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黄河流域水资源价值的计算与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用经济杠杆的调节作用促使水资源的高效利用,是缓和水资源供需矛盾的有效措施之一。本文以水资源价值理论为基础,从黄河全流域水资源优化配置角度出发,以利用水资源获得最大经济效益为目标,测算了黄河水资源的理论价值,为制定黄河水资源费的征收标准提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   
VIC模型与SWAT模型在中小流域径流模拟中的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合GIS与RS技术的分布式水文模型已成为当今水文界研究的重点。从气象与水文水资源学科交叉的角度对分布式水文模型VIC模型与SWAT模型进行研究,并将其应用于白莲河流域,以此探讨该模型在中小流域的适用性。模拟结果表明,VIC模型与SWAT模型在白莲河流域率定期与检验期的模拟效果相差很小。SWAT模型的效率系数与相关系数略高一些,SWAT模型的模拟效果比较平均,每年相差不大;但VIC模型在1995年和1999年模拟效果明显好于其它年份,尤其在2002年,VIC模型模拟的洪峰与实测的相差较大,从而影响总体的效率系数偏低,而SWAT模型模拟的更接近实测值。研究结果表明两种模型对于我国中小流域的径流模拟具有一定的适用性.  相似文献   
Household consumption is one of the important factors that induce COL emission. Based on input-output model, this article calculated the intensity of CO2 emission of different income groups and seven provinces in China, and then estimated total CO2 emission induced by urban household consumption from 1995 to 2004 in China based on statistic data of household living expenditure. The results show that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption had increased from 1583 to 2498 kg CO2 during 1995-2004. The ratio of consumption-induced CO2 emission to total CO2 emission had risen from 19% to 30% in the past decade. Indirect CO2 emission accounted for an important part of the consumption-induced emission, the ratio of indirect emission to consumption-induced emission had risen from 69% to 79% during the same period. A significant difference in consumption-induced CO2 emission across different income groups and different regions has been observed. COs emission per capita of higher income groups and developed regions increased faster than that of lower income groups and developing regions. Changing lifestyle has driven significant increase in CO2 emission. Especially, increases in private transport expenditure (for example, vehicle expenditure) and house building expenditure are key driving factors of growth in consumption-induced COL emission. There are big differences in the amount of CO2 emission induced by change in lifestyle across different income groups and provinces. It can be expected that lower income households and developing regions will increase consumption to improve their livings with income growth in the future, which may induce much more CO2 emission. A reasonable level of CO2 emission is necessary to satisfy human needs and to improve living standard, but a noticeable fact is that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption in developed areas of China had reached a quite high level. Adjustment in lifestyle towards a low-carbon society is in urgent need.  相似文献   
In this paper deposition rate coefficients for unattached and attached radon progeny were estimated according to a particle deposition model for turbulent indoor airflow described by Zhao and Wu [2006. Modeling particle deposition from fully developed turbulent flow in ventilation duct. Atmos. Environ. 40, 457–466]. The parameter which characterizes turbulent indoor airflow in this model is friction velocity, u*. Indoor ventilation changes indoor airflow and friction velocity and influences deposition rate coefficients. Correlation between deposition and ventilation rate coefficients in the room was determined. It was shown that deposition rate coefficient increases with ventilation rate coefficient and that these parameters of the Jacobi room model cannot be assumed to be independent. The values of deposition rate coefficients were presented as functions of friction velocity and ventilation rate coefficient. If ventilation rate coefficient varies from 0.1 up to 1 h−1, deposition rate coefficients for unattached and attached fractions were estimated to be in the range 3–110 h−1 and 0.015–0.35 h−1, respectively.  相似文献   
基于AHP和DEA模型的农业生态效率评价——以无锡市为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
农业面源污染已成为我国重要环境污染源之一,但由于农业面源污染具有分散、面广、周期长、随机性等特点,在评价上存在较大难度。根据生态效率理论,结合农业生产的特点,建立了综合考虑经济效益和环境影响的农业生态效率评价指标体系,并以江苏省无锡市为例,选取该市1998~2008年农业生产和面源污染相关数据,运用偏好锥的数据包络分析模型(DEA)对其农业生态效率进行了评价分析。结果显示:1998~2008年,无锡市农业生态效率呈现先下降后上升的趋势,近三年累计上升幅度达22%。表明近年来无锡市农业面源污染治理成效显著,农业可持续发展水平显著提高。提出的农业生态效率评价体系和方法为进一步推进农业面源污染治理工作提供了依据  相似文献   
选择交易成本低、具有操作性的补偿方式,实现农田生态产品的市场运作,是农田生态补偿制度实施的关键。利用问卷调查资料,分析了武汉市农户对不同农田生态补偿方式的认知、选择以及其影响因素,在此基础上指出了政府补偿方式在农田生态补偿领域的缺陷及引进市场方式的建议。研究表明:(1)武汉市农户对农田生态补偿的认知程度较低,仅有10.71%的受访农户听说过生态补偿、生态危机等概念;(2)49.02%农户对现行的现金补偿方式不太满意,认为补偿金额太低,94.65%的受访者更倾向于接受更高额度的现金补偿方式;(3)农户对现金、实物、技术(智力)、政策等农田生态补偿方式的选择偏好受其性别、年龄、家庭人口、家庭年收入、家庭中需抚养人口数和文化程度的显著影响。研究提出构建农田生态补偿的交易平台、完善生态环境物品数量化的体系设计和管理模式的多样化是推进农田生态补偿的市场化运作的关键。  相似文献   
基于ARIMA和BP神经网络组合模型的我国碳排放强度预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
预测我国碳排放强度的长期变动趋势, 对国家进行宏观经济管理和节能减排工作具有重要的参考价值。运用深入分析自回归移动平均模型和神经网络的特性,并在此基础上建立ARIMA模型和BP神经网络组合模型,将碳排放强度的时间序列的数据结构分解为线性和非线性残差部分,对我国碳排放强度的变化趋势进行了综合分析与预测。结果显示:今后10 a我国碳排放强度总体是逐步下降的,但到2020年我国碳排放强度仅比2005年下降34%,比我国政府提出碳排放强度下降40%~45%的目标还有一定的差距。因此,要在2020年实现我国碳排放强度目标,必须要调整宏观经济政策,采取各种政策措施以实现目标  相似文献   
通过界定水资源承载能力的概念和内涵,提出基于总量控制条件下人口 经济 水资源三者系统协调耦合的水资源承载能力分析计算方法,分别采用产业结构调整和水资源优化配置模型等措施,以赣江袁河流域水资源承载能力分析计算进行例证。研究结果表明:在用水总量控制、保障社会发展水平和人均GDP水平条件下,(1)优化后行业用水定额下降,流域需水总量减少,水资源利用效率提高,目标年2015年和2030年流域需水量调整后较调整前分别减少036亿m3、090亿m3,较调整前下降了23%和53%;(2)对于不同目标年,优化后用水区域可承载GDP和承载人口有所增加,2015年和2030年全流域可承载GDP分别增加2649亿元和15191亿元,全流域可承载人口分别增加773万人和1874万人  相似文献   
根据环境意识结构.设计了旅游管理部门环境意识调查问卷。其主要的指标体系包括:旅游环境知识水平、旅游环境态度、旅游环境评价和旅游环境行为四个方面。对指标体系各部分之间以及每一指标部分的每一题目之间的相对重要性进行权重的确定.而且对各部分的每道题目的各个选项予以赋分。基于权重和赋分.结合调查问卷的实际情况,设计了指标体系各部分评价模型和环境意识总体评价模型。以此来计算草原旅游发展中旅游管理部门环境意识水平的综合得分。经过分析得知,旅游管理部门环境意识模式是“环境知识制约型”模式。  相似文献   
The spatial structure of populations has been studied in two rodent species inhabiting the subzone of meadow steppes of the steppe zone of Omsk oblast: the narrow-sculled vole (Microtus gregalis Pall.) and steppe lemming (Lagurus lagurus Pall.). Their populations are represented by combinations of territorial family groups whose structure and spatial distribution vary by season depending on population density, the phase of the population cycle, and the status of their members in the population. In the areas cohabited by M. gregalis and L. lagurus, the pattern of territory use and the rhythm of animal activity during the day depend primarily on their total density: under conditions of low density, the population groups of both species are spatially separated; at increased density, they are distributed with respect to the pattern of daily activity. Both species jointly use part of the territory but at different times of day: M. gregalis, mainly at night and in the morning; L. lagurus, in the daytime.  相似文献   
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