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热等离子体技术销毁日本遗弃化武红弹装填物研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对二战期间日本侵略军在我国遗弃的大量化学武器的危害性,进行了热等离子体技术销毁含砷毒剂的实验,旨在为评价日本遗弃化武的销毁技术选择提供技术支持.所采用的热等离子体处理固体废弃物的实验装置主要由等离子体发生器、等离子体旋转炉、二次燃烧炉、冷却器、文丘里喷淋塔和洗涤喷淋塔等设备组成.利用该装置对日本遗弃化武红弹和红简装填物二苯氰砷和二苯氯砷进行了销毁实验,并用GC-MS法对销毁产物进行分析.结果显示,经处理后未检测出二苯氯砷和二苯氰砷,根据分析方法的检出下限计算出的二苯氯砷和二苯氰砷的销毁去除率均高达99.999 9%.对熔渣进行砷的浸出毒性实验显示,浸出液中砷的质量浓度均低于0.03 mg/L,远低于我国固体废物砷的浸出毒性鉴别标准值1.5 mg/L.但是,等离子体炉在销毁含砷有机毒剂时,固砷效率很差,因此要发挥等离子体技术的优势,还必须加强固砷方法的研究.  相似文献   
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.002 Background Davide Calamari and his colleagues were among the first to appreciate that vegetation could play a key role in determining the fate and effects of organic contaminants. They conducted pioneering experiments to investigate the uptake of contaminants by plants from the atmosphere and they sought to model the observed phenomena. In the nearly two decades since there has been a marked increase in understanding of these phenomena as a result of both experimental and modelling studies. - Goal. In this study we briefly review our current understanding of chemical partitioning between foliage and air. A model in both fugacity and concentration format is described, based on that of Tolls and McLachlan (1994), in which the leaf is treated as consisting of two layers, a waxy cuticle with an underlying 'reservoir' layer, the cuticle being surrounded by an air boundary layer and containing stomata that provide direct access from the air to the 'reservoir'. The model quantifies the dynamic penetration of a defined chemical into a defined leaf as a function of time. Main Features The model is applied for illustrative purposes to a hypothetical but typical leaf for a set of illustrative chemicals to demonstrate the effect of changes in physical-chemical properties and leaf characteristics. Discussion The results are compared qualitatively with a variety of field and laboratory studies of foliage uptake and clearance of chemicals. Conclusion It is concluded that the model yields results that are generally consistent with observations. It is suggested that with appropriate parameterisation and validation, the model can contribute to an improved understanding of the process of foliage uptake from the atmosphere and to the development of an improved predictive capability.  相似文献   
矿物添加剂对复混肥料的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐宏林 《资源开发与市场》2006,22(3):249-251,270
添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。介绍了几种矿物添加剂在复混肥料中的作用。在测土配方施用复混肥中,添加剂也需要“测土配方”,传统的粘土矿物添加剂对复混肥生产和储存有较好的效果,但对土壤和农作物也有不利的影响。矿物添加剂有利于补充土壤有机质,复混肥料的应用前景广阔,但还需进一步研究和探明既有利于复混肥生产和储存,又有利于土壤和农作物的地质矿物和工艺。  相似文献   
The impact of nitrogen fertilizers on gaseous emissions duringwinter and spring-thaw is not well understood and was the objective of this research. Using a micrometeorological method,N2O, NO and NOx fluxes from ryegrass were measured from November 1997 to March 1998. Three different mineralfertilizers were applied in November: urea (U), slow-release urea(SRU) and ammonium nitrate (AN). N2O emissions during the winter were small, increasing significantly in March. Total losses of N2O-N were significantly higher from SRU and U plots, with winter N2O emissions accounting for 50% of annual losses. Nitric oxide fluxes from all plots weresmall during the measurement period (<0.9 ng N m-2 s-1). The NO fluxes from U and AN fertilized plots were significantly higher than from SRU and control plots. NO2 fluxes were always negative (–6 ng N m-2 s-1)indicating deposition, but decreased to –2 ng N m-2s-1 when snow was present on the soil surface. Our resultsindicate that the form of inorganic N applied has an effect on NO+ N2O emissions but not on NO2 fluxes.Sponsored by CAPES – Brasília, Brazil  相似文献   
根据油田采出水中氯离子含量高,对COD_(Cr)测定影响较大的特点,通过实验探讨高含氯对测定污水CODCr的影响及消除其影响的方法。实验结果表明,对高含氯、低CODCr的污水用国标方法测定CODCr时会产生较大误差,且误差随氯离子含量的增加而增大;采用不掩蔽氯离子测污水CODCr总量,再用CODCr总量减去氯离子产生CODCr量的方法,则能反映污水的真实CODCr值,误差小一些。  相似文献   
强化二氧化钛光催化氧化技术的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
朱新锋  杨家宽  肖波 《化工环保》2004,24(6):421-425
光催化氧化技术被认为是在环境保护领域内一项有前途的新型高级氧化技术,其他污染治理技术强化光催化氧化成为污水处理和废气净化的一个研究热点。介绍了国内外其他污染治理技术——化学法、物理化学法、生物法强化二氧化钛光催化氧化技术的研究和应用现状,分析了这些技术的强化光催化氧化机理,并对其今后的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
改性半焦脱除烟气中SO2的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对内蒙工业副产褐煤半焦(比表面积49.187m^2/g,孔容0.0351cm^2/g),采用加压水热化学活化法,HNO3活化法和高温煅烧相结合的方法制备出半焦烟气脱硫剂,并对脱硫剂的脱硫性能进行固定床活性评价。分析表明,其脱硫效果比较好,转化率维持在50%以上的累计硫容可达24.30%,脱硫时间长达35h,远远高于原料半焦的脱硫效果(硫容为0.68%,时间为1.5h);同时采用水洗法对脱硫剂进行再生,其再生液可用来制备浓度为9.01%的稀硫酸。  相似文献   
通过对杂交油菜施用粉煤灰磁化复合肥的试验研究,初步探明了粉煤灰磁化复合肥较同等N、P、K的复混肥,未磁化粉煤灰复合肥及当地群众习惯施肥法有显著的增产效果.试验表明,粉煤灰磁化肥在油菜上一般用量为757.58kg/hm2左右.粉煤灰磁化肥比对照增产21.9%,比当地农民习惯施肥措施增产10.5%;比等量N、P、K混合肥增产9.9%,增产180kg/hm2.比未磁化粉煤灰复混肥增产4.5%.最高产量施用粉煤灰磁化肥为1026.9kg/hm2,油菜产量为2084.85kg/hm2;最佳产量施用粉煤灰磁化肥为757.58kg/hm2,油菜产量为2041.79kg/hm2.  相似文献   
Since the 1970s, a substantial area of arable farmland in a semi-humid area of northeast China has been planted as deciduous forests (Populus tomentosa Carr.). This study investigates the effects of afforestation on soil organic carbon (SOC) content and the chemical composition of the soil. Soil samples (Calcic chernozem) were collected from the upper 10?cm of paired arable land and secondary forests established 5 and 25 years previously. Carbon isotope analysis and pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry were used to determine SOC composition. The results show that (i) compared to the arable land, five years of afforestation caused a decrease in SOC and N concentration, while 25 years of afforestation resulted in an increase in SOC content; (ii) stable isotope δ13C analyses of the forest soils show gradual loss of crop-derived C and an accumulation of forest-derived C; and (iii) afforestation increased lignin abundance and decreased decompositional activity in the 25-year-old forest topsoil. Higher amounts of short-/mid-chain aliphatic compounds were observed in the 5-year-old forest (5–10?cm); and (iv) the arable soil contained substantially higher amounts of decomposed plant material and microbially derived substances. The results obtained suggest that long-term afforestation increases the SOC concentration, and alters the chemical composition of SOC.  相似文献   
MB(A2/O)处理城市污水富磷上清液的化学除磷研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为开发新型除磷脱氮工艺,研制了将MBR和A2/O工艺相结合的新型MB(A2/O)反应器。研究了MB(A2/O)反应器处理城市污水厌氧富磷上清液的化学除磷,并分析了过程机理及特性。结果表明:对于TP在30~45 mg/L的富磷上清液,采用含20% Ca(OH)2的工业石灰与P的最佳投加质量比为22.5;纯Ca(OH)2与P的最佳投加质量比为5.6(摩尔比为2.5);FeSO4·7H2O与P的最佳投加质量比为10.7(Fe2+与P的摩尔比为1.3);Al2(SO4)3·12H2O与P的最佳投加质量比为12(Al3+与P的摩尔比为1.3)时,均可使出水TP稳定在0.3 mg/L以下;以石灰、NaOH的联合投加方式可大幅减少石灰投加量。  相似文献   
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