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地貌环境与城市化相互关系是城市自然地理学研究的核心,从城市地貌学角度分析了上海城市地貌特点和地貌形变过程,探讨了城市地貌形变与城市生态环境之间的关系,特别是城市地貌形变引起的一系列生态环境效应,如城市防汛压力增大、地面积水愈加严重、城市河流淤积加厚、城市植被生境趋于单一等。在此基础上提出了三大应对策略:(1)在黄浦江下游河口尽早修建挡潮闸;(2)沿黄浦江、苏州河修建生态防汛墙;(3)及时进行城市规划调整,在再城市化过程中合理规划城市水面率和城市蓝线宽度,依据地貌形变的强弱来增加负地形(河流、湖泊)的比例,使已经损失的地面标高得到一定的补偿。上海只有充分重视城市地貌特点才能走上安全、健康、持续的城市发展道路。  相似文献   
湖滨带类型划分研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着湖滨带生态系统的退化,其恢复和管理成为研究热点。由于湖滨带具有空间异质性,分区规划治理是其恢复的重要指导思想,而湖滨带类型划分是分区规划治理的重要依据。根据确定的原则及对湖滨带影响因素的分析,选取气候、湖滨带整体地貌形态、湖滨带地貌发育状况和人类的开发利用方式为分类依据,建立湖滨带四级分类体系,将湖滨带划分为山地型、平原型、河口型和专有型4大类型、细分为14种亚类型,并对每类湖滨带的特点进行了分析。  相似文献   
论泥石流及其学科性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对泥石流性质的认识还不十分清楚,从而导致对其学科性质的认识还存在着不同的看法,纵观近70年来与泥石流发展有关的学科,通过对50余部代表学科成熟度的中外学术教材和专著的透视可知,地貌学是孕育泥石流的母学科,在泥石流这一学科生长点的发展壮大过程中,新兴的灾害学与其结合得最紧密,从而诞生了一门新的边缘交叉学科-灾害地貌学或称地貌灾害学,泥石流学科性质即定位于此,本文虽是仁者见仁,难免管中窥豹,其目的旨在引起同行的讨论和争鸣,以促进泥石流学科的更快发展。  相似文献   
本文简述了鞍山市区地势及地质构造,分析了隐伏岩溶及塌陷分布的基本规律,探讨了岩溶在漫长的地质时期形成的过程,及其表现的主要特征,指出了岩溶塌陷的形成机理及对建筑物的威胁,划出了防范区,最后,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
The sensitivity of soil landscapes to climatic variability andhydroclimatic events can be expressed as a landscape change safety factor, the ratio of potential disturbance to resistance to change. The use of a geographic information system (GIS) enables the spatially-explicit modeling of landscape sensitivity, but also raises the risk of violating the characteristic scales of disturbance and resistance, because the GIS technically simplifies the extrapolation of models, and associated concepts, to landscapes and scales notrepresented by the digital data base. Embedding landscape sensitivity into hierarchy theory, the formal analysis of the hierarchical structure of complex systems, provides a conceptual framework for the transfer of models and variablesamong landscape scales. In the subhumid southern Canadian plains, major hydroclimatic events (strong winds, intense rain,rapid snow melt) cause much of the physical disturbance of soillandscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. Prolonged dry or wet weather influences the resistance of soil and vegetation to these events. The potential disturbance of soil landscapes therefore can be derived from the probabilities of extreme events and seasonal conditions, as recorded in instrumental and proxy climate records. This time series analysis can belinked to the modeling of landscape sensitivity by establishingthe probabilities of hydroclimatic events and climatic conditions which may exceed or lower the resistance of individual soil landscapes.  相似文献   
Hawley, Robert J., Brian P. Bledsoe, Eric D. Stein, and Brian E. Haines, 2012. Channel Evolution Model of Semiarid Stream Response to Urban‐Induced Hydromodification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(4): 722‐744. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00645.x Abstract: We present a novel channel evolution model (CEM) that qualitatively describes morphologic responses of semiarid channels to altered hydrologic and sediment regimes associated with urbanization (hydromodification). The CEM is based on southern California data from 83 detailed channel surveys, hundreds of synoptic surveys, and historical analyses of aerial photographs along 14 reaches. Channel evolution sometimes follows the well‐known sequence described by Schumm et al. (Incised Channels: Morphology, Dynamics, and Control, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, 1984) for incising, single‐thread channels; however, departures from this sequence are common and include transitions of single thread to braided evolutionary endpoints, as opposed to a return to quasi‐equilibrium single‐thread planform. Thresholds and risk factors associated with observed channel response are also presented. In particular, distance to grade control and network position emerged as key controls on channel response trajectory. The CEM and quantitative extensions provide managers with a framework for understanding channel responses and rehabilitation alternatives, and may be transferable to other semiarid settings. It also offers insights regarding channel susceptibility to hydromodification, highlights key boundary conditions for high‐risk channels, and underscores critical knowledge gaps in predicting the complex, discontinuous response trajectories that are highly prevalent in urbanized watersheds.  相似文献   
Abstract: Interfaces between terrestrial and stream ecosystems often enhance species diversity and population abundance of ecological communities beyond levels that would be expected separately from both the ecosystems. Nevertheless, no study has examined how stream configuration within a watershed influences the population of terrestrial predators at the drainage‐basin scale. We examined the habitat and abundance relationships of forest insectivorous birds in eight drainage basins in a cool temperate forest of Japan during spring and summer. Each basin has different drainagebasin geomorphology, such as the density and frequency of stream channels. In spring, when terrestrial arthropod prey biomass is limited, insectivorous birds aggregated in habitats closer to streams, where emerging aquatic prey was abundant. Nevertheless, birds ceased to aggregate around streams in summer because terrestrial prey became plentiful. Watershed‐scale analyses showed that drainage basins with longer stream channels per unit area sustained higher densities of insectivorous birds. Moreover, such effects of streams on birds continued from spring through summer, even though birds dispersed out of riparian areas in the summer. Although our data are from only a single year, our findings imply that physical modifications of stream channels may reduce populations of forest birds; thus, they emphasize the importance of landscape‐based management approaches that consider both stream and forest ecosystems for watershed biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
无人机数字摄影测量(UAV-DAP)与激光雷达(LiDAR)凭借其机动灵活、高效便捷和高分辨率的特点,在地形地貌、生态监测、工程勘察、环境规划、林业资源清查等领域得到广泛应用。本文针对数字摄影测量与激光雷达的技术特征和应用趋势,着重比较两者在数据采集、数据处理、应用领域以及成本耗费等方面的区别,分析了两种技术在林业资源清查、地形地貌研究、灾害防控等领域的最新应用动态,并且基于两者的技术特点和发展动态提出了进一步的可能应用前景。基于运动结构重建算法的数字摄影测量技术获得的数字地表模型在一定条件下可以达到激光雷达技术的超高空间分辨率程度(如0.2 m×0.2 m),但是数字摄影无法穿透植被冠层,而激光雷达可以较好地穿透植被层从而获取植被及地表信息。然而数字摄影测量技术设备简单、操作方便,成本低廉,并具有较高的空间分辨率,因而能够和高精度、高耗费、大数据量的激光雷达技术形成优势互补。无人机数字摄影测量与激光雷达技术是林业资源清查、地形地貌研究、灾害防控等领域在快速响应、高精度调查、多时期扫描等方面进一步发展的重要突破口。  相似文献   
浙江湖州及邻区地貌总体特征是以平原为主,丘陵次之,本文在讨论了影响区域地貌发育因素的基础上,对平原区和丘陵区的次级地貌单元进行了划分并作了总结。详细分析了区内不同地貌单元下存在原生和受人类经济活动影响出现的环境地质灾害问题,指出原地生质-地貌条件下区域环境地质问题(如地壳稳定性,软土地基,地下水水质,土壤渍害,水土流失等),大多数对人类社会影响不大或者已经有了相应的防治对策,但是,受人类经济活动影响,人为的或人工诱发的环境地质问题则越来越严重,如平原区由于过量开采地下水出现的地面沉降,丘陵区由于开采石矿引起的景观破坏,水土流失,岩溶塌陷和滑坡等地质灾害。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Naturally formed plunge pools (scour holes) are a common morphologic feature in many urban stream systems where the transition between a pipe and a natural channel occurs. Plunge pools serve as significant stream energy dissipaters, increasing flow resistance and enhancing stream channel stability. Such features may also improve habitat diversity and serve as refugia for stream biota during low flow periods. The morphologic characteristics of several naturally formed plunge pools associated with road crossing culvert outlets in the metropolitan Charlotte, North Carolina, area are presented. Plunge pool dimensions surveyed include maximum depth, length, and width, and longitudinal and side slopes as well as bed material. Culvert outlet dimensions and hydraulic characteristics of the scouring jet for each study site are also reported. Design equations developed from flume studies generally failed to predict the naturally formed plunge pool dimensions. Pool volume was significantly correlated with drainage area, with pool depth being the least sensitive dimension to changes in the magnitude of the scouring flow. The excavation costs for designed plunge pools compare favorably to initial construction costs of traditional culvert outlet riprap aprons.  相似文献   
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