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UNITANK is a biological wastewater treatment process that combines the advantages of traditional activated sludge process and sequencing batch reactor, which is divided into Tank A, B and C. In this study, the sludge distribution and its impact on performance of UNITANK were carried out in Liede Wastewater Plant (WWTP) of Guangzhou, China. Results showed that there was a strong affiliation between Tank A and B of the system in sludge concentration distribution. The initial sludge concentration in Tank A could present the sludge distribution of the whole system. The sludge distribution was mainly influenced by hydraulic condition. Unsteady sludge distribution had an impact on variations of substrates in reactors, especially in decisive reactor, and this could lead to failure of system. Settler could partially remove substrates such as COD and NO3-N, but there was adventure of sludge deterioration. The rational initial sludge concentration in Tank A should be 4000-6000 mg/L MLSS.  相似文献   
针对页岩气特殊的开发方式及环评难度比常规气大的特点,运用"压力-状态-响应"框架模型,建立了页岩气开发对生态环境影响的评价指标体系。引入曲线投影的方式,并将投影寻踪方法和动态聚类方法相结合,提出了曲线投影寻踪动态聚类的定量评价方法;基于样本各指标的曲线投影和动态聚类方法寻找最佳投影方向,并建立相应的生态环境影响评价优化模型。结合全局最优经验指导和信息素交流,采用改进的蚁群算法对优化模型进行求解。该算法维持蚁群的多样性,且收敛性较好,同时也避免出现局部最优。对四川省威远页岩气区块进行了实例分析,结果表明:2010年、2011年和2014年的环评属于差类(4级),2012年和2013年的环评属于中类(3级),其中植被覆盖率、空气质量优良率、地表水质达标率、废水排放量、公众对环境的满意度、二氧化硫排放量和废水排放量达标率等指标对生态环境评价的影响较大。在页岩气开发初期,由于开发技术落后,再加上环保投资不高,环保意识不强,造成生态环境问题较为严重。随着学习借鉴美国的经验,及页岩气的开发技术进一步提高,加上国家对生态环境保护的重视,威远页岩气区块生态环境恶化得到有效的遏制。但开发时间越长,开采难度越大,将会产生更多更大的生态环境问题。分析结果与威远页岩气开发区域的实际情况相符,为页岩气气田生态环境影响评价奠定了科学基础。投影寻踪动态聚类方法具有无需设定参数、操作简单、客观等优点,是页岩气开发对生态环境影响评价的一种新方法。  相似文献   
当前中国资源环境约束日益凸显,依靠全要素生产率成为解决这些问题的共识。然而仅仅依靠全要素生产率不能转变生产方式,关键在于区分绿色与非绿色偏向。研究使用中国省际面板数据,运用面板与动态空间面板模型方法,对比分析绿色全要素生产率、绿色"软技术"、绿色"硬技术"的影响机制。研究发现:1依靠全要素生产率驱动发展需要区别绿色与非绿色偏向;2必须注重绿色全要素生产率对绿色发展的作用及其运行机制;3不同偏向的绿色全要素生产率的省际空间学习效应不同;4绿色"软技术"对绿色发展贡献不充分。这就意味着,在当前中国资源环境约束日趋收紧的背景下,要区别绿色与非绿色全要素生产率的不同作用,否则将不能促进生产方式转变,实现绿色可持续发展。推动绿色可持续发展,一方面需要重视提升绿色全要素生产率的作用,另一方面需要重视绿色管理技术等绿色"软技术"对绿色发展的贡献。提升绿色全要素生产率,既要重视研发投入、人力资本投入,又要考虑技术市场、劳动智力结构、劳动者年龄结构的影响。提升绿色"软技术"的贡献率,改善绿色技术效率变动的吸纳能力。通过绿色全要素生产率的省际空间学习效应,实现中国省际区域间绿色可持续协同发展。此外,在引进吸收国外先进绿色技术时,既要重视对绿色"硬技术"的吸收,又要重视对绿色"软技术"的再学习。总之,"打铁还需自身硬",中国要继续鼓励支持绿色"硬技术"自主研发,巩固提升绿色"硬技术"对绿色发展的贡献。  相似文献   
在旅游业节能减排形势严峻的背景下,深入研究中国旅游业CO_2排放问题,制定科学的区域节能减排政策已刻不容缓。本文首先运用"自下而上"法,估算了1993-2012年中国整体旅游业、旅游业各分部门、大陆各省区(不含西藏)旅游业CO_2排放量。在此基础上,对全国及三大地带旅游业CO_2排放的总体特征进行分析;利用Theil指数法分析了中国旅游业CO_2排放强度的区域差异、区域内差异和区域间差异;运用AreView软件对中国旅游业CO_2排放强度的省际差异进行直观图示。分析结果显示:1993-2012年,中国旅游业CO_2排放量从1 480.868×10~4t升至6 274.129×10~4t;全国及三大地带旅游业CO_2排放强度整体上呈现出先显著下降、再缓慢梯度下降的趋势;中国旅游业CO_2排放强度空间分布不均匀,东部地区旅游业CO_2排放强度低于中部和西部地区;中国旅游业CO_2排放强度的区域总体差异、区域间差异和区域内差异整体呈逐渐缩小的趋势,区域间差异对总体差异的贡献率为94%-98%,区域间差异占主导地位;中国旅游业CO_2排放强度省际差异明显,属于旅游业CO_2排放强度弱显著区的省区基本位于东部沿海地区,河北、湖南、河南、广西、甘肃和新疆等省区频繁出现在旅游业CO_2排放强度强显著区之列,因此上述省区应是中国旅游业CO_2未来节能减排的区域重点。据此提出差别化的CO_2减排对策:东部地区应通过技术改进和调整产业结构、能源消费结构来降低CO_2排放强度,并以此带动中部和西部地区旅游业节能减排;中部和西部地区应加强与东部地区合作,将提高能源使用率、降低CO_2排放强度作为旅游业减排工作的重点。  相似文献   
A compilation has been undertaken of data which can be used to derive animal product transfer coefficients for radionuclides, including an extensive review of Russian language information. The resultant database has been used to provide recommended transfer coefficient values for a range of radionuclides to (i) cow, sheep and goat milk, (ii) meat (muscle) of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry and (iii) eggs. The values are used in a new IAEA handbook on transfer parameters which replaces that referred to as ‘TRS 364’. The paper outlines the approaches and procedures used to identify and collate data, and assumptions used. There are notable differences between the TRS 364 ‘expected’ values and the recommended values in the revised Handbook from the new database. Of the recommended values, three milk values are at least an order of magnitude higher than the TRS 364 values (Cr, Pu (cow) Pu (sheep)) and one milk value is lower (Ni (cow)). For meat, four values (Am, Cd, Sb (beef) I (pork)) are at least an order of magnitude higher than the TRS 364 values and eight values are at least an order of magnitude lower (Ru, Pu (beef), Ru, Sr, Zn (sheep), Ru, Sr (pork), Mn (poultry)). Many data gaps remain.  相似文献   
Over 150 publications reporting studies conducted in the former USSR were reviewed to provide transfer coefficients (Ff) to the muscle of domestic animals from experiments using chronic administration, often for long timescales in large scale experiments. Only a few of these studies were made available in the English language literature or taken into account in international reviews. The values derived have been compared with expected values reported by the IAEA's Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer in temperate environments (TRS 364) where possible. The information presented here has been used in the current updating of parameters recommended for environmental assessments by the IAEA. Many of the reported values are for Sr due to the Mayak accident and Cs due to the Chernobyl accident. Nevertheless, the reported data for a wide range of radionuclides, in particular for Ru, Sb, and Zn markedly improve the extent of available data.  相似文献   
超细粉煤灰基成型吸附剂的动态吸附实验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以粉煤灰为原料制备成型吸附剂,对水溶液中亚甲基蓝和Cr6+进行动态吸附研究,绘制穿透曲线,利用Origin软件对实验数据分析处理,得出穿透曲线的通式Ct=A1A2〖〗1+(t/t0)p+A1。结果表明,初始浓度C0=25 mg/L,填料高度不同时,达到穿透点的时间随填料高度的增加而增加;填料高度h=200 mm,初始浓度不同时,达到穿透点的时间随初始浓度的增加而减小;该吸附剂对有机染料和重金属离子均有较好的吸附性能;穿透曲线通式的回归线性相关系数表明,该通式可很好地反映超细粉煤灰成型吸附剂的动态吸附过程。  相似文献   
介绍了高炉煤气的主要燃烧特性,分析了高炉煤气在循环流化床锅炉中掺烧时对炉膛换热、过热蒸汽温度、锅炉负荷、热效率、分离装置以及环境的影响,并提出了消除不良影响的相应措施。  相似文献   
主要采用调查法、访问法等,对中国环境管理干部学院教师健康现状进行了调查研究,并根据教师每周参加体育活动情况,教师经常参加体育活动内容及地点,教师的闲暇时间与体育支出,学院教师体检等情况,建议我院教师注重身体健康,增强健身意识,建议学院为教职工的健康工作和生活创造健身条件和环境。  相似文献   
We propose a stochastic dynamic programming framework to model the management of a multi-stand forest under climate risk (strong wind occurrence). The preferences of the forest-owner are specified by a non-expected utility in order to separately analyze intertemporal substitution and risk aversion effects. A numerical method is developed to characterize the optimal forest management policies and the optimal consumption-saving strategy. The stochastic dynamic programming framework is applied to a non-industrial private forest-owner located in North-East of France. We show that the optimal decisions both depend upon risk and time preferences. The authors would like to thank participants at the international conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management in Toronto, at the PARIS 1 seminar on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, at the 2004 Applied Microeconomics Conference in Lille and at the 13th annual conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists at Budapest.  相似文献   
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