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Fenton试剂催化氧化--混凝法处理焦化废水的实验研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
用Fenton试剂结合自制聚硅硫酸铝对焦化废水进行了催化氧化—混凝试验研究 ,选择了最佳的工作条件。结果表明 ,经氧化—混凝处理后废水的COD从 1 1 73mg/L降至 38.2mg/L ,去除率达 96 .7%。研究中还发现 ,Fenton试剂具有将废水的 pH值调节为 2 .5~ 3的特性 ,为该工艺实际处理焦化废水提供了科学依据  相似文献   
Fenton试剂处理酸性染料废水的研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
采用Fenton试剂处理酸性染料废水,在pH=3,〔FeSO4〕=40mg/L,〔H2O2〕=800mg/L时,酸性媒介漂蓝废水的色度及COD去除率分别达98.6%和80.1%。  相似文献   
Fine particulatematter (PM2.5) is associated with increased risks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD),yet the toxicologicalmechanisms of PM2.5 promoting AD remain unclear. In this study,wildtype and APP/PS1 transgenic mice (AD mice) were exposed to either filtered air (FA) or PM2.5 for eight weeks with a real-world exposure system in Taiyuan, China (mean PM2.5 concentration in the cage was 61 μg/m3). We found that PM2.5 exposure could remarkably aggravate AD mice’s ethological and brain ultrastructural damage, along with the elevation of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α), Aβ-42 and AChE levels and the decline of ChAT levels in the brains. Based on high-throughput sequencing results, some differentially expressed (DE) mRNAs and DE miRNAs in the brains of AD mice after PM2.5 exposure were screened.Using RT-qPCR, seven DEmiRNAs (mmu-miR-193b-5p, 122b-5p, 466h-3p, 10b-5p, 1895, 384–5p, and 6412) and six genes (Pcdhgb8, Unc13b, Robo3, Prph, Pter, and Tbata) were evidenced the and verified. Two miRNA-target gene pairs (miR-125b-Pcdhgb8 pair and miR-466h-3p-IL-17Rα/TGF-βR2/Aβ-42/AChE pairs) were demonstrated that they were more related to PM2.5-induced brain injury. Results of Gene Ontology (GO) pathways and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways predicted that synaptic and postsynaptic regulation, axon guidance, Wnt, MAPK, and mTOR pathways might be the possible regulatory mechanisms associated with pathological response. These revealed that PM2.5- elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and PM2.5-altered neurotransmitter levels in AD mice could be the important causes of brain damage and proposed the promising miRNA andmRNA biomarkers and potentialmiRNA-mRNA interaction networks of PM2.5-promoted AD.  相似文献   
野战油库的安全性对提高其战时生存与保障能力具有重要的作用。根据野战油库的特性,通过对道化学指数评价法进行适当改进,提出了一种新的安全评估方法,该方法通过计算野战油库战时的安全指数,从而划分出野战油库的安全等级及危险程度,对指导野战油库制定安全防护措施、提高其战时生存与保障能力具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
太阳光Fenton氧化对含酚废水生物降解影响研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了太阳光Fenton氧化预处理对含酚废水生物降解性的影响及太阳光Fenton氧化-生化法联合工艺对煤气含酚废水的处理效果。结果表明,煤气含酚废水和模拟含酚废水的生物降解性均较差,太阳光Fenton氧化预处理可明显提高含酚废水的生物降解性,随着H2O2投加量的增加,废水的BOD5/COD比值逐渐增大,生物降解性明显增强。煤气含酚废水直接进行生化处理的COD和挥发酚去除率均较低。当太阳光Fenton氧化过程H2O2用量为22.5%理论投加量时,采用太阳光Fenton氧化-生化法联合工艺可使煤气含酚废水的COD由1357mg/L降低至104mg/L,挥发酚由198.2mg/L降低至0.47mg/L,COD和挥发酚均达到国家二级排放标准。  相似文献   
In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, the queen monopolizes reproduction, while the sterile workers cooperate harmoniously in nest maintenance. However, under queenless (QL) conditions, cooperation collapses and reproductive competition among workers ensues. This is mediated through aggression and worker oviposition, as well as shifts in pheromones, from worker to queen-like composition. Many studies suggest a dichotomy between conflict resolution through aggression or through pheromonal signaling. In this paper, we demonstrate that both phenomena comprise essential components of reproductive competition and that pheromone signaling actually triggers the onset of aggression. We kept workers as QL groups until first aggression was observed and subsequently determined the contestants' reproductive status and content of the mandibular (MG) and Dufour's glands (DG). In groups in which aggression occurred early, the attacked bee had consistently more queen-like pheromone in both the MG and DG, although both contestants had undeveloped ovaries. In groups with late aggression, the attacked bee had consistently larger oocytes and more queen-like pheromone in the DG, but not the MG. We suggest that at early stages of competition, the MG secretion is utilized to establish dominance and that the DG provides an honest fertility signal. We further argue that it is the higher amount of DG pheromone that triggers aggression.  相似文献   
太阳光助Fenton体系氧化降解苯酚废水的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
探讨了太阳光助Fenton体系对苯酚的氧化降解。结果表明,太阳光能有效地增强Fenton试剂对苯酚的氧化降解,在晴天较强太阳光照下,Fenton试剂可在较短时间内使较高浓度的苯酚完全矿化。反应体系的初始pH值及Fe^2 用量均对苯酚的氧化降解有明显影响,反应的适宜pH值在3—4的酸性范围内;适量Fe^2 参与的太阳光—Fenton反应有助于苯酚的降解,但过高的Fe^2 用量反而不利于苯酚的降解。实验结果还表明,采用分批多次投加的方式可明显提高氧化剂H202的利用效率,降低H202的消耗量;苯酚废水降解的主要中间产物为苯醌和有机酸;一定程度的太阳光—Fenton预氧化处理可使废水的BOD5/C02cr比值由0.10捉高到0.32,可生化性明显提高。  相似文献   
对进口的COD测定试剂进行了替代品开发,研制出适用于该仪器的替代试剂。通过实验找到了替代试剂最佳配比。实验证实,自制试剂可完全替代HACH公司的消解试剂用于各种工业和生活废水的消解测定,而且该自制试剂可用于普通分光光度计测定。  相似文献   
加大对重点项目和民生项目建设的环境管理,充分发挥环评在产业结构调整、工业布局优化中的重要作用,是政府和环保部门当前必须认真对待的首要问题。  相似文献   
在采用Fenton高级氧化技术对垃圾压滤液进行处理时,作为氧化剂的双氧水经常不能完全消耗。而使用重铬酸钾法进行CODcr测定时,待测水体中残余的双氧水会表现出还原性而消耗重铬酸钾,对最终CODcr测定结果产生影响。本文分析了在垃圾压滤液中不同浓度双氧水对CODcr测定的影响大小,得出双氧水浓度对CODcr影响曲线,同时为消除双氧水对CODcr测定结果影响,在试验中投加过量硫酸亚铁与双氧水反应,当投加量达到理论反应量的1.0~1.2倍时,对双氧水去除效果最好,使后续的CODcr测定试验更加准确。  相似文献   
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