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Abstract: Use of lawn chemicals in residential areas may contribute nonpoint source (NPS) pollutants, such as nutrients, pesticides, and herbicides to streams. We conducted a 2‐year screening study of discharge in stormwater pipes in the Wissahickon Valley Watershed (suburban Philadelphia) using nitrogen as an indicator of lawn chemical use. Stormwater samples representing first flush and composite runoff were collected approximately twice a month using automatic samplers triggered by rise in water level during storms. The runoff collected by the stormpipes was from neighborhoods with 15‐100 residences, and from 2 to 18 ha (5‐45 acres). Several factors were examined to evaluate the effects on nitrate concentration. These factors included time of sampling (season), number of homes, total area, size of the storm, and time since last storm. Nitrate levels were generally less than 5 mg/l, but still above background in typical undeveloped areas. Concentrations were slightly higher in the first summer than during a drought in the second year, but the difference was not statistically significant. There was a positive correlation between size of the neighborhood (capture area) and peak concentration of nitrate. Storm characteristics (size of storm and time since last storm) did not correlate with nitrate concentrations. The variation in both space and time suggests that a more local control may be a factor. Although individual lawn chemical applications were not monitored, they may influence the timing of increased loading. Furthermore, the variability indicates that quarterly monitoring will not capture discharge characteristics of storm basins.  相似文献   
Abstract: For most wastewater discharges to streams, the effluent creates a plume that becomes less distinct as it mixes with the receiving water. Constant‐discharge tracer studies were used to characterize the plume or physical mixing zone (PMZ) at two similar transition terrain streams. At both sites, the laterally unmixed PMZs did not extend across the entire stream and mixing occurred relatively quickly. The observed plumes were significantly smaller than the regulatory mixing zone (RMZ) allowed by the State of Colorado. At Site 1 mixing occurred within a much shorter distance due to the presence of a riffle zone located a few meters downstream of the discharge point. Interpretation of field data with an analytical model suggests that the effective transverse dispersion coefficient (kz) for the riffle zone at Site 1 (~1 m2/s) was significantly higher than the average value over the longer nonriffle section at Site 2 (~0.01 m2/s). These results imply that to achieve the fastest mixing in transition terrain streams, thereby minimizing the size of the PMZ, discharge outfalls should be located upstream and close to riffle zones.  相似文献   
城市降雨屋面、路面径流水文水质特征研究   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
为研究城市硬质下垫面径流的水文过程与污染物浓度变化特征,对北京市2006年6-8月的4场降雨进行路面和屋面水文、水质过程同步分析.结果表明,径流曲线与降雨过程线形状类似,波动幅度相对较小,滞后于降雨过程线5~20 min,屋面径流系数在0.80~0.98之间;路面径流系数在0.87~0.97之间.径流污染物的浓度是由累积排放规律决定的,路面径流的污染物浓度高于屋面径流,径流中COD、TN、TP的浓度均超过地表水环境质量标准V类水要求.各类污染物之间的相关性均处于显著性水平R=0.1以上,屋面径流颗粒物与有机物和阴离子之间的相关关系较大(>0.5),而与氮磷等营养物质的相关系数较小(<0.5);路面径流中,TN、1P与颗粒物的相关性有所增加.径流中各类物质大多存在初期冲刷现象,并受到污染物种类、下垫面特征、降雨强度和雨型等因素的影响.SS初期冲刷现象较其它几类污染物更为明显,路面较屋面更容易形成初期冲刷,低强度降雨不容易形成有机物和营养物质的初期冲刷现象.控制初期径流污染是北京市径流管理的有效措施.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal patterns in low streamflows were investigated for 183 streamgages located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed for the period 1939–2013. Metrics that represent different aspects of the frequency and magnitude of low streamflows were examined for trends: (1) the annual time series of seven‐day average minimum streamflow, (2) the scaled average deficit at or below the 2% mean daily streamflow value relative to a base period between 1939 and 1970, and (3) the annual number of days below the 2% threshold. Trends in these statistics showed spatial cohesion, with increasing low streamflow volume at streamgages located in the northern uplands of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and decreasing low streamflow volume at streamgages in the southern part of the watershed. For a small subset of streamgages (12%), conflicting trend patterns were observed between the seven‐day average minimum streamflow and the below‐threshold time series and these appear to be related to upstream diversions or the influence of reservoir‐influenced streamflows in their contributing watersheds. Using multivariate classification techniques, mean annual precipitation and fraction of precipitation falling as snow appear to be broad controls of increasing and decreasing low‐flow trends. Further investigation of seasonal precipitation patterns shows summer rainfall patterns, driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, as the main driver of low streamflows in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The spatial distribution of hydrogeologic parameter is an important issue in ground water simulation. One of the methods is to divide an area into several zones such that parameters are assumed to be constant within zone. The purpose of this study is to apply Tabu Search (TS) to find the best zonation of parameters that can result in the best ground water simulation. The initial zonation can be determined as the Thiessen method, and then zonation is optimized by T.S. The mean square error between simulated and observed hydraulic heads was used as the objective function. A designed confined aquifer with known zonation was used as an example to test the proposed method. Results indicated that Tabu Search can locate the optimal zonation successfully and avoid being trapped by local optimal zonations. Besides this, four other arbitrary initial zonations can be directed to the optimal zonation by TS, which proves the robustness of the proposed method. The method proposed in this study is feasible and expected to work well in the field problems with sufficient sampling of concerned parameters.  相似文献   
宁夏东北部典型荒漠草原植物群落与土壤养分特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏东北部荒漠草原为研究区,采用野外样方调查、采样和室内植物鉴定、土壤样品测定等方法,探析研究区内植物群落物种组成与土壤养分特征,以及植物多样性指数与土壤养分的相关关系,以期为中国荒漠治理、生物资源保护与可持续性利用提供依据。结果显示:(1)研究区植物共86种,隶属61属21科,其中禾本科(18种)、豆科(16种)、菊科(13种)和藜科(11种)植物占总物种数的67.44%;(2)研究区土壤总体上呈碱性,pH值平均为8.81,全氮、全磷、有机质的质量分数(0-10 cm土层)分别为0.07-0.54、0.16-0.51、0.51-6.24 g·kg^-1;(3)研究区植物多样性指数中的Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与土壤pH值呈显著负相关,与其他土壤养分的相关关系未达到显著水平,其他植物多样性指数与土壤养分的关系均未达到显著水平。研究表明,宁夏东北部荒漠草原植物种类少,禾本科、豆科植物优势明显,土壤养分条件差,土壤全氮、全磷、有机质对植物多样性指数的影响不大。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Human induced long-term changes in precipitation and stream chemistry have been observed in eastern North America and Europe, but few long-term studies have been conducted in coastal western North America. The objectives of this research were to determine: (1) time trends in precipitation and stream chemistry in a pristine old-growth forest watershed, and (2) seasonal patterns in precipitation and stream chemistry. It was conducted in 58 ha West Twin Creek Watershed, Hoh River Valley, Olympic National Park, Washington from 1984 to 1993. Vegetation consists of old-growth forest, with western hemlock, Douglas-fir, western redcedar, Pacific silver fir, and Sitka spruce being the dominant tree species. Annual precipitation varied from 2336 to 4518 mm during the study period with the majority of the rain falling between October and May. Chemistry of precipitation was strongly dominated by oceanic influences with Na and Cl being the dominant ions. The chemistry of the stream was influenced by bedrock weathering and was dominated by Ca, HCO3, and SO4 and was not strongly related to precipitation chemistry. The pH of precipitation averaged 5.3 over time and ranged from 4.3 to 7.1, while the stream pH averaged 7.5 and ranged from 5.5 to 9.0. There were few long-term trends in the chemical constituents of bulk precipitation or stream water with the exception of a slight decrease in NO3 in precipitation and an increase of SO4 in stream water. A trend of decreasing concentrations of Ca, Mg and Na in precipitation also occurred. There were no significant seasonal patterns in precipitation although the highest SO4 concentrations usually occurred in late spring and summer perhaps due marine algal activity. Strong seasonal trends occurred in concentrations of HCO3, SO4, Ca, Mg, and Na in stream water resulting from weathering and stream flow patterns, with highest ion concentrations occurring just before the onset of the rainy season. Pulses of NO3 in the stream were observed during fall and early winter resulting from the release of NO3 which had accumulated in soils or sediments.  相似文献   
基于水量平衡的流域生态耗水量计算——以海河为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论文提出一个基于水量平衡的流域生态耗水量的计算方法。以海河流域为例,利用流域多年年降雨、入海水量、引黄水量、地下水超采水量、工业用水量、农业用水量、生活用水量、工业废污水排放量和生活污水排放量等资料,得出1956~1998年流域生态耗水量的多年变化。计算结果显示,虽然流域在1956~1998年的43年间环境发生明显变化,然而流域生态耗水总量没有呈明显的上升或下降趋势。最后通过对比研究,给出了论文提出的算法与基于当地水资源的算法结果的物理解释。  相似文献   
为探究荒漠绿洲土壤C、 N、 P和K的含量变化及生态化学计量特征,阐明其对环境因子的生态学响应,选择河西走廊中段张掖临泽荒漠绿洲10块样地,采集表层土壤样品,测定土壤C、 N、 P和K含量,揭示不同生境中土壤养分含量变化和化学计量比的分布特征以及与其他环境因子间的相关关系.结果表明:(1)土壤C在各样点分布不均匀且具有明显的异质性(R=0.761,P=0.06).其中,ω(C)在绿洲平均值最高,为12.85 g·kg-1,过渡带次之,为8.65 g·kg-1,荒漠最低,为4.1 g·kg-1;(2)土壤K含量除在盐碱地含量较低外,在荒漠、过渡带和绿洲之间均无显著变化且含量较高;(3)土壤C∶N平均值为12.92,C∶P平均值为11.69,N∶P平均值为0.9,均低于全球土壤平均水平(13.33、 72.0、 5.9)和中国土壤平均水平(12、 52.7、 3.9);(4)土壤含水量为影响荒漠绿洲土壤C、 N、 P、 K和生态化学计量特征的最大影响因子,贡献率为86.9%,其次为土壤酸碱度和土壤孔隙度,贡献率分别为9.2%...  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The principle of maximum entropy (POME) was used to derive an alternative method for parameter estimation for the three parameter lognormal (TPLN) distribution. Six sets of annual peak discharge data were used to evaluate this method and compare it with the methods of moments and maximum likelihood estimation.  相似文献   
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