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A set of toxic metals, i.e. As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr, in urban and suburban SDSs were investigated comparatively in the biggest metropolitan area of China, Shanghai. Results showed that all of the metals except As were accumulated greatly, much higher than background values. Geo-accumulation index indicated that metal contamination in urban SDSs was generally heavier than that in suburban SDSs. Potential ecological risk index demonstrated that overall risks caused by metals were considerable. Cd contributed 52% to the overall risk. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that in urban SDSs, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb, Cu and Cr were related to traffic and industry; coal combustion led to elevated levels of Hg; soil parent materials controlled As contents. In suburban SDSs, Pb, Cu, As and Cd largely originated from traffic pollution; Zn, Ni and Cr were associated with industrial contaminants; Hg was mainly from domestic solid waste.  相似文献   
环境保护是科学发展观的题中之意,科学发展观关于环境保护的论述,是党的环境保护理论的精髓。学习实践科学发展观活动,是一个哲学内涵非常丰富的课题,是十分难得的研究环境哲学的大好机遇。试点经验显示了环境保护在学习实践科学发展观活动中的重要作用。他们一方面在科学发展中通过转变发展方式,调整经济结构,解决环境难题;一方面坚持环境保护与经济发展并重,在保护环境中求发展,努力实现环境与经济“双赢”。其共性是,注重治本、注重生态、注重政策。深入学习实践科学发展观,关键在实践,要深入一线,深入调研,融人群众的实践,总结来自一线的新鲜经验。要适应新形势,了解新情况,解决新问题。在学习实践科学发展观活动中,不断提高落实科学发展观,在科学发展中,提高解决环境问题的能力,实现环境与发展、环境与经济的“双赢”。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,人们越来越清醒地认识到,以污染环境和破坏生态来换取一时经济繁荣的危害日益突出。正是这种清醒,推动人类文明进行着一场深刻的反思和变革,把追求人与自然的和谐相处,推上当今社会发展主旋律的位置,它预示着人类进入一个生态文明的新时代。生态文明是协调发展物质文明的保障者,是与时俱进的精神文明的塑造者,是日益完善的政治文明的体现者。因此,建设生态文明既是实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的内在需要,又是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的重要内容;建设生态文明,必须强化政策支撑,增加生态文明建设的内生动力;必须强化执法监督,增加生态文明建设的环保执行力;必须强化生态补偿能力,构建最具活力的绿色发展模式。  相似文献   
The acute toxicity (96 h) of pyrene (PY) to European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) juveniles assessed in a semi-static bioassay (SSB) with medium renewal at each 12 h, and in a static bioassay (SB) without medium renewal was compared in laboratorial conditions (water PY concentrations: 0.07-10 mg L−1). Main findings in the SSB that assessed mainly the toxicity of PY and its metabolites were: increased levels of bile PY metabolites in good agreement with the profile of lipid peroxidation levels (LPO) in exposed fish relating PY exposure and oxidative damage; increased levels of PY-type compounds in the brain indicating their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier; increased levels of these substances in liver and muscle which are edible tissues for humans thus raising concern on potential adverse effects on consumers of fish from PY contaminated areas; a significant inhibition of glutathione S-transferase activity suggesting its involvement in PY detoxication as toxicant scavenger; finally, an almost complete impairment of the swimming velocity at all the PY concentrations linking sub-individual to higher population level effects. In the SB, where the overall toxicity of PY, its metabolites and environmental degradation products was evaluated, 19% and 79% of PY decay in test media was found at 12 and 96 h, respectively. In general, the effects were similar to those of SSB but with significant effects being induced at higher PY concentrations indicating that the parental compound is more toxic than its environmental degradation products. The other main differences relatively to the SSB were: increased levels of PY-type substances in the liver suggesting more accumulation in this organ. Therefore, these findings highlight the need of carefully considering experimental design options when assessing the toxicity of readily degradable substances to marine fish, and stress the importance of taking into consideration the toxicity of environmental degradation products in addition to toxic effects of the parental substance and its metabolites for marine ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

In order to assess the risk of exposure of human populations to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and mercury, muscles of five fish species were analysed, along with the surface sediment of 14 Iriri River sampling sites. The fish specimens were sacrificed by the spinal section, prior to sex identification, body weight determination and total length. Considering the fish specimens studied, 11% of them showed concentrations of mercury higher than the maximum established by the World Health Organization for safe human consumption. A positive correlation between fish body weight and mercury concentration was observed, besides a positive correlation between the fish size and Hg concentration. Significant differences (P?<?0.05) were found between mean concentrations of DDT and metabolites among species of fish studied. In the Plagioscion squamossissimus species, the highest concentration of total DDT (151.4?ng/g) was found, while in Eugerres Brasilianus species, the lowest. However, the DDT levels in fish muscle of studied species are below the maximum set by FAO-Alimentarius CODEX. In the sediments, total DDT ranged from 11.58?ng/g to 48.4?ng/g, which is associated with the historical DDT use in the Amazon. According to sediment quality guidelines, these levels have a moderate toxic effect in almost all of the studied region.  相似文献   
为评价三峡库区主要水域典型抗生素的污染状况和生态风险,利用固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联三重四极杆质谱联用法(SPE-HPLC-MS/MS),分析三峡库区长江干流和6条支流表层水体中6类28种抗生素的质量浓度,根据欧盟环境风险评价方法计算RQS(风险商值)及RQsum(联合风险商值),并按照Hernando等提出评级方法评价研究区域的生态风险等级.结果表明:三峡库区7条河流共检出4类10种抗生素,质量浓度范围为0.6~218.0 ng/L,其中除OFX(氧氟沙星)和CAP(氯霉素)外,其余8种[SDI(磺胺嘧啶)、SMX(磺胺甲唑)、SMZ(磺胺二甲嘧啶)、ERM(红霉素)、ROM(罗红霉素)、TYL(泰乐菌素)、FF(氟苯尼考)、LIN(林可霉素)]均为畜禽药品,并且FF、LIN在我国畜禽药品中使用量排名居前五位.7条河流抗生素RQsum由高到低依次为濑溪河>琼江>綦江>碧溪河>嘉陵江>长江>乌江,其中,濑溪河RQsum高达5.532,SMX、ERM和OFX均为高风险,说明其对濑溪河水体中相应的水生生物表现出较高的毒性风险;琼江、綦江、碧溪河和嘉陵江的RQsum均处于1~2之间,表现出较高生态风险,但4条河流检出抗生素的单个RQS均小于1,处于低风险;长江的RQsum为0.605,检出抗生素中TYL、ERM和ROM处于中风险,其余为低风险;乌江的RQsum为0.013,检出抗生素均处于低风险,说明水体受人类活动干扰最小.研究显示,三峡库区主要水域中抗生素含量略低于其他水域,但应进一步强化对畜禽养殖行业抗生素使用的监管,开展畜禽粪污还田技术规范中抗生素含量限制的相关研究.   相似文献   
针对发展乡村旅游对乡村生态环境的影响,介绍了乡村旅游的发展现状,探讨了乡村旅游发展对乡村环境的影响,主要包括乡村旅游带来的环境问题分析和环境问题的原因分析,乡村旅游作为旅游行业一支新生力量,异军突起,在中国已形成很大的发展趋势.发展乡村旅游可以提高农民收入、合理利用乡村资源,提出对策建议,主要是充分发挥政府职能,建立健全乡村环境保护体系,制定合理的乡村旅游发展规划,加强乡村旅游的环境管理,为乡村旅游发展提出了对策建议.  相似文献   
自然保护区生态补偿的“补给谁”和“补多少”在理论和实践上都是生态补偿中的重点和难点所在。传统的通过计量保护区正外部性以确定生态补偿数量的方法存在两个主要问题:一是违背经济学原理,二是与管理体制不符且法理不足。据此,并考虑到中国相当数量的保护区“没有保护好”的主要因素是保护区社区居民生产生活的干扰,论文认为应通过控制保护区社区的负外部性来达成对保护区的生态补偿。通过生产函数理论分析,发现通常情况下保护区社区的经济产出与土地面积单调正相关,因此在没有生态补偿的情况下,保护区的划建会使周边社区居民经济收入减少,解决周边社区对保护区干扰的根本途径是利用生态补偿资金发展替代产业以提高单位面积土地的经济产出。以此认识为基础,文章提出了“虚拟地”概念并发展了定量方法来确定保护区的生态补偿最低标准,采用武夷山保护区的数据进行了这一方法的案例分析。  相似文献   
山地区生态环境比较脆弱,在经济社会发展的影响下,山地区的生态承载力呈不断下降的趋势。本文在论述生态承载力内涵和计算方法的基拙上,以2008年《重庆统计年鉴》、2008年《重庆渝北统计年鉴》以及2007年渝北区土地利用现状数据为依据,对重庆市渝北区2007年的生态足迹和生态承载力进行了计算与分析,并进一步分析了山地区土地生态赤字产生的原因,包括人口多,坡地多,土壤和大气污染严重等,提出了控制人口数量和质量、大力发展山地区生态农业、优化能源结构等相应的对策。  相似文献   
泉州市表层土中多环芳烃的含量、来源及其生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采集了泉州市不同功能区的33个表层土壤(0~10 cm)样品,利用超高效液相色谱系统(UPLC)-荧光检测器法,研究了土壤中15种优控多环芳烃的含量和分布特征,并利用比值法、因子分析和多元线性回归法对其来源进行了分析,以及采用苯并(a)芘的毒性当量浓度(TEQBaP)评价了土壤中PAHs的生态风险.结果表明,土壤中15...  相似文献   
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