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利用Fenton—混凝沉淀法预处理广西某垃圾焚烧发电厂和垃圾填埋场的垃圾渗滤液,对Fenton试剂以及混凝沉淀进行了单因素分析,分别研究了垃圾渗滤液在不同的n[Fe2+]/n[H2O2]、H2O2投加量、FeSO4投加量、pH值、反应时间、PAC投加量等条件下的处理效果。结果表明:垃圾渗滤液经Fenton—混凝预处理,对COD、色度、SS处理效果好,对NH3—N去除效果不明显;渗滤液的可生化性有所提高,可进行后续生化处理。  相似文献   

Despite its strong advantages in resource, technology and human resource, China's Northeast Industrial Area is also experiencing problems of unreasonable industrial structure, environmental pollution, and the degradation of ecological condition, etc., which prevent this area from achieving a sustainable development. Through analyzing the resource problem, the present paper proposed a strategy of circular economy for the prosperity of this are, discussed the theories of circular economy and resource recycling, and finally concluded that improving resource productivity is at the core of circular economy.  相似文献   
采用Fenton试剂处理汽车油漆废渣。考察了FeSO_4用量、H_2O_2用量、反应温度、反应时间对处理效果的影响。实验结果表明,在FeSO_4用量为20.5 mg/g、H_2O_2用量为0.6 g/g、反应温度为80 ℃、反应时间为3 h的最优条件下,清漆渣、色漆渣、底漆渣3种漆渣的干基减量率均为20%左右,湿基减量率分别为67.9%、48.2%和64.2%,3种产物的脱水性能均有不同程度的提高,处理后废液的COD均为2 000 mg/L左右。采用Fenton试剂处理后的清漆渣产物粒径与原料相似,产物颗粒球形度高,表面粗糙,内部为多孔结构,产物作为固体燃料时燃烧更充分。Fenton试剂处理未对漆渣中的树脂主体产生较大的破坏。  相似文献   
The issue of the sustainable development of rural economies in England has recently received considerable attention. This is because many of the poorest areas in the country are rural, often of high environmental quality, but suffering from high unemployment and a lack of services and facilities. The rapid decline in agricultural incomes and in-migration of affluent urban workers since 1990 has exacerbated economic inequality in such areas. A number of factors have the potential to drive rural development and this paper applies, and considers, the feasibility of a method from the USA for combining economic and environmental variables in a regional growth model to examine the hypothesis that environmental quality is an important determinant of sustainable rural development in England. The model output suggests that, although environmental quality does play a role in sustainable rural development in England there are other, more important, factors driving development. These include business and communications infra-structure, the degree and opportunities for commuting and underlying employment prospects. The robustness and limitations of the method for combining economic and environmental variables is discussed in relation to the spatial interrelatedness of Local Authority Districts in England, and conclusions are drawn about areas for refinement and improvement of the method.
J. R. ParkEmail:
综述了近年来国内外Fe0类Fenton试剂氧化反应降解废水中有机污染物的研究现状,介绍了Fe0-H2O2体系、紫外光-Fe0-H2O2体系和可见光-Fe0-H2O2体系处理有机污染物的机理、特点和效果,并对未来Fe0类Fenton试剂氧化反应体系处理有机污染物的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
不同类型填料的三维电极/Fenton试剂法处理苯酚废水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用不同类型填料对三维电极/Fenton试剂法处理苯酚模拟废水进行研究.结果表明.不同类型活性炭填料对苯酚去除率有很大影响,粒炭不适合做粒子电极,采用5.0 mm柱炭处理效果较好;采用石英砂与活性炭混合填料的处理效果比单一活性炭填料好,但苯酚去除率提高不明显;电解槽反应器中按比例投加涂膜活性炭和活性炭混合填料能明显提高苯酚去除率;当涂膜活性炭与活性炭体积比为1,2时,苯酚去除率最高,达96.8%.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A general methodology to study the economics of dual water systems (defined here as a separate distribution system for untreated low quality local surface Water for outdoor municipal water supply) is summarized and the application of the method to a rapidly growing city is presented. In the first step, a cost-benefit criterion for evaluating dual systems is developed. The criterion is then extended to a dynamic case where the population to be served increases with time and where the dual system is allowed to expand. The optimal investment time to introduce the dual water supply project is obtained by maximizing social welfare. The model is applied to the city of West Jordan, Utah, where a dual system is currently being proposed. Model results indicate that for the city as a whole dual supply is not economically feasible. However, when the model is applied to a part of the city, it is found feasible and the optimal time to initiate the project would be in the year 1989.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Ideology has predisposed the People's Republic of China against the use of prices to allocate water. Prolonged drought in north China has made the Chinese more aware of their unfavorable water resource inventory and the expense of expanding supply. Therefore, as part of the economic liberalization commenced since the death of Mao Zedong, China has started to make more active use of pricing to regulate demand and reduce the need for supply expansion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Deep percolation rates are normally estimated from a water balance. Results are presented of a study undertaken to evaluate three alternative methods of estimating percolation below the root zone when knowledge about the history of applied water and evapotranspiration are not available. The alternative methods are: 1) use of Darcy's equation to calculate deep percolation rate; 2) measurement of the soil temperature prof and calculation of the deep percolation rate from the shape of the temperature depth curve; and 3) measurement of the tritium concentration in the soil water and its relationship to the history of the tritium concentration in rainfall. At the principal study site, the Darcy velocity of flow ranged from 9 cm per year determined by the temperature method, to 40 cm per year determined by the tritium method. Darcy's equation to calculate seepage rates resulted in an estimation of deep seepage of 18 cm per year. An average deep percolation rate at the principal study site of 22 cm per year was determined using the average of all three methods. Results for other sites based on the temperature method indicated a lower seepage rate.  相似文献   
用事故树分析法进行炼厂油罐爆炸事故的环境风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙军  俞珂 《化工环保》1996,16(2):113-119
论述了风险、风险评价、环境风险评价的概念及其主要内容,说明利用事故树分析法进行工程环境风险评价的程序和方法。并运用这种方法对某炼厂油罐爆炸事故进行了大气环境风险评价。  相似文献   
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