 regions, conservation should focus on human coexistence with nature. Less attention should be paid to the PA in the northeast and western northwest because in these areas ecosystems are depauperate and the climate is harsh. Conservation in these areas should focus principally on avoiding further human encroachment on natural areas. Article impact statement: Historical and contemporary patterns of extinction can be a basis for mammalian conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Empirical evidence from many regions suggests that most species would be least negatively affected if human food demand were met through high-yield agricultural production and conservation of nonfarm ecosystems (land sparing), rather than through wildlife-friendly farming over a larger area (land sharing). However, repeated glaciation and a long history of agriculture may lead to different results in regions such as western Europe. We compared the consequences of land sparing and land sharing on breeding bird species in 2 lowland regions of England, The Fens, with 101 species, and Salisbury Plain, with 83. We derived density–yield responses for each species and then estimated regional population size under regional food production strategies, including land sharing and land sparing, a range of intermediate strategies, and a novel mixed strategy. In both regions, more species achieved maximum regional population size under land sparing than land sharing. In The Fens, the majority of birds were loser species (estimated to have smaller populations under all food production strategies than in the preagricultural baseline scenario), whereas in Salisbury Plain the majority were winners (smaller populations in the preagricultural baseline scenario). Loser species overwhelmingly achieved maximum regional population size under land sparing, whereas winner species achieved maximum regional population size under either land sharing or an intermediate strategy, highlighting the importance of defining which groups of species are the target of conservation. A novel 3-compartment strategy (combining high-yield farming, natural habitat, and low-yield farming) often performed better than either land sharing or land sparing. Our results support intermediate or 3-compartment land-sparing strategies to maximize bird populations across lowland agricultural landscapes. To deliver conservation outcomes, any shift toward land sparing must, however, ensure yield increases are sustainable in the long term, do not entail increased negative effects on surrounding areas, and are linked to allocation of land for nature.  相似文献   

Local environmental policies are sometimes seen as standing in the way of socio-economic progress. Against the background of these concerns, the actual socio-economic impacts of climate protection measures are discussed in this paper. It is structured as follows. First, the concept of primary and secondary effects of climate policies is introduced. Secondly, there is a discussion of financial and economic impacts of local climate policies. Finally, information is given on the consequences of such measures for local energy security and air quality. The main conclusion is that, at least in the field of climate policies, there is a huge potential for local measures that are socioeconomically attractive to local communities. HAUKE VON SEHT, Impactos socio-económicos de políticas del medio ambiente local, un análisis para el campo de protección climática . Las políticas ambientales locales son vistas algunas veces como si estuvieran en la via del progreso socio-económico. En contra de los antecedentes de estos asuntos, los impactos socio-económicos actuales de las medidas de protección climaticas son discutidos en este documento. Está extructurado de la siguiente manera: Primero serán introducidos el concepto de efectos primarios y secundarios de las políticas climáticas. Luego sigue una discusión de impactos económicos y financieros de las políticas climáticas locales, seguido por información de las consecuencias de tales medidas para la calidad del aire y seguridad de energía local. La conclusión principal es que por lo menos en el campo de las políticas climáticas hay un inmenso potencial de medidas locales que son socio-económicamente actractivas a las comunidades locales.  相似文献   
动物集约化养殖场可向空气环境释放大量微生物,包括抗生素耐药菌甚至是耐药致病菌,危害动物和工人健康并污染周边空气环境.针对以上问题,本研究以四环素和红霉素耐药菌为例,对动物养殖场空气颗粒物负载抗生素耐药菌的生物多样性以及群落结构展开研究.基于高通量测序技术,对比分析动物舍内与舍外颗粒物,以及粪便样品中抗生素耐药菌的生物学差异,并研究驱动以上差异的关键菌属.结果表明,整体上养殖场空气颗粒物负载红霉素耐药菌的生物多样性高于四环素耐药菌,舍内空气颗粒物负载生物的多样性高于粪便样品.细颗粒物和粗颗粒物负载抗生素耐药菌的生物多样性和群落结构均无显著差异. Actinobacteria是导致红霉素耐药菌和其他细菌群落差异的关键菌门之一,Staphylococcus是四环素耐药菌群区别于红霉素耐药菌和全部细菌菌群的关键菌属之一.群落结构研究结果显示,四环素和红霉素耐药菌的优势菌群和群落结构没有显著差异.但粪便和空气颗粒物负载生物的群落结构在属水平上差异显著,优势菌门也有所不同.本研究结果将为准确评估动物养殖场空气环境中抗生素耐药菌污染现状及其生态风险提供基础数据.  相似文献   
This study tested and evaluated the agricultural non-point source(AGNPS)model for the Wuchuan catchment, a typical agricultural area in the Jiulong River watershed, Fujian Province. China. The AGNPS model was calibrated and validated for the study area with observed data onten storms. Thedata on eight stormsin 2002 were used for calibration while data on two stormswere used for validation of the model. Considering the lack of water quality data over a long-term series, a novel method, comparing an internal nested catchment with its surrounding catchment, was used to supplement the less long-term series data. Dual calibration and validation of the AGNPS model was obtained by this comparison. The results indicate that the correlation coefficients were 0. 99 and 0. 98 for runoff, 0. 94 and 0. 95 forthe peak runoff rate of the large catchment and the small catchment, respectively, and 0. 76 forthe sediment of the small catchment only. Each pair of correlation coefficients is homogeneous for the same event for the two catchments. With the exception of the sediment yield and particulate phosphorus, the peak nmofr rate and other nutrients were well predicted. Sensitivity analysis showed that the Soil Conservation Service curve number and rainfall quantity were the most sensitive parameters, which resulted in high output variations. Erosivitv and other parameters had little influence on the hydrological and quality outputs.  相似文献   
Even if animal liberation were to be adopted, would rights for animals be redundant – or even deleterious? Such an objection, most prominently voiced by L. W. Sumner and Paul W. Taylor, is misguided, risks an anthropocentric and anthropomorphic conception of autonomy and freedom, overly agent-centered rights conceptions, and an overlooking of the likely harmful consequences of positing rights for humans but not for nonhuman animals. The objection in question also stems from an overly pessimistic construal of autonomy-infringements thought to result from extending rights to animals, and also, of confusions that supposedly may ensue from ascribing animal rights. Whether or not a case for animal liberation and/or animal rights can cogently be made, the redundancy-or-worse objection to animal rights need pose no barrier.  相似文献   
SeawaterintrusionincoastalareasofYellowSeaandBohaiSeaShengXuebin;SunJianzhong;DaiZhaohua(ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSe...  相似文献   
1936~1937年河南旱灾述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发生在1936~1937年间的大旱灾给河南农业生产造成了巨大损失,由此酿成的大饥荒导致食品奇缺、灾民遍地并大批饿死逃亡、伦理道德丧失.究其原因,除自然界气候变异的客观因素外,社会原因是主要的:农业生产力水平低下和统治者、侵略者的压榨与掠夺,致使国困民穷,无力抗灾;政府的防灾无能、救灾无力使灾情不断加重;水利长期失修、植被遭严重破坏使灾害难以抗御、亦加剧了旱灾.  相似文献   
新疆中低产田发展人工草地的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从新疆天然草地的利用,农业面临的问题出发,说明在绿洲内发展人工草地的必要性。针对全疆中低产田特点,将其分成7种基本类型。按类型总结出相应适生的饲草种类。通过人工种植这些饲草,达到合理利用改良耕地的目的,进而带动整个农业产业结构的调整,建立起适宜新疆农业发展的草地农业模式。  相似文献   
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