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基于生态环境需水的大凌河生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周林飞  席芝橙  谭艳芳 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1659-1664
目前对河流生态系统服务功能价值的评估,均没有考虑河流生态环境需水的问题。河流的来水量如果达不到河流生态环境需水量,河流的生态系统服务功能将不能正常发挥。对大凌河生态系统服务功能进行分类,用市场价值法、代替花费法和机会成本法经行计算,并且在计算供水功能价值、贮水功能价值和输沙功能价值时考虑了河流的生态环境需水,其它功能的实现也是在满足河流生态环境需水的基础上。结果表明:直接使用价值为92.64亿元/a,间接使用价值为215.17亿元/a,总价值为307.81亿元/a。通过分析,得出大凌河河流生态系统的核心服务功能是调蓄洪水功能、水产品功能和栖息地功能,应在充分发挥核心功能的同时兼顾其它功能。  相似文献   
The growth and metabolism of microbial communities on biologically activated carbon(BAC) play a crucial role in the purification of drinking water.To gain insight into the growth and metabolic characteristics of microbial communities and the efficiency of drinking water treatment in a BAC filter,we analyzed the heterotrophic plate count(HPC),phospholipid,dehydrogenase,metabolic function and water quality parameters during start-up and steady-state periods.In the start-up process of the filter with natural biofilm colonization,the variation in heterotrophic plate count levels was S-curved.The total phospholipid level was very low during the first 5 days and reached a maximum value after 40 days in the filter.The activity of dehydrogenase gradually increased during the first 30 days and then reached a plateau.The functional diversity of the microbial community in the filter increased,and then reached a relatively stable level by day 40.After an initial decrease,which was followed by an increase,the removal rate of NH4+-N and COD Mn became stable and was 80% and 28%,respectively,by day 40.The consumption rate of dissolved oxygen reached a steady level after 29 days,and remained at 18%.At the steady operation state,the levels of HPC,phospholipid,dehydrogenase activity and carbon source utilization had no significant differences after 6 months compared to levels measured on day 40.The filter was shown to be effective in removing NH4+-N,NO2--N,COD Mn,UV 254,biodegradable dissolved organic carbon and trace organic pollutants from the influent.Our results suggest that understanding changes in the growth and metabolism of microorganisms in BAC filter could help to improve the efficiency of biological treatment of drinking water.  相似文献   
全球化和高速发展的城市化使得人类与生态之间的矛盾愈加严重,环境危机事件发生的频率不断上升,如何应对危机成为当今社会公共管理的主要议题。本文从环境危机事件的内涵与制度学诱因出发,通过梳理国内外相关理论和实证研究,对危机影响下环境政策变迁的过程、模式以及机制进行评述。研究表明,制度供求不匹配所带来的制度非均衡是导致环境危机出现的根本原因之一;环境危机事件有利于打破原有环境政策渐进性过程的路径依赖性,通过改变政府、公众、企业及其他利益相关体的机会格局与资源条件从而为主要政策变迁提供可能性。因此,危机事件影响下的环境政策变迁过程是自上而下和自下而上两种政策途径综合作用的结果。中国正处于“非稳定状态”的环境危机多发阶段,需要借鉴国外理论模型进行本土化研究。加强多学科之间的融合和有关理论的实际应用,为具有不同经济制度发展水平的地区制定区域可持续发展政策提供决策支持。  相似文献   
把内蒙古建成我国北方重要生态安全屏障,是立足全国发展大局确立的战略定位。本文在阐述国家北方重要生态安全屏障概念和内涵的基础上,综述了近年来内蒙古在国家北方重要生态安全屏障保护和建设中取得的进展及效果,对生态服务功能基础进行全面分析总结,剖析了目前和未来生态安全屏障建设中面临的天然生态脆弱、部分生态系统退化、资源环境承载压力大等问题,最后从发展方向、关键技术、政策体系、工程布局和监管能力五个角度提出了内蒙古生态保护与建设的对策建议,为筑牢我国北方重要生态安全屏障提供思路。  相似文献   
Large infrastructure projects such as new roads, railways and nuclear plants have often suffered from public opposition, causing significant delays and costs. In many cases poor engagement between the supporters of construction and the public have contributed to this. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel design framework with the aim of improving public engagement at an early design stage. Following a modified quality function deployment (QFD) process, it enables incorporation of public preferences into the design process, thus helping to improve the social acceptability of large infrastructure projects and reduce costs related to opposition and delays. The application of the framework is illustrated by a case study related to design of nuclear power plants.  相似文献   
青海省塔拉滩草原利用方向探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
青海省共和县塔拉滩是一个平坦开阔的大草原,近40多年来一直有宜农与宜牧之争。本文就此,从3个方面作了重点论述:垦滩种粮的后果严重;超载过牧也有潜在生态危机;最佳出路是将根治沙源与合理利用草原结合起来,发展季节畜牧业,走一条治用结合、滩谷互补、农牧业相互促进的道路,建设一个新型草原。  相似文献   
模糊关联分析法及其应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以环境污染指数为基础,提出了综合集成方法--模糊关联分析法(FRA),并将其应用于大气环境质量评价之中.该方法融合了模糊综合评判法(FCE)和灰色关联法(GR)的优点,能够处理模糊性和不确定性信息,在亦此亦彼的现象中寻求差异,判断出在上一层次中亦此亦彼的信息,在下一层次可能是非此即彼.通过实例分析和与其它方法的比较,该方法评价结果客观、合理.  相似文献   
重庆大气污染与儿童肺功能横截面研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年 ,在重庆市城区及远郊区进行了儿童家庭问卷调查、气溶胶 (PM1 0 、PM2 .5 )及 SO2 的测试 ,并在两个点 (城区华新小学 ,远郊北碚红岩小学 )进行二次儿童肺功能的测定。通过城区和郊区 3 53 6例 (其中男性 1 74 4例 ,女性 1 792例 )儿童肺功能数据的比较 ,说明重庆大气污染 ,特别是气溶胶的污染已影响到儿童肺功能。与美国比较 ,重庆儿童较美国的儿童肺功能 (FVC,FEV1 )要低 9%~ 1 4 %。同时得到青春前期 (7~ 1 4岁 )儿童肺功能 (FVC,FEV1 )的参考值的计算公式  相似文献   
A new statistical testing approach using a weighted logrank statistic is developed for rodent tumorigenicity assays that have a single terminal sacrifice but not cause-of-death data. Instead of using cause-of-death assignment by pathologists, the number of fatal tumors is estimated by a constrained nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation method. For data lacking cause-of-death information, the Peto test is modified with estimated numbers of fatal tumors and a Fleming–Harrington-type weight, which is based on an estimated tumor survival function. A bootstrap resampling method is used to estimate the weight function. The proposed testing method with the weight adjustment appears to improve the performance in various situations of single-sacrifice animal experiments. A Monte Carlo simulation study for the proposed test is conducted to assess size and power of the test. This testing approach is illustrated using a real data set.  相似文献   
李耀庄  唐义军 《火灾科学》2005,14(4):234-238
比较分析了五根混凝土连续梁在碳纤维布加固后的极限荷载、变形、裂缝、延性系数等指标.在实际加固工程中无法对钢筋混凝土连续梁梁项进行加固,因此在试验中采用CFRP来加固梁的跨中,增强其正截面的抗弯承载力,并利用梁支座处出现塑性铰,引起弯矩重分布的特性,来达到加固的目的.为使试验更加接近加固工程实际情况,试验中加固是在持载情况下进行的.试验研究表明:使用碳纤维布提高高温作用后的混凝土连续梁的方法,能有效地抵抗二次火灾的影响;基于试验结果,推导出高温作用后碳纤维布加固的实用设计方法,与试验数据可以较好地吻合.在不能找出加固后梁所有失效模式的情况下,利用分阶段平截面弹塑性分析法求出加固后连续梁的极限挠度,求出了梁的功能(挠度)可靠度.  相似文献   
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