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在NaF和NaAc存在下,直接测定电镀废水中的微量铜,该方法具有良好的选择性和灵敏度。  相似文献   
Fenton试剂催化氧化法处理离子交换树脂再生废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对离子交换树脂再生废水中的难降解有机物利用Fenton试剂进行催化氧化处理。实验结果表明:当反应条件是H2O2与FeSO4·7H2O摩尔比为5:1、H:O2(30%)投加量为0.35mol/L(4次投加)、pH值为3.5、反应时间为2h时,废水的处理效果最佳;并采用正交实验确定了各反应因素对废水的CODcr去除效果的影响水平。  相似文献   
调查收集汽车4S店VOCs废气治理情况,汽车4S店喷漆房废气量及VOCs浓度大小的相关参数,结合目前市场上VOCs的相关治理技术,从技术稳定性、投资建设成本、运营成本以及操作难易程度上进行对比分析,比选出技术稳定、建设以及运营成本低、操作简单的技术进行推广,从而使汽车4S店VOCs废气治理达标、规范。  相似文献   
Fenton试剂具有高效破坏污泥絮体及改善污泥生物可降解性的能力,而被视为强化污泥脱水的有效手段。对Fenton预处理强化污泥脱水过程中污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)和黏度对污泥脱水性能的影响进行了研究,污泥脱水性能采用毛细吸水时间(CST)评价。结果表明:Fenton预处理时,H_2O_2添加量和m(H_2O_2)∶m(Fe~(2+))对污泥的脱水性能有重要影响,优化的污泥脱水条件为m(H_2O_2)∶m(Fe~(2+))=1∶1,H_2O_2添加量200 mg/g(VSS);m(H_2O_2)∶m(Fe~(2+))和H_2O_2添加量对污泥中EPS分布影响显著,EPS分量分布具有明显差异,可能原因为Fenton试剂对污泥絮体结构的破坏程度不同;污泥CST与EPS分量之间基本不符合线性相关,而非线性回归随H_2O_2添加量变化相关性排序为:100>150>200>25(单位为mg/g,以单位质量VSS计);污泥黏度总体上随m(H_2O_2)∶m(Fe~(2+))的增大而增加,而随H_2O_2添加量的增加逐渐下降,污泥CST值与黏度总体上呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
Objective: On 2-lane roads, discomfort glare can cause annoyance, discomfort, inconvenience, stress, and fatigue to drivers, posing a risk of accidents. The aim of this study is to evaluate discomfort glare from the headlamps of cars widely used in Iran.

Methods: The discomfort glare of new vehicles including Pride Saba model GTX, Pride Model 131SL, Samand Soren, Peugeot 405, Megane, and Peugeot Pars was examined at distances of 5 to 100 m at a background luminance of 50 cd/m2 (late twilight/early dawn lighting) and 1 cd/m2 (nighttime) using Schmidt-Clausen and Bindels model and de Boer's subjective scale.

Results: According to the de Boer scale, at a background luminance of 50 cd/m2, the discomfort glare for all studied vehicles was between 1.98 and 4.05 in high-beam mode and between 3.5 and 5.4 in low-beam mode. At a background luminance of 1 cd/m2, discomfort glare was between 0.41 and 2.48 in high-beam mode and between 1.93 and 3.84 in low-beam mode. In high-beam mode, the average levels of discomfort glare of these vehicles gradually increased when the distance between cars was reduced by up to about 20 m. In low-beam mode, there was no discomfort glare up to a vehicle distance of 40 m. In addition, at an angle of 1.15°–5.73° between the line of sight and light of vehicles in high-beam mode, the level of discomfort glare was increased, but at an angle of 5.73°–22.9° the level of discomfort glare was reduced. In low-beam mode at an angle of 2.86°–22.9°, the level of discomfort glare was almost identical. The results show that in high-beam mode and with a 100-m distance between vehicles as well as in low-beam mode at intervals of less than 40 m between cars, discomfort glare is created.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that by providing solutions such as installing road lighting system, an increase in luminance of roads, separating or widening road lanes, increasing the lateral distance between vehicles, and increasing the angle between lighted vehicles and drivers can noticeably reduce discomfort glare.  相似文献   

A prospective study of maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) measurement for the selection of pregnancies with an increased risk of fetal trisomy 21 was undertaken in 24 000 pregnancies from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1990. Maternal serum was sampled at 15-18 weeks of gestation. hCG was measured in one laboratory, with one technique. This ‘hCG high level’ technique was developed for this screening. Amniocentesis was offered to each woman with a maternal serum hCG level above the cut-off. The follow-up of the pregnancies is known in 92 per cent of cases. The combination of hCG values and maternal age gave a detection efficiency of 63 per cent for trisomy 21 with rates of amniocentesis of 30 per cent for patients aged 37 years, 20 per cent for patients aged 35 or 36 years, and 5 per cent for patients under 35 years of age. Based on this prospective study, an individual risk was calculated combining the serum hCG value and maternal age. Seventy-four per cent of trisomy 13, trisomy 18, triploidy, and 5p- deletion were detected either in the same selected group of women or in combination with ultrasonography performed when hCG values were very low. The follow-up study showed that women who had high or low hCG values represented a group at high risk for fetal or perinatal death.  相似文献   
对H2O2/Fe(II)处理山梨醇生产废水进行了研究。考察了过氧化氢的投加量、pH值、反应时间等对处理效率的影响。通过试验确定了废水处理的最佳条件:过氧化氢(30%)投加量为0.12mL,硫酸亚铁投加量为0.18g,pH值为3.2,处理时间为40min,温度为35℃,硫酸镁投加量为1.0g,此时CODcr去除率为81.19%。试验结果表明此法处理山梨醇生产废水,不但降低了CODcr,对氧化反应后剩余的铁离子去除效率也比较高。  相似文献   
用沉淀法制备FeOOH,以此为催化剂采用非均相Fenton高级氧化技术降解苯酚。对催化剂的投加量、H2O2的投加量、初始pH对苯酚去除的影响进行了实验研究。结果表明,pH=3.0、双氧水的投加量为19.6mmol·L-1,催化剂的投加量为2.0 g·L-1,室温下反应10 min,苯酚的去除率可达90%以上。非均相Fenton氧化法降解苯酚能有效拓宽反应溶液pH值范围,对废水的苯酚的去除具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Fenton试剂的氧化作用机理及其应用   总被引:56,自引:7,他引:56  
探讨了Fenton试剂(包括标准Fenton试剂、改性Fenton试剂、光—Fenton试剂、电—Fenton试剂及配体—Fenton试剂)降解有机物的作用机理,同时总结了Fenton试剂在水处理中的应用。  相似文献   
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