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水资源安全的度量:水资源承载力的研究与挑战   总被引:211,自引:11,他引:211  
水资源承载力是对水资源安全的一个基本度量,研究水资源承载力对于认识和建设水资源安全保障体系具有重要意义。基于水资源承载力的定义和水资源承载力系统关系,论文给出了水资源承载力的度量与计算方法,包括可利用水资源量、水资源需求量的计算,流域水资源承载力平衡指数、水资源承载力分量的测度等。西北干旱区是我国水资源极为短缺的地区,因此,论文就西北干旱区水资源承载力综合研究的一些关键问题,如变化环境下的流域水循环模拟研究、生态需水研究等进行了重点讨论,并认为水资源承载力的进一步研究应加强水文基础与水资源、社会经济学科的综合研究,促进RS、GIS等信息技术和现有模型方法的结合,并重视区域差异研究。  相似文献   
旅游活动对风景区地被植物-土壤环境影响的初步研究   总被引:80,自引:3,他引:80  
以安徽采石风景区为研究对象,建立了旅游活动对风景区地被植物-土壤环境影响模型,观察分析旅游活动对地被植物、土壤的外部形态,种群的高度、丰度、密度,土壤理化性状等影响;引入风景区旅游生态环境容量概念,据此提出风景区生态环境管理对策  相似文献   
近年来生态环境的恶化、农村能源短缺、环境污染加剧、以及人口压力增大,都对凤庆建成茶文化大县的战略构想形成了严重影响。就其生态环境现状分析了存在的问题,提出相应的措施和建议  相似文献   
黄河流域可供水量究竟有多少?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
摘要:黄河是我国水资源最紧张的河流之一,但关于黄河流域可供水量,几个很权威的文献却差别很大,高的达到692×108m3,低的低到580×108m3。而20世纪90年代又出现了黄河流域天然径流大为减少的情况,平水年份下河川天然径流量比多年平均减少110×108m3。所以,黄河流域的可供水量究竟有多少是急迫需要弄清的问题,因为它关系到黄河流域的水资源可持续利用战略决策。论文的研究结论是:在2010年水平年,在平水年条件下,黄河流域的可供水量只有550×108~560×108m3,其中地表水390×108~400×108m3,地下水160×108m3。所以,黄河流域的可供水量比原来估算的最低数580×108m3还低20×108~30×108m3,而比原来估计的最高数692×108m3要低20%,差140×108m3。这就给黄河流域的水资源供需平衡对策提出了更严峻的问题。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统的设计与开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木盆地水资源规划管理决策属典型的半结构化、多层次、多决策者和多目标的决策问题,为此设计开发了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统。文章系统地介绍了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统结构框架、设计原则、开发思路、决策模式和基本功能。系统由数据库、模型库及其管理系统三部分组成,模型库包括人口动态模型、宏观经挤模型、水资源模拟模型、绿洲生态需水模型和水资源多目标优化分析模型等5个基本模型。在求解水资源多目标优化分析模型时,使用了逐步法(STEM),把多目标化为单目标进行求解,决策者在迭代权衡过程中输入经验与偏好信息来获取满意的决策信息。  相似文献   
Global Biomass Energy Potential   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The intensive use of renewable energy is one of the options to stabilize CO2atmospheric concentration at levels of 350 to 550ppm. A recent evaluation of the global potential of primary renewable energy carried out by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sets a value of at least 2800EJ/yr, which is more than the most energy-intensive SRES scenario forecast for the world energy requirement up to the year 2100. Nevertheless, what is really important to quantify is the amount of final energy since the use of renewable sources may involve conversion efficiencies, from primary to final energy, different from the ones of conventional energy sources. In reality, IPCC does not provide a complete account of the final energy from renewables, but the text claims that using several available options to mitigate climate change, and renewables is only one of them, it is possible to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration at a low level. In this paper, we evaluate in detail biomass primary and final energy using sugarcane crop as a proxy, since it is one of the highest energy density forms of biomass, and through afforestation/reforestation using a model presented in IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR). The conclusion is that the primary-energy potential for biomass has been under-evaluated by many authors and by IPCC, and this under-evaluation is even larger for final energy since sugarcane allows co-production of electricity and liquid fuel. Regarding forests we reproduce IPCC results for primary energy and calculate final energy. Sugarcane is a tropical crop and cannot be grown in all the land area forecasted for biomass energy plantation in the IPCC/TAR evaluation (i.e. 1280Mha). Nevertheless, there are large expanses of unexploited land, mainly in Latin America and Africa that are subject to warm weather and convenient rainfall. With the use of 143Mha of these lands it is possible to produce 164EJ/yr (1147GJ/hayr or 3.6W/m2on average) of primary energy and 90EJ/yr of final energy in the form of liquid fuel (alcohol) and electricity, using agricultural productivities near the best ones already achievable and biomass gasification technology. More remarkable is that these results can be obtained with the operation of 4,000 production units with unitary capacity similar to the largest currently in operation. These units should be spread over the tropical land area yielding a plantation density similar to the one presently observed in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, where alcohol and electricity have been commercialized in a cost-effective way for several years. Such an amount of final energy would be sufficiently large to fulfill all the expected global increase in oil demand, as well as in electricity consumption by 2030, assuming the energy demand of such sources continues to grow at the same pace observed over the last two decades. When sugarcane crops are combined with afforestation/reforestation it is possible to show that carbon emissions decline for some IPCC SRES scenarios by 2030, 2040 and 2050. Such energy alternatives significantly reduce CO2emissions by displacing fossil fuels and promote sustainable development through the creation of millions of direct and indirect jobs. Also, it opens an opportunity for negative CO2emissions when coupled with carbon dioxide capture and storage.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, adaptive co‐management has been recommended as a policy framework to address complex and uncertain resources management issues. Implementing this theoretical management concept requires the integration of multidisciplinary research and local knowledge. Yet practical protocols to link science, policymaking and societies have yet to be developed. We designed a protocol to produce legitimate, credible and relevant solutions to a regional resources management issue. This is a two‐component protocol. A stakeholder grid categorizes stakeholder representatives in three distinct specialized dialogue arenas: institution representatives, technical experts and local end‐users. An iterative co‐design process then builds on these arenas to assess the institutional legitimacy, technical credibility and empirical relevance dimensions of a common solution initiated by an initial plausible promise. We tested this framework in Réunion to address organic waste management issues at the regional level. The plausible solution explored was the introduction of a recycling industry involved in collecting organic waste and producing and selling organic fertilizers tailored for local crop systems. The protocol application outcomes were consolidated and documented scenarios accepted by all, with knowledge exchange and the broad spread of a stabilized expectation contributing to private initiatives and public policy change.  相似文献   
对外农业投资是“一带一路”倡议的重要内容,研究美国对外农业投资特征,既可总结先行之国的发展经验,也可响应并适应主要竞争对手的投资行为,为充分利用两个市场、两种资源提供科学依据。本文立足对外直接投资理论,采用Logistic模型与面板数据分析方法,研究了2000-2018年美国对外农业投资的时空格局、影响因素及其对“一带一路”农业合作的启示。结果表明:(1)美国对外农业投资以食品加工等产前产后环节为主,主要分布于西欧等发达国家以及墨西哥、巴西等地理临近的发展中国家。(2)美国对外农业投资呈现显著的市场导向特征,同时也受到地理与文化距离、国家治理等东道国因素的影响。(3)对比中美对外农业投资特征,结合当前国际经贸形势与中国农业国际合作目标,建议中国进一步优化农业产业链布局,在促进实现联合国可持续发展目标的同时,提高中国在全球粮安领域的定价权与渠道把控力;进一步深耕既有对外农业投资市场,在降低地缘竞争压力的同时,充分挖掘潜在市场机会;关注“一带一路”沿线国家的农业技术需求,保证投资目标与东道国的投资需求相协调;尤需解决中国对外农业投资面临的文化与体制差异较大等现实问题,提高“一带一路”农业合作项目的可持续性。  相似文献   
张书海  阮端斌 《自然资源学报》2020,35(10):2358-2370
资源环境承载力是衡量区域资源基础条件、指导国土空间布局的重要依据。针对当前承载力评价中动态承载机制不够清晰、资源要素动态性评价不够充分等问题,从开放系统角度反思承载力的时空动态性,探索资源、环境、社会经济以及人口四个子系统间的关联耦合机制,讨论资源流动对资源流入地和流出地承载规模及承载质量的影响,构建了一个适用于县域资源环境承载力动态评价的理论框架,并将其应用于天津市武清区。实证结果表明:相较于静态评价,该框架下的动态承载力评价结果更贴近于地方资源环境支撑的真实情况,对于地方层面的国土空间规划决策和区域层面的资源空间优化具有一定支撑作用。  相似文献   
基于VIKOR法的潍坊市水资源承载力综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源承载力综合评价通常涉及到社会、经济、资源和环境等多种因素的影响.多准则妥协解排序法(VIKOR)可协调处理多种因素间的相互关系,是评价城市水资源承载力的有效手段之一.本文利用VIKOR法对潍坊市水资源承载力进行综合评价,通过构建水资源承载力综合评价指标体系,利用CRITIC法计算权重,标准化数据并进行分析计算和排序,以利益比率Qi作为综合评价值,Qi值越小,表明水资源承载力越高.结果发现,在2008-2017年,潍坊市水资源承载力综合评价值呈下降趋势,从2008年的0.7378下降至2017年的0.0000,表明潍坊市水资源承载力稳步提高.通过分析潍坊市水资源承载力各子系统的变化趋势发现,潍坊市水资源承载能力依然有较大的提升空间.通过对2017年潍坊市各市、区、县水资源承载力进行对比可知,诸城市、青州市、安丘市和临朐县综合评价值较低,分别为0、0.1645、0.2267和0.2503,说明水资源承载力较高;潍城区、坊子区、寒亭区和奎文区综合评价值较高,分别为0.3475、0.4739、0.5938和0.9131,说明水资源承载力较低.表明潍坊市部分地区产业结构和布局与水资源条件不相匹配,水资源开发利用水平超出当地水资源承载力.  相似文献   
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