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Eutrophication of waterways through delivery of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) from farmland is a problem in many countries. Loss of nutrients from grazed grassland via overland flow is well demonstrated, but the sources of these nutrients and the processes controlling their mobilization into water are not well understood. Much of the nutrient loss in overland flow from grazed pastures may be due to generally increased fertility of the soil–plant system (i.e. background or ‘systematic’ nutrient loss) rather than to immediate loss after fertilizer application [Nash, D., Clemow, L., Hannah, M., Barlow, K., Gangaiya, P., 2005. Modelling phosphorus exports from rain-fed and irrigated pastures in southern Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res. 43, 745–755]. The main aim of this study was to measure the effects of long-term (25 years) superphosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2CaSO4) fertilizer application (0–23 kg/(ha year)) on P and N in soil, plants, and potential background P and N movement in overland flow (generated using a rainfall simulator) from sheep-grazed pastures in southern Australia. Measurements were taken in autumn, under dry soil conditions, and in winter, under wet soil conditions, 12 and 15 months after the last fertilizer applications, respectively. Superphosphate application caused a strong increase in plant P, soil total P, Olsen P, and Colwell P; and a weaker increase in plant N, soil total N, and inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate). Soil P and N were concentrated in the surface 25 mm of soil. Soil water-extractable P, calcium chloride-extractable P, and calcium chloride organic P were in general only poorly associated with fertilizer application. The concentration of P and, to a lesser extent, the concentration of N in overland flow increased with increasing fertilizer application and showed strong seasonal differences (0.06–0.77 mg P/L and 0.6–5.5 mg N/L in autumn; 0.04–0.20 mg P/L and 0.4–1.7 mg N/L in winter). The P in overland flow was predominantly dissolved reactive P in autumn and particulate P in winter. The N in overland flow contained significant proportions of dissolved organic N, dissolved inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate), and particulate N. The concentrations of P and N in overland flow usually exceeded State water quality targets (<0.04 mg P/L and <0.90 mg N/L), suggesting that background losses of nutrients from these pasture systems could contribute to the eutrophication of waterways. 相似文献
Wim RULKENS 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China》2008,2(4):385-396
The awareness of the problem of the scarcity of water of high quality has strongly changed the approach of wastewater treatment.
Currently, there is an increasing need for the beneficial reuse of treated wastewater and to recover valuable products and
energy from the wastewater. Because microbiological treatment methods are, only to a limited part, able to satisfy these needs,
the role and significance of physical/chemical processes in wastewater treatment are gaining more and more interest. The specific
future role and aim of the various physical/chemical treatment processes can be categorized in five groups: improvement of
the performance of microbiological treatment processes, achievement of the high quality required for reuse of the effluent,
recovery of valuable components and energy from the wastewater for beneficial reuse, desalination of brackish water and seawater,
and treatment of concentrated liquid or solid waste residues produced in a wastewater treatment process. Development of more
environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment chains in which physical/chemical processes play a crucial role, also requires
application of process control and modeling strategies. This is briefly introduced by the elaboration of treatment scenarios
for three specific wastewaters. 相似文献
黄河(清水河段)沉积物中重金属的存在形式 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
应用连续化学浸提技术对黄河水体中重金属在不同粒径沉积物上的分布特征以及存在的化学形态进行了分析。结果表明 :(1 )沉积物的粒径越小 ,重金属的含量越高 ;(2 )黄河 (清水河段 ) 1 2 0目沉积物中不同形态的重金属分布为Pb:Ⅵ >Ⅳ >Ⅲ >Ⅴ >Ⅰ、Ⅱ ;Ni:Ⅵ >Ⅴ >Ⅳ >Ⅰ >Ⅲ >Ⅱ ;Cu:Ⅵ >Ⅳ >Ⅴ >Ⅲ >Ⅰ >Ⅱ ;Mn :Ⅵ >Ⅲ >Ⅳ >Ⅴ >Ⅰ、Ⅱ ;Fe:Ⅵ >Ⅳ >Ⅴ >Ⅲ >Ⅰ >Ⅱ ;Zn :Ⅴ >Ⅵ >Ⅳ >Ⅲ >Ⅰ、Ⅱ ;Co:Ⅵ >Ⅳ >Ⅴ >Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ ;Cd :Ⅱ >Ⅲ >Ⅳ >Ⅰ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ (Ⅰ—水溶态 ,Ⅱ—可交换态 ,Ⅲ—碳酸盐结合态 ,Ⅳ—Fe Mn氧化物态 ,Ⅴ—有机态 ,Ⅵ—残渣态 ) : 相似文献
化学沉淀法去除水中氨氮的试验研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
研究进行了用Mg2 + 、Mn2 + 分别与PO4 3- 作用去除NH4 + N的试验研究 ,探讨其化学反应机理 ,确定了最佳投药比、反应pH和Mg2 + 、Mn2 + 的协同效应 ,并对广州李坑垃圾填埋场渗滤液中NH4 + N进行了处理 ,其中最大NH4 + N去除率达 96 .1 %。 相似文献
厌氧生物膜法处理聚酯废水投加城市厌氧污泥的启动 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
将市政污水处理厂消化池中的厌氧污泥投入处理化工高浓度废水的厌氧反应器中进行厌氧菌的驯化工作 ,重点研究了在此过程中进、出水CODCr、pH、VFA(挥发性有机酸 )、污泥的变化情况及相互联系 相似文献
由于农业大量使用化学品 ,使农产品的农药残留量及其衍生物增加 ,从而对人体健康造成具大的危害性。本文的主要目的就是让人们进一步认识在农产品生产中使用农用化学品的危害 ,倡导我国农业走绿色农产品生产的道路 相似文献
双甘膦废水中含有高浓度总磷、有机磷、甲醛、氰化物、氨氮、COD,运用三效蒸发+强氧化+两级化学除磷+UASB+兼氧+好氧组合处理双甘膦废水。研究结果表明双甘膦废水排放满足《污水综合排放标准》(G88978—1996)二级排放标准。 相似文献