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底栖动物在水生生态系统健康评价中的作用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生态系统健康的概念入手,通过对生态系统健康评价方法的研究和分析,对底栖动物尤其是大型底柄无脊椎动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用进行了分析和总结.生物监测法和多指标评价法是水生态系统健康评价的主要手段,而利用指示物种、预测模型和底柄生物的完整性指数等多种方法可以对水生态系统健康进行快速和准确的评价.如何完善底栖动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用并综合运用其他评价技术,以及结合评价结果对受损水生态系统进行生态修复和重建将是这一领域未来研究的重点所在.  相似文献   
高氯酸盐环境行为与生态毒理研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高氯酸盐是一种无机污染物质,其特点是扩散速度快、稳定性高、难降解,较低浓度的高氯酸盐可干扰甲状腺的正常功能,从而影响人体正常的新陈代谢,阻碍人体正常的生长和发育,其环境污染问题已引起了人们高度关注,成为近年环境科学和医学的研究热点.文章在介绍高氯酸盐的理化性质和用途的基础上,综述了各地水体环境、饮用水以及牛奶、蔬菜等食品中高氯酸盐的污染现状,发现很多国家境内都存在不同程度的高氯酸盐污染,高氯酸盐在中国环境中也是普遍存在的,在污水淤泥、水稻、瓶装饮用水和牛奶中均能检测到;初步探讨了高氯酸盐在土壤和水体中的环境行为,认为环境中高氯酸根离子的降解主要是生化降解,微生物在其降解过程中起主要作用;综述了高氯酸盐对植物、动物、微生物和人体的急慢性毒性效应,指出自然环境中的高氯酸盐浓度很有可能具有慢性毒性;最后就高氯酸盐在生态环境中的检测方法和生物降解等研究前沿进行了展望,为今后高氯酸盐的使用、污染预防及治理提供参考.  相似文献   
基于内容分析法的河流健康内涵及表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用内容分析法对近10~15年中外文献中有影响力的36个河流健康概念进行分析,经过样本选取、指标提取、量化处理等过程提炼出最频繁出现的能代表其内涵的6个标准,即:维持结构完整性、自然生态功能发挥、满足人类社会合理需求、处于良好状态、河流管理工具和目标、建立河流基准状态。基于此,对河流健康概念进行了重新架构:河流健康是指河流生态系统特定的良好状况,可以作为河流基准状态以及河流管理的目标,在这一状态下,河流生态系统能够维持其生态系统结构完整性,充分发挥其自然生态功能,并满足人类社会合理需求,提供相应的社会服务功能。通过对30个有关河流健康表征指标及评价方法的文献进行分析,识别生物指标、水质参数、形态结构、河床底质、水文条件以及河岸带状况等是目前使用最广泛的6个指标,指出河流健康的表征指标及评价标准应根据区域特征、人类活动影响以及功能定位而有所差异。  相似文献   

Contaminated food chain is a serious contender for arsenic (As) uptake around the globe. In Nadia, West Bengal, we trace possible means of transfer of As from multiple sources reaching different trophic levels, and associated seasonal variability leading to chronic As uptake. This work considers possible sources-pathways of As transfer through food chain in rural community. Arsenic concentration in groundwater, soil, rice, and vegetable-samples collected detected in different harvest seasons of 2014 and 2016. Arsenic level in shallow groundwater samples ranged from 0.1 to 354?µg/L, with 75% of the sites above the prescribed limit by WHO (10?µg/L) during the boro harvest season. High soil As content (~20.6?mg/kg), resulted in accumulation of As in food crops. A positive correlation in As conc. with increase over period in all sites indicating gradual As accumulation in topsoil. Unpolished rice samples showed high As content (~1.75?mg/kg), polishing reduced 80% of As. Among vegetables, the plant family Poaceae with high irrigation requirements and Solanaceae retaining high moisture, have the highest levels of As. Contaminated animal fodder (Poaceae) and turf water for cattle are shown to contaminate milk (0.06 to 0.24?µg/L) and behoves strategies, practices to minimize As exposure.  相似文献   
灵芝中重金属的检测及其健康风险初步评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究灵芝中重金属的污染状况,对北京市一些药店及部分中医门诊部所售的不同产地灵芝中的As、Hg、Pb等重金属元素含量进行了测定.结果表明,灵芝中As含量范围为0.016 ̄0.239mg·kg-1,平均值0.117mg·kg-1,Hg含量范围从未检出到0.43mg·kg-1,平均值0.115mg·kg-1,Pb含量范围从未检出到0.256mg·kg-1,平均值0.047mg·kg-1,As、Pb含量均符合我国《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》,Hg有5例超标,占样品总数的25%,主要是野生灵芝.健康风险初步评价结果表明,服用灵芝的人群,成人每人每日通过灵芝摄入As、Hg、Pb分别为0.18 ̄2.3μg、0.17 ̄2.3μg、0.07 ̄0.94μg,分别占每日允许摄入量(ADI)的0.14% ̄1.9%、0.4% ̄5.4%、0.03% ̄0.4%,对人体健康风险不大.但是对于个别野生和人工种植灵芝而言,每日摄入总汞量可达0.47 ̄6.24μg,占ADI的1.1% ̄15%,对人体健康存在一定的风险.  相似文献   
为探究华中地区灰霾天PM2.5中重金属元素的污染特征及其潜在健康风险,于2018年1月13~24日对华中区域观测点——黄冈站点加密采集PM2.5样品.采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)对PM2.5中Cr、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sn和Pb进行分析,通过富集因子法对其污染特征进行探讨,并采用美国环保署推荐的暴露模型对其潜在风险进行评估.结果表明,观测期间PM2.5中Zn质量浓度最高,致癌物质As、Cd质量浓度均高于我国环境空气质量标准(GB 3095-2012)的二级标准限值,70%的元素质量浓度在灰霾中期占比最大.富集因子分析显示,Cd、Sn、Co、Pb和Zn富集程度最高,特别是在灰霾中期,这些物质主要来源于交通和燃煤.人体健康风险评价结果显示,手口摄食是引起非致癌风险的主要途径,儿童的暴露量和非致癌风险均明显高于成人.Pb对儿童存在非致癌风险,PM2.5中重金属对成人不具有非致癌风险且致癌重金属不具有致癌风险.  相似文献   
We are witnessing a growing concern with the global dimension of many environmental issues, reflected in the increase in the number and significance of international environmental organizations. Yet there is no internationally applicable strategy for environmental research which is management oriented. A new type of research policy, which integrates ideas derived from environmental and human ecology, is required in order to deal with cultural and ecological diversity and their interactions as reflected in the ecology of landscapes. The newly defined concept of environmental health is proposed to fill this gap. This concept integrates the latest developments in landscape evolutionary ecology and environmental health, bringing out a conflict between making the environment conducive to human health and increasing the available options for supporting the essential biological and ecological processes of the environment. Lessons derived from the evolution of human environments are used in order to illustrate how health may become un umbrella for developing an environmental research policy, which could also serve as a catalyst for international environmental projects.  相似文献   
五氯酚对环境污染及居民健康影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国长期以来使用五氯酚纳盐杀灭亡血吸虫的中间宿主──—钉螺.为评价它对环境的污染及居民健康危害,1990-1993年在我省开展了五氯酚环境污染及对居民健康影响研究.在研究区采集环境样品(空气、水体、土壤及底泥、蔬菜、肉、蛋、鱼等)共173份;生物材料(人血、尿)共457份,分析五氯酚浓度.结果在明,在五氯酚使用区,环境中PCP浓度稍高于对照区,而生物材料尿、血中PCP浓度明显高于对照区.全血胆碱脂酶活性用药区明显低于对照区,统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.001),证实了长期低剂量使用可造成环境及生物蓄积.  相似文献   
针对我国乡镇工业职业卫生面临的“高需求、低服务”。以及与农村初级卫生保健(PHC)相脱节问题。提出实施乡镇企业职业卫生与PHC相结合的必要性和迫切性。结合WHO职业卫生合作中心(上海)在华东地区的试点探索,提出两者结合的内容和方式的若干设想,强调从更新观念全面认识PHC和把职业卫生与安全作为PHC组成部分入手,深入实践,共同为卫生部领导下的全国性探索作贡献。  相似文献   
Since the establishment, following World War II, of the World System, by which the affluent industrialized countries established various international assistance agencies (including the multilateral development banks, UN affiliates, and Bilaterals), these assistance agencies have invested very large sums in helping finance planning and construction of community sewerage and water supply facilities in the developing countries. However, much of this large investment has been ineffective and wasted, primarily because of the lack of understanding by the staff of the assistance agencies that the design criteria for the facilities must be modified to suit the socio-economic status of the developing country. The developing countries are relatively very poor in terms of available finances, hence cannot afford to emulate Western environmental standards and design practices, especially as related to operation and maintenance, hence much simpler approaches must be used. Experiences in several Asian countries are discussed, and a recommendation is made on how to go about resolving this problem.  相似文献   
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