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We discuss how the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive was designed to be mobile, and how it was moved to and implemented in Finland by translating it to enhance wood-based energy production through specific subsidies. We study policy-making as a mobile process, which approach has its original roots in political science and more recent basis in political geography. The article aims to develop conceptual understanding of how the mobility of a supranational policy is generated and how a policy is translated into complex and contentious geographical contexts. We aim to show that mobility of a directive is enabled by an empty governance space which is aimed to be ‘filled in’ in each spatial context, and that the filling in process makes each translation a contentious and path-dependent process. In Finland, the selected policy tools and practices continued the path-dependent ways of favouring forestry industry’s traditional position as the primary utiliser of forest resources.  相似文献   
《全国重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体规划(2021—2035年)》是党的十九大后生态保护和修复领域第一个综合性规划,是多部门跨学科全区域统筹推进山水林田湖草一体化保护和修复的范式。针对规划贯彻实施面临的机遇和挑战,来自自然资源部咨询研究中心的7位专家进行了研讨。贯彻落实好《规划》,应准确把握规划的4个主要特点:布局上突出系统性和继承性;政策上突出战略性和协调性;实施上突出目标性和问题导向性;手段方法上突出科学性和针对性。处理好三大关系,即:生态系统保护与开发利用的关系,生态系统修复与生态补偿的关系,生态系统保护与用途管制的关系。解决八个关键问题:一是建设多元投融资机制;二是明晰主体责任;三是建立统一的综合性调查评价制度;四是构建适应生态系统修复的技术标准体系;五是建设生态系统保护数据库和综合信息查询平台;六是探索因地制宜的生态补偿模式;七是统筹自然资源开发利用与生态保护修复的关系;八是开展《规划》实施的跟踪监测评估。  相似文献   
Groundwater serves as the primary drinking water source for over half of the coastal populations of the Southeast and Gulf Coast regions, two of the fastest growing regions in the United States. Increased demand for this resource has exceeded sustainable yields in many areas and induced saltwater intrusion of coastal aquifers. A process associated with coastal groundwater, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), has been documented as a source of subsurface fluids to coastal ocean environments throughout the Southeast and Gulf Coast regions and is potentially a significant contributor to nearshore water and geochemical budgets (i.e., nutrients, carbon, trace metals) in many coastal regions. The importance of groundwater as a drinking water source for coastal populations and the influences of submarine groundwater discharge to the coastal ocean warrant increased research and management of this resource. This paper highlights findings from recent SGD studies on three hydrogeologically different continental margins (Onslow Bay, NC, southern Florida, and the Louisiana margin), provides background on the common methods of assessing SGD, and suggests a regional management plan for coastal groundwater resources. Suggested strategies call for assessments of SGD in areas of potentially significant discharge, development of new monitoring networks, and the incorporation of a regional coastal groundwater resources council.  相似文献   
The paper explores the role local governments and territorial proximity play in the efficiency of collaborative environmental governance. It develops the hypothesis that the representatives of local authorities involved in partnerships possess resources to diminish the pitfalls of sustainable governance, facilitate coordination, and contribute to the success of shared policy-making. Four French and English partnerships are presented. They include a diversity of stakeholders such as fisheries, ports, farmers, yachting associations, environmental NGOs, or local authorities. Thereby, the paper develops whether and under which conditions local governments play a positive or negative role, as well as comparing territorial levels of implementation and the effects of geographical proximity. It is shown that collaboration at the regional level prevents the integration of decision-making in organisational networks, the inclusion of citizens, and the development of social responsibility for stakeholders – the partnership acting as a formalisation of pre-existing lobbying. Locally, governments assume inter-organisational leadership and do contribute to the institutionalisation of the new forums. Yet, local successes of partnerships answer logics of social, rather than environmental, regulation. The local attenuation of usage conflicts does not necessarily reduce the negative effects of those usages on the environment. By stressing a collaborative definition of environmental problems, the partnerships tend to sideline substantial policy changes, and possibly conflict with the goals and long-term temporality of sustainable governance.  相似文献   
基于探索性多案例分析,使用扎根理论从协同治理层面析出电子废弃物回收产业链治理的影响因素;运用社会网络分析法进一步辨识影响电子废弃物回收产业链协同治理的的关键因素.研究发现:外部环境支撑和提升电子废弃物回收产业链中利益相关者的内外协同能力,进而影响协同治理的行为和效果;企业社会责任和环保责任意识、高层管理者能力及素质、借鉴国外技术与经验是企业内部协同治理的主要驱动力;环境和经济持续发展目标、政府鼓励生产商做拆解、与国内外同行企业沟通与合作则是企业外部协同的引擎.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展,中国农业面源污染日益严重,面源污染在很大程度上引起耕地退化,严重影响农产品的质与量.在概述农村面源污染特征的基础上,分析农村面源污染的影响因素,其中化学肥料、农药、畜禽粪便及养殖废弃物、生产和生活污水、生活垃圾等是面源污染的重要因子,从农作技术、水土保持及意识政策等多方面考虑提出农业面源污染的防治措施,并对中国农业面源污染的未来研究进行展望.  相似文献   
In the space of a few years, China’s global image with regard to environmental matters has significantly improved. Particularly since Xi Jinping’s coming-to-power in 2012 China’s reputation in the global climate change regime has improved markedly and it has gained accolades for a new determination to reverse environmental degradation at home. China’s incipient green transformation is partly due to a new actor constellation in environmental governance, a striking feature of which is the prominence of ad hoc campaigns that offer quick results but that may undermine the creation of law-based enforcement mechanisms in the long term. Another development – China’s increasing use of emerging technologies and big data analytics – has given rise to new forms of government-business alliances. These new players and innovative approaches have injected momentum into China’s environmental governance system and suggest that, contrary to conventional wisdom, authoritarian regimes can be responsive to citizen demands under certain circumstances. Yet it remains to be seen whether long-term environmental goals can be met, due to a pervasive lack of accountability, the weakening of civil society and heavy constraints on public participation.  相似文献   
Policy tools that allow for the coordination of various authorities at different levels of government are important for coastal protected areas. Frequently, multiple authorities manage these areas with varied and sometimes conflicting goals. This study examines a regulatory model implemented on the Cape Cod National Seashore in the US that uses federally-approved zoning to regulate private uses for protection of natural coastal resources. Local authorities implement the zoning which is designed to support national resource protection goals making this a prime model of cross-level governance for conservation. I use case study analysis to evaluate the program’s effectiveness by focusing on implementation and compliance in the context of multi-jurisdictional (i.e., national to local) relations. The analysis and subsequent discussion highlight the difficulties associated with implementation of intergovernmental mandates. Also, theoretical perspectives on compliance give insights about the implementation challenges of this model. The model’s limitations have implications for policymakers considering similar schemes implemented by split and hierarchical authorities with different, and possibly conflicting, coastal management goals.
Michelle PortmanEmail:
基于生态文明、高质量发展和国家治理新时代的战略需求,以及国内外自然资源治理发展趋势,对中国新时代自然资源治理的指导思想、基本理念、理论体系、基本原则和目标体系等进行系统解析,对包括调查勘查评估、统计监测核算、开发利用治理、保护修复治理、保障储备治理、市场交易治理、安全预警治理和国际合作治理等在内的中国新时代自然资源治理框架体系进行系统刻画,对包括公平正义制度、资产产权制度、节约集约制度、有偿使用制度、保护修复制度、市场交易制度、统计核算制度、多元储备制度、国际合作制度和治理监督制度在内的中国特色自然资源治理制度体系进行系统解构。研究结论与观点对于提高中国自然资源治理体系与能力现代化建设水平具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
农村环境善治的逻辑重塑——基于利益相关者理论的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村环境污染问题是我国实现十八届五中全会倡导的五位一体重大战略的突出矛盾,也是学术界需要研究的核心问题之一。本研究利用利益相关者理论分析法,对我国农村环境治理失灵的内在机理进行理论解释,认为政府、企业、城市、村民、环保组织、科研院校等利益相关者的不同利益诉求和行为导向,造成了目前农村环境污染的现实困境。分析发现:正是政府层面重视经济发展,轻视监管职责;企业层面重视经济利润,轻视社会责任;农民层面重视生计诉求、轻视安全需求;城市层面突破政府管制,转嫁污染成本;环保组织力量资源有限,难以提供环保功能以及科研院校重视环保技术研发,轻视科技推广,才导致了现阶段农村环境污染愈演愈烈。因此,只有明确政府、企业、城市、村民、环保组织、科研院校等利益相关者的角色定位,充分发挥好各自的环保功能,真正构建起农村环境的共同治理体系,才能克服不同利益相关者之间的冲突和相互博弈状态,进而实现农村环境善治的目标。研究结论表明:农村环境善治的内涵体现为政治国家与公民社会的合作参与、共同治理乡村环境问题.其主要特征为合法性、透明性、责任性、回应性、有效性,其实质是在乡村环境治理中,构建起强国家和强社会的"双强"模式。通过构建这种"双强"模式使国家与社会在乡村环境治理中达成利益均衡共识,彼此协同合作,共同致力于乡村环境的善治之道,以此彻底改变现在的乡村污染面貌,最终实现十八届五中全会倡导的生态良好农村战略构想。  相似文献   
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