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淡水鱼类种质资源信息系统的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用人工智能和多媒体技术、建成了淡水鱼类种质资源信息系统。本系统完整、准确地保存了鲢、鳙、草鱼、团头鲂、方正银鲫、兴国红鲤、散鳞镜锂、尼罗罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼等十种淡水鱼类种质标准参数及其性状图形、图像集、,包括鱼类可量和可数性状;鱼类年龄与生长特征;鱼类性成熟和怀卵量特征;鱼类耗氧量、耗氧率和窒息点指标;鱼类肌肉成份;鱼类染色体核型图像;鱼类同工酶酶谱组成指标,为进行种质鉴别和保存探索了一条新路  相似文献   
为了解白鹤滩蓄水运行前黑水河下游鱼类资源的现状、受到的主要威胁及其保护措施,于2014年1~12月在黑水河下游干支流江段采用电捕法进行了渔获物调查。结果显示:12个月共调查发现鱼类28种,隶属于3目8科23属,其中喜流水生境、产粘沉性卵、以着生藻类或/和底栖动物为食物的鱼类种类较多;调查区域鱼类个体规格普遍较小,其中齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenanti、短体副鳅Paracobitis potanini、红尾副鳅Paracobitis varigatus、短须裂腹鱼Schizothorax wangchiachii、前鳍高原鳅Triplophysa anterodorsalis、中华纹胸鮡Glyptothorax sinense和凹尾拟鲿Pseudobagrus emarginatus为调查区域的主要经济鱼类;上半年和下半年的渔获物结构在统计学上差异显著(R=0.81,p=0.1%0.05),鱼类在金沙江干流和黑水河下游之间的相互迁徙比较明显;CPUE呈现先波动下降然后逐月上升的趋势,其中10月份的CPUE最低;丰度生物量比较曲线显示2014年各月的渔获物结构均处于严重干扰状态。黑水河下游河道采砂以及过度捕捞是白鹤滩蓄水前影响黑水河下游鱼类资源的主要因素,建议通过控制采砂的江段、采砂的时间以及全面禁捕保护该区域的鱼类资源。  相似文献   
Species composition of fishes was studied in rivers (capture sites) inhabited by the riffle minnow. In some localities, this species proved to occupy a leading position in the ichthyofauna, being obviously dominant. In small rivers, 16 species were caught together with it, including seven species regularly occurring in catches. The relative abundance of riffle minnow showed a moderate positive correlation with that of the gudgeon (0.568) and a nonsignificant negative correlation (?0.399) with that of the bleak. It is probable that the population dynamics of riffle minnow are determined mainly by natural intraspecific mechanisms rather than by water quality, which has changed only slightly in the rivers studied.  相似文献   
为探究改良剂赤泥(富铁铝的工业废弃物)与鱼粪(富氮磷的有机质)作为改良剂结合2种典型先锋速生植物(巨菌草和黑麦草)对汞铊矿废弃物中典型重金属(Hg、As、Sb、Tl等)淋溶释放的原位控制效果,通过150 d淋滤实验,考察了单一改良剂、混合改良剂及改良剂联合植物对汞铊矿废弃物和淋滤液理化特征、重金属淋溶释放规律及微生物群落结构的影响。结果表明,添加鱼粪和赤泥结合植物种植能显著抑制汞铊矿废弃物中As、Tl和Sb的释放,同时显著促进废弃物中Hg的溶出(P<0.05)。随着淋溶时间的延长,5个批次淋滤液中As、Tl和Sb的质量浓度分别降至对照组的21.28%~56.56%、33.21%~63.15%、32.23%~56.62%。经处理后汞铊矿废弃物中养分有所提高,相较于对照组,各处理组废弃物pH由3.87升至5.56~6.78,速效钾(AK)含量是对照组的5.60~8.75倍,有机质(OM)由对照组的0.64 g·kg−1增至2.50~3.14 g·kg−1。同时,改良剂与植物联合修复改善了汞铊矿废弃物微生物群落丰富度和多样性,其中以黑麦草组的细菌群落丰富度最高。综合考虑重金属淋溶释放控制和微生物群落结构改善,选择鱼粪和赤泥混合改良并种植巨菌草对汞铊矿废弃物的修复效果最佳,以上研究结果可为汞铊矿废弃物中重金属释放的原位控制与无土快速生态修复提供技术支持。  相似文献   
The Value of Linking Mitigation and Adaptation: A Case Study of Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two principal strategies for managing climate change risks: mitigation and adaptation. Until recently, mitigation and adaptation have been considered separately in both climate change science and policy. Mitigation has been treated as an issue for developed countries, which hold the greatest responsibility for climate change, while adaptation is seen as a priority for the South, where mitigative capacity is low and vulnerability is high. This conceptual divide has hindered progress against the achievement of the fundamental sustainable development challenges of climate change. Recent attention to exploring the synergies between mitigation and adaptation suggests that an integrated approach could go some way to bridging the gap between the development and adaptation priorities of the South and the need to achieve global engagement in mitigation. These issues are explored through a case study analysis of climate change policy and practice in Bangladesh. Using the example of waste-to-compost projects, a mitigation-adaptation-development nexus is demonstrated, as projects contribute to mitigation through reducing methane emissions; adaptation through soil improvement in drought-prone areas; and sustainable development, because poverty is exacerbated when climate change reduces the flows of ecosystem services. Further, linking adaptation to mitigation makes mitigation action more relevant to policymakers in Bangladesh, increasing engagement in the international climate change agenda in preparation for a post-Kyoto global strategy. This case study strengthens the argument that while combining mitigation and adaptation is not a magic bullet for climate policy, synergies, particularly at the project level, can contribute to the sustainable development goals of climate change and are worth exploring.  相似文献   
黑尾近红鲌人工繁殖研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2001~2003年对长江上游特有鱼类黑尾近红鲌开展人工繁殖试验的结果。黑尾近红鲌亲鱼来源于四川泸州长江上游一级支流龙溪河。催产剂为促黄体素释放激素类似物(LRH A),绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) 与鲤鱼脑垂体(PG)。采用一次注射法,并用干法进行人工授精。共进行了23次人工催产,催产成功的占16次,有效的占3次,失败的占4次;共注射雌鱼70尾,其中46尾雌鱼排卵,平均催产率65.71%,受精率8.33%~100.0%,孵化率0.50%~94.71%,获得仔鱼29.3万尾。对亲鱼选择、催产方法、孵化与苗种培育等技术细节进行了讨论。  相似文献   
流域水生态调查是对受损的流域水生态系统进行恢复的基础。以浑河流域为例,对全流域62个采样点的鱼类群落进行调查。共采集并鉴定出鱼类34种,隶属于7目10科29属。其中,鲤科鱼类个体数占比最高(88.5%),鳅科次之(6.7%)。依据鱼类群落组成的相似性,利用聚类分析将62个采样点分为3组:组Ⅰ主要分布于浑河上游;组Ⅱ主要分布于浑河中游的各支流;组Ⅲ主要分布于浑河中下游的干流及各支流。指示物种分析结果显示:组Ⅰ指示物种为洛氏鱥、北方条鳅、北方花鳅和中华多刺鱼;组Ⅱ指示物种主要为鲫、麦穗、宽鳍鱲等中度耐污种;组Ⅲ指示物种为餐条。典型对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)结果表明:影响浑河流域鱼类群落结构的主要环境因子为海拔、河流等级、悬浮物(SS)浓度、森林用地比例、农业用地比例和总溶解性固体(TDS)浓度。  相似文献   
洪泛区的开发利用,必然会导致洪泛区林地糙率的改变。河漫滩也是河流洪泛区的一部分。洪泛区糙率的减小,会使河水流速增大,从而减小鱼类可用栖息地面积。因此,在洪水发生时,为了给鱼类提供避险场所,保护有效栖息地面积,需研究洪泛区林地的开发对鱼类的影响。利用River 2D软件模拟在一定频率的洪水条件下,不同的河漫滩糙率对应的鱼类栖息地加权可用面积(WUA),分析了糙率的改变对河流鱼类栖息地的影响。结果表明:随着河漫滩糙率的降低,加权可用面积(WUA)逐渐减小,河漫滩范围内WUA的变化幅度比较大,河漫滩的特性对鱼类栖息地面积的影响很大。洪泛区植被的砍伐,会使鱼类栖息地面积减小。因此,应防止洪泛区的过度开发,保护河流生态环境。  相似文献   
三峡水库汞活化效应对鱼汞含量影响的预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了三峡库区长江干流江段鱼体汞元素的含量范围为0.04 ̄0.42mg/kg(湿重),高于长江水系鱼体汞含量水平。分析了三峡库区鱼体汞含量高的原因,指出三峡库区毗邻武陵山高汞背景区,主要受汞矿开发、高汞燃煤及城市废弃物排放的影响。利用水库汞活化指数模型,预测三峡水库蓄水后库区干流及40条主要支流水域汞的活化效应将增强0.35 ̄1.5倍,鱼体汞含量将是现在鱼汞含量的1.4 ̄2.5倍;并根据不同鱼种汞  相似文献   
Indices of abundance and reproduction rate are considered in some groups of aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates from the zones of technogenic disasters. Upon a critical population decline caused by external destructive factors, such as emissions of acute ecotoxicants, the ecophysiological and behavioral compensatory mechanisms are activated, which provide for restoration of the total population size to the optimum within a short period of time. Environmental pollution with substances disturbing the reproductive function has the gravest consequences for animals. In this case, population size may remain fairly high, and, therefore, the effect of enhanced reproduction as a response to population decline does not take place, which eventually leads to a gradual but irreversible destruction of the population. Pathologies of reproduction should be used as a criterion for assessing the state of animals in the zones of technogenic disasters.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 1, 2005, pp. 32–38.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shilova, Shatunovskii.  相似文献   
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