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通过动力学调控在单一反应器内实现了亚硝化到硝化再到亚硝化过程的转化.在小试曝气上流式污泥床(Aerated Upflow Sludge Bed,AUSB)反应器中,在20℃、DO为2~4mg·L-1的条件下,主要通过调节反应器内的pH值调控氨氧化细菌(AOB)和亚硝酸盐氧化细菌(NOB)比生长速率的相对大小,以无机自配水为进水时,分别在20d和25d内将反应器的亚硝化率(出水中亚硝氮与总硝态氮之比)从95%降低至15%再恢复至95%以上,期间反应器的氨氮去除率基本维持在90%以上;当以实际高氨氮废水为进水时,同样主要通过调节反应器的pH值,分别在30d和23d内实现了反应器的亚硝化率从90%降低至10%再恢复至90%的过程.  相似文献   
天然针阔混交林优势种群间联结关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用2 ×2 联列表,通过方差分析、χ2 检验、联结系数C、Ochiai 系数、Czekanowski 系数和Jaccard 系数等系列方法,测定了天然针阔混交林15 个优势种群间的总体联结关系,各种对间联结显著性和关联系数.研究表明:中亚热带针阔混交林的种间联结测定使用上述系列技术效果很佳.运用方差分析揭示出多物种整体间的联结关系;χ2 检验揭示出成对物种间联结的性质和程度;Ochiai、Czekanowski 和Jaccard 系数可表明种对的联结程度和相伴随出现的机率.结果表明:多物种间的整体联结关系为显著的正联结;χ2 统计量检验了105 个种对,其中9 个种对呈现极显著的正联结;2 个种对为显著的正联结;4 个种对呈现显著的负联结.马尾松( Pinus massoniana)与常绿阔叶林优势树种间的联结关系很弱,反映出天然针阔混交林的成熟性  相似文献   
边镜贸易作为我国作为开放的重要组成部分,进展显著。本文在概述我国边境贸易发展所产生的环境问题的基础上,以我国最大的陆边口岸--满州里市为例,运用灰色预测,动态规划等方法探讨边境贸易与环境保护协调发展的途径。  相似文献   
水资源短缺和水污染是安宁工业区经济发展的重要限制因素。本文将该工业区分解为3个子区,应用系统动态学方法,建立多区相关的工业经济-水资源-水污染系统仿真模型,分别对各子区1985至2000年的工业产值、工业用水差距和水质进行多方案预测。在子区域综合的基础上,结合多级决策树法,筛选出安宁工业区协调工业经济、水资源和水质之间关系的最佳方案。  相似文献   
To determine the characteristics of vegetation community structure and the relationship between species in the frequent watersheds of debris flow in fragile ecological environments, based on sample survey and 2 × 2 joint table techniques, we used analysis of variance test, χ2 test, Jaccard index, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test to study the main plant species correlations in the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone of the unstable slope. The analysis of variance test showed that all 45 species pairs had a significant negative correlation in the stable zone and instable zone, whereas there was no significant negative correlation in the deposit zone, which showed that the species had an independent distribution trend. The results from the different tests showed that there were 1 pair, 4 pairs, and 4 pairs from the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively, which had significant interspecific association under the χ2 test and the ratios of positive correlation pairs to negative correlation pairs were 0.55, 0.67, and 0.67 in the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively. There were 8 pairs, 5 pairs, and 5 pairs from the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively, which had significant interspecific association from the Pearson correlation analysis test, and the ratios of positive correlation pairs to negative correlation pairs were 0.36, 0.45, and 0.45 in the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively. There were 10 pairs, 6 pairs, and 9 pairs from the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively, which had significant interspecific association from the Spearman's rank correlation analysis test and the ratios of positive correlation pairs to negative correlation pairs were 0.5, 0.55, and 0.6 in the stable zone, instable zone, and deposit zone, respectively. The three test results showed general similarities but there were some differences. Most species pairs did not reach a significant level in the three zones and the number of negatively related species was more than the number of positively related species. In brief, this loose interspecific relationship indicates that the entire plant community was not stable, and the interspecific relationships among species are susceptible to environmental interference in the ecologically fragile areas of the debris flow basin. Therefore, rational selection and configuration of species should be applied to promote community structure development and ecological environmental improvement in vegetation restoration process areas with high-frequency debris flow. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
Soybean protein is a potential material for manufacturing of biodegradable plastics. The objective of this investigation was to characterize the thermal and mechanical properties of plastics made from sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-modified soy proteins. Soy protein isolate (SPI) was prepared from defatted soy flour, modified with various concentrations of SDS, and then molded into plastics. The temperatures of denaturation of the modified soy protein increased at low SDS concentration and then decreased at high SDS concentration. At the same SDS concentration, the plastics molded from the modified soy proteins showed a similar temperature of denaturation, but a lower enthalpy of denaturation compared to the modified soy protein. Young's modulus of the plastics decreased as SDS concentration increased, and the tensile strength and strain at break of the plastics reached a maximum value at 1% SDS modification. Two glass transition temperatures were identified corresponding to the 7S and 11S globulins in SPI by dynamic mechanical analysis, and they decreased as SDS concentration increased. The SDS modification increased the water absorption of the plastics.  相似文献   
为适时、有效地控制炼化过程系统风险,以模糊Petri网(FPN)为基础,针对炼化系统动态退化性和系统中保护层对风险转移的干预性,建立考虑保护层响应的炼化过程系统风险动态转移模型。描述基于FPN的保护层作用动态机制,分析炼化系统在保护层干预下,从非正常干扰触发开始至炼化系统退化过程的风险变化趋势。最后通过正己烷缓冲罐案例分析验证模型。结果表明:正己烷缓冲罐在开始运行的30 000 h内,系统风险等级呈阶段性变化,在工作的前16 800 h,风险为Ⅰ级;第16 800~27 600 h,风险为Ⅱ级;第27 600~30 000 h,风险为Ⅲ级。  相似文献   
大数据时代的建筑施工现场会产生海量数据信息,如何利用这些数据并从中找出建筑施工现场内外环境中危险源之间的关联关系,对于施工安全尤为重要。利用Apriori算法挖掘施工隐患数据集,生成危险源关联规则;然后依据任务驱动思想令计算机将施工任务映射到相应施工情境下的危险源关联规则中,管理者便可根据具体施工任务搜索到更想要关注的安全规则信息;从这些规则信息的搜索结果发现,隐患的发生常常是由于危险源在时间上的连续或在空间上的交互所致,因此利用这些挖掘出的关联规则可以帮助施工管理人员对施工现场进行有效安全管理。  相似文献   
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been largely indicated as a promising alternative solution for the transportation and storage of natural gas. In the case of accidental release on the ground, a pool fire scenario may occur. Despite the relevance of this accident, due to its likelihood and potential to trigger domino effects, accurate analyses addressing the characterization of pool fires of LNG are still missing.In this work, the fire dynamic simulator (FDS) has been adopted for the evaluation of the effects of the released amount of fuel and its composition (methane, ethane, and propane), on the thermal and chemical properties of small-scale LNG pool fire. More specifically, the heat release rate, the burning rate, the flame height, and thermal radiation, at different initial conditions, have been evaluated for pool having diameter smaller than 10 m. Safety distances have been calculated for all the investigated conditions, as well.Results have also been compared with data and correlations retrieved from the current literature. The equation of Thomas seems to work properly for the definition of the height over diameter ratio of the LNG pool fire for all the mixture and the investigated diameters.The addition of ethane and propane significantly affects the obtained results, especially in terms of radiative thermal radiation peaks, thus indicating the inadequacy of the commonly adopted assumption of pure methane as single, surrogate species for the LNG mixture.  相似文献   
复杂地质赋存环境下珊瑚砂具有显著的各向异性特征,颗粒的沉积方向显著影响其动力特性。对南沙岛礁珊瑚砂开展均等固结的共振柱试验,探究了珊瑚砂颗粒的沉积方向角 φ(沉积面与水平面的夹角)和初始有效固结围压对其动剪切模量 G 和阻尼比 λ 的影响。在给定 φ 下,G 随剪应变幅值 γa增大而减小的速率随 的增大而增加;给定 下,Gγa增大而减小的速率随 φ 增大呈现先减后增的趋势,φ = 60°时 Gγa曲线位于最下方。最大动剪切模量 G0φ 的增大表现出先减后增的现象,且 φG0的影响随 的增大而降低。建立了考虑 φ 影响的修正 Hardin 模型,预测和量测的 G0值偏差小于 10%。动剪切模量比 G/G0γa曲线对 φ 不敏感,结合修正 Hardin 模型和 Davidenkov 骨架曲线预测和量测的 G 值偏差小于 15%。在陈国兴等(2006)提出的阻尼比经验模型中引入 φ 影响的修正项,预测和量测的 λ 值偏差小于 20%。  相似文献   
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