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将GIS与层次分析法相结合应用于渝西地区生态环境质量综合评价。首先,根据渝西地区生态环境的基本特点确定生态环境质量综合评价的指标体系和基本评价单元,通过层次分析法,确定各评价指标的权重,计算出每个评价单元的生态环境质量综合指数和分指数;然后运用GIS技术,根据每个评价单元的质量指数和分指数,自动生成渝西地区生态环境综合评价等级图;在此基础上,对渝西地区生态环境整体及各不同侧面质量状况的空间分异规律进行分析和研究。结果显示,渝西区生态环境质量基本上由南向北逐渐降低,与自然环境状况的空间格局大体吻合,但局部地区有差异。表明自然条件对渝西地区生态环境质量的空间分异起决定性作用,但社会经济和环境污染等因素同样对生态环境具有重要影响,在某些情况下,甚至可以成为决定因素,并在一定程度上改变生态环境的空间格局。  相似文献   
天津市东疆港区绿化树种适应性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选适生树种是盐碱地绿化工作的技术关键。天津市东疆港区的土壤是淤泥质盐渍土,在该区域绿化树种现场调查的基础上,依据树种的适生能力、生态效益和实际生长效果建立了综合评价多级指标体系。通过确定各指标因子的权重和评判标准,计算出各树种的综合指数,并依次划分为骨干树种、重要树种、辅助和补充树种以及不适宜树种4个级别,该综合评价多级指标体系为类似盐碱地绿化建设工程提供了实践和理论依据。  相似文献   
加拿大最佳管理措施流域评价项目评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续农业的目的是在保持良好环境质量的同时获得较高的农业生产率。最佳管理措施(BMPs)在世界范围内已得到广泛应用,以减少农业污染物对水环境的影响。自2004年以来,加拿大农业部实施了最佳管理措施流域评价(WEBs)项目,在全国各地选择了有代表性的9个小流域,对BMPs的环境和经济效益进行评价。笔者对过去几年来WEBs项目的进展、研究方法及主要成果进行简要的回顾,并对在中国开展类似项目的必要性和启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   
蔬菜地土壤有效态重金属提取方法的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实地采集土壤进行盆栽试验,研究用5种提取剂提取的土壤有效态重金属含量与大白菜吸收量间的关系。结果表明,采用化学提取方法测得的可提取态重金属含量比重金属总量更能有效预测大白菜吸收的重金属量,并以CaC l2和NH4OAc 2种提取剂最为有效。将土壤重金属总量与pH值2项指标结合起来考虑可较好地预测大白菜对土壤重金属的吸收。  相似文献   
Examination of model predictions at different horizontal grid resolutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While fluctuations in meteorological and air quality variables occur on a continuum of spatial scales, the horizontal grid spacing of coupled meteorological and photochemical models sets a lower limit on the spatial scales that they can resolve. However, both computational costs and data requirements increase significantly with increasing grid resolution. Therefore, it is important to examine, for any given application, whether the expected benefit of increased grid resolution justifies the extra costs. In this study, we examine temperature and ozone observations and model predictions for three high ozone episodes that occurred over the northeastern United States during the summer of 1995. In the first set of simulations, the meteorological model RAMS4a was run with three two-way nested grids of 108/36/12 km grid spacing covering the United States and the photochemical model UAM-V was run with two grids of 36/12 km grid spacing covering the eastern United States. In the second set of simulations, RAMS4a was run with four two-way nested grids of 108/36/12/4 km grid spacing and UAM-V was run with three grids of 36/12/4 km grid spacing with the finest resolution covering the northeastern United States. Our analysis focuses on the comparison of model predictions for the finest grid domain of the simulations, namely, the region overlapping the 12 km and 4 km domains. A comparison of 12 km versus 4 km fields shows that the increased grid resolution leads to finer texture in the model predictions; however, comparisons of model predictions with observations do not reveal the expected improvement in the predictions. While high-resolution modeling has scientific merit and potential uses, the currently available monitoring networks, in conjunction with the scarceness of highly resolved spatial input data and the limitations of model formulation, do not allow confirmation of the expected superiority of the high-resolution model predictions.The U.S. Governments right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Data from a comprehensive field study in the Riviera Valley of Southern Switzerland are used to investigate convective boundary layer structure in a steep valley and to evaluate wind and temperature fields, convective boundary layer height, and surface sensible heat fluxes as predicted by the mesoscale model RAMS. Current parameterizations of surface and boundary layer processes in RAMS, as well as in other mesoscale models, are based on scaling laws strictly valid only for flat topography and uniform land cover. Model evaluation is required to investigate whether this limits the applicability of RAMS in steep, inhomogeneous terrain. One clear-sky day with light synoptic winds is selected from the field study. Observed temperature structure across and along the valley is nearly homogeneous while wind structure is complex with a wind speed maximum on one side of the valley. Upvalley flows are not purely thermally driven and mechanical effects near the valley entrance also affect the wind structure. RAMS captured many of the observed boundary layer characteristics within the steep valley. The wind field, temperature structure, and convective boundary layer height in the valley are qualitatively simulated by RAMS, but the horizontal temperature structure across and along the valley is less homogeneous in the model than in the observations. The model reproduced the observed net radiation, except around sunset and sunrise when RAMS does not take into account the shadows cast by the surrounding topography. The observed sensible heat fluxes fall within the range of simulated values at grid points surrounding the measurement sites. Some of the scatter between observed and simulated turbulent sensible heat fluxes are due to sub-grid scale effects related to local topography.  相似文献   
龙口市污水灌溉区农田重金属来源、空间分布及污染评价   总被引:13,自引:17,他引:13  
采集龙口市污水灌溉区农田土壤,分析测定土壤pH和重金属含量,以采集的70个土壤样点为研究对象,根据多元统计中的相关分析和主成分分析探究研究区重金属的来源;采用地统计理论与GIS空间插值相结合的方法研究重金属元素的空间结构和分布特征;最后利用内梅罗指数法和改进的模糊综合评判法做重金属污染评价.结果表明,研究区内9种重金属元素在土壤中均有一定程度的富集,其中重金属Cd的均值是当地背景值的3.06倍,富集情况最为明显;指数法进行的污染评价显示Cu、Cd和Pb的综合污染指数分别为7.06、6.10和5.54,三者均属重度污染;相关分析和主成分分析结果显示,Cu、Zn和Pb、Cd主要受人为因素影响,污水灌溉是它们的共同污染因素,前两者为农业生产中化肥农药的过量使用与长时间的累积作用,而北部煤矿开采和煤矸石的堆积产生的污染以及电镀、机械制造等工业污染是后两者的污染来源;Co、Cr、Mn、Ni和As主要是受成土母质等自然因素的影响;据模糊综合评判的结果,研究区70个样点,有13个是中污染程度,23个属于轻污染,28个是警戒程度,6个样点处在安全范围内;从空间分布上看,重金属含量的高值区主要集中在黄水河下游的诸由观镇和徐福镇,说明污水灌溉给当地土壤造成了一定程度的重金属污染.  相似文献   
利用额尔齐斯河2010年监测数据进行水质评价。用模糊综合评级法对水质状况进行评价,判断水质级别;用主成分分析法判断主要污染物类型,确定各污染物的主要贡献率。并将两种方法的评价结果与单项指标评价结果相比较,结果表明:在水质评价中水质级别判断采用模糊综合评价法,水质主要污染物判断采用主成分分析法,用两种评价方法结合起来对水环境质量进行评价,结果较准确。  相似文献   
赋权相关分析与环境设施优化选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在环境质量评价及环境设施优化选择过程中,客观地设计分析模型,并合理地选择权系数是问题的关键和难点。如果处理不当,将会得出与客观实际完全相反的结果。从而影响决策的准确性,造成不应有的损失。本文以灰色系统理论和层次分析法为基础,提出利用二步层次分析法确定权系数的多指标相关分析方法,并将其应用于烟气处理设施的综合性能评价之中。实例分析表明,该方法具有赋权合理、计算简便、一致性程度高、受决策者主观臆断影响小,评价结果可靠等特点。因此,该方法用于环境设施优化选择过程是可行的。  相似文献   
城市PM2.5健康损害评估研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
刘帅  宋国君 《环境科学学报》2016,36(4):1468-1476
参考美国Ben MAP软件,提出城市PM_(2.5)健康损害评估的基本框架,并就评估方法和参数使用中的关键问题进行了论述,包括人群健康损害评估指标的确定、空间尺度和时间尺度的选择、健康终点的界定、人群年龄结构的划分、比较的基准的确定,以及"剂量-反应"关系参数和生命价值参数的选择等.本文收集和整理了2014年北京市空气质量监测点PM_(2.5)浓度监测数据及暴露人口、基期死亡率等数据,运用"向标准靠拢(Rollback to Standard)"的方法,估算北京市PM_(2.5)达到空气质量标准情景下的浓度值,以此作为比较的基准,使用美国Ben MAP数据库收录的"剂量-反应"关系参数,分别基于"工资-风险"法模型和人力资本法模型估计生命价值参数,代入本文城市PM_(2.5)健康损害评估的基本框架,计算2014年北京市PM_(2.5)对人群健康的损害.  相似文献   
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