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Delphi法职业危害风险评估模型及案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学合理地进行建设项目职业病危害风险分类,基于系统工程及风险评估的基本原理,采用Delphi法分析和确定了影响职业病危害风险程度的因素,通过构建风险评估指标体系,建立了职业病危害影响因子赋值法(OHFA)定量化风险评估模型。根据对作业场所的危害源、本质及附加防护设施水平、人员接触机会、职业病防治管理等因子的综合分析,预测分析了研究对象的职业病危害的风险程度,为职业病危害风险辨识、风险评估、防治管理及防护设施设计等提供参考。并以某石化行业硫磺回收项目为实例进行应用与验证,得出了该项目的总体职业病危害风险度值为12,风险等级为Ⅰ级,各职业病危害因素的风险度由高到底排序为硫化氢、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、硫磺、高温,其风险分类的关键决定因素为硫化氢。实践表明该方法与专家评估结果及工程实际吻合较好,应用于职业病危害风险评估中可给出定量化的风险分类结果。  相似文献   
采用广义相加模型和分布滞后非线性模型,研究单个气象要素和以"通用的热气候指数"表征的多要素综合效应与北京市2009~2012年呼吸系统疾病急诊人数的暴露-响应关系,并按年龄、性别分层.结果表明,对全人群而言,高温效应即时,低温作用滞后;湿度<30%能显著增加发病风险,且效应持久;3m/s风速对应发病风险最低.少儿(≤ 14岁)受热胁迫影响最强,尤其突出高温高湿作用;成人(15~59岁)受冷胁迫影响强且滞后性;老年患者(>60岁)对冷胁迫敏感,着重防范低温低湿.采用舒适指数探讨环境对呼吸系统疾病的影响优于单要素表征,可加深对发病气象成因的理解,为科学预防、预测预警提供新思路.  相似文献   
综述了在茶树病虫害综合防治中生态学原理和农田生态系统科学理论的运用。强调以生态防治,即农业防治和生物防治为主,借助于各种农业技术和现代生物科学手段,在综合防治中尽量少用化学农药,以减少对环境的污染、农药残留及对天敌的伤害,维持茶园生态平衡。  相似文献   
松材线虫对其携带的一株细菌繁殖和致病性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用黑松(Pinusthunbergii)无菌苗和愈伤组织的接种试验证明,松材线虫携带的洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burk-holderiacepacia)B619菌株的繁殖及对黑松的致病性受松材线虫的影响.进一步的研究表明,松材线虫的分泌物及死尸均可促进该菌株的生长繁殖和致病作用,且活线虫的促进作用比死尸更加显著,这可能是由于松材线虫提供给该菌株某些重要的营养物质.试验还发现,松材线虫分泌液经高温处理后对致病细菌繁殖的促进活性下降.表5参18  相似文献   
Causes of Keshan–Beck disease (KBD) are still being probed and monitored in China. Relationships between trace elements from eco-environmental systems and KBD are poorly understood although relationships between environmental Se and human health have received extensive attention. In order to investigate relationships between eco-environmental geochemistry and KBD, we selected the Chousang KBD area in Yao County, Shaanxi Province, China, as an example of a prevailing KBD area applying I–Se-rich salts instead of utilizing Se-rich fertilisers on food crops to prevent local residents from developing KBD before 1995. Environmentally geochemical samples (rocks, soils, plants and children's hair) were collected from the Chousang KBD area. Soils in the study area contain 0.11±0.02 µg Se g–1, 0.75±0.11 µg Mo g–1, and 34.5±1.5 µg B g–1 on average, indicating that the study area is a deficient-Se–Mo–B area. Se (0.07±0.007 µg g–1), Mo (0.35±0.09 µg g–1) and B (3±0 µg g–1) contents are low in wheat and corn used as a daily main food staple of local inhabitants. It is indicated that the study area is deficient in environmental Se–Mo–B for the local residents. Se contents of children's hair from the Yangyuan Elementary School in the study area range from 0.09 to 0.26 µg Se g–1 with an average of 0.165±0.05 µg Se g–1 (n=10) in this KBD endemic area. Due to the low levels of Se, Mo and B available in soils and rocks, crops including wheat and corn are deficient in these elements, accordingly, the deficiency of Se, Mo and B in this area may be linked to the daily consumption of wheat and corn deficient in Se, Mo and B. Therefore, local inhabitants should be encouraged to fertilise mixtures of Se, Mo and B on crop plants in order to avoid development of KBD and guarantee a good harvest of crops.  相似文献   
大气生物污染与健康的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文综述了大气生物污染及其引起疾病方面的研究。在大气微生物污染方面包括了细菌、病毒,特别是真菌污染及其引起的疾病,甚至癌症。在植物花粉对大气的污染方面,介绍了枯草热的发生原因和对健康的危害。作者认为,大气生物污染的评价、治理和毒理学效应等问题值得注意并应进一步研究。  相似文献   
Wolman's disease was diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy by the direct demonstration of acid lipase deficiency in chorionic villi. The diagnosis was confirmed by studies on cultured chorionic villus cells and fetal skin fibroblasts. Acid lipase activity was assayed with both 4-methylumbelliferyl-palmitate and radiolabelled cholesterol oleate as substrates. The higher specificity of the enzyme for the latter, natural, substrate makes it superior in prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
Fungal pathogens, browsing mammals, birds, insects, nutrient deficiencies, drought, frost and waterlogging are all damaging agents to plantation species. The subsequent loss in leaf tissue or reduced photosynthetic potential can reduce growth and potentially lead to tree death. The Crown Damage Index (CDI) was developed in Australia to quantify damage in young eucalypt plantations. The accuracy and precision of assessing damage at a tree level were determined to ensure the reliability, objectivity and repeatability of the CDI method. Nine assessors, with varying levels of experience, estimated damage on three plots of fifty trees each, to obtain an understanding of the subjectivity of assessing damage caused by insects (e.g. Chrysophtharta spp.) and fungal pathogens (e.g. Mycosphaerella spp.) on Eucalyptus globulus. Damage levels were measured by destructive sampling to enable direct comparisons between estimates and damage levels to be made. The most experienced assessors provided the most repeatable estimates and were generally the most accurate. The incidence of foliar necrosis was the least subjective measure while defoliation was the most subjective and the least accurate of the indices measured. All assessors, regardless of experience, were able to predict the Crown Damage Index (a combined index of all damage classes) to within 12% of measured damage levels.  相似文献   
桥梁伸缩装置(以下简称伸缩缝)使用环境恶劣、受荷形式复杂,易出现多种病害。伸缩缝病害会造成桥梁耐久性降低,车致桥梁动力响应加重等不利现象。因此,伸缩缝病害机理及其处置方法和考虑伸缩缝参数影响的车-桥耦合动力响应规律研究受到了广泛关注。本文综述了桥梁伸缩缝力学性能,常见病害及其影响,病害机理及其处置方法等的发展现状;重点讨论了考虑伸缩缝参数及其变化影响的桥梁动力响应的研究进展及存在的问题;展望了未来桥梁伸缩缝研究中有待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   
清代北京地区瘟疫反复流行,不仅导致人口大量死亡,还对政治制度、经济发展、城市建设、民众信仰产生重大影响.瘟疫流行期间,清政府拨付专款,设局施药施棺进行直接救治.同时,还注意安置解决来京流民饥民问题,对控制疫情的蔓延起了重要的作用.此外,基于传统天象示警的观念,统治者还通过重清理刑狱和征求直言的方式挽回天意,达到消除瘟疫...  相似文献   
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