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重点开发长江是90年代中国经济重大战略布署。将长江产业带建设成具有强大经济实力的国家一级经济轴线,宜采用分层次推进与中心辐射相结合的发展战略,以浦东开发和三峡建设为契机,加强基础产业,发展新兴产业和第三产业,优化产业结构,以能源和交通建设先行,改善基础设施。同时,要协调产业带建设与浦东开发、三峡工程建设的关系。  相似文献   
高效能源利用是推动工业发展,进而促使城镇格局演化的重要催化剂,同时城镇化的高速发展对工业能源的消费结构和利用效率提出了进一步的要求,这必将影响到低碳城市建设和环境保护等生态责任目标的实现。选取2003—2012年长江经济带11个省份(直辖市)的相关数据,运用门槛模型对城镇化率、城镇居民人均总收入、能源工业投资、工业总产值、城市人口密度、产业结构等影响工业能源消费的因素进行分析,重点研究城镇化率和工业能源消费的非线性关系和相应的地区差异。结果表明:(1)长江经济带城镇化发展存在着明显的地区差异,上海、浙江等东部地区城镇化发展速度和水平明显优于云南、贵州等中西部地区。云南和贵州2012年的城镇化率远远低于2003年上海、浙江的城镇化率,显示出长江上游和下游之间存在着巨大的发展水平差距。(2)城镇化对工业能源消费存在显著的门槛效应,以城镇化率为门槛变量,存在两个结构变化点,分别为36.9%和48.3%。(3)在第一个门槛点前,城镇化对工业能源消费起抑制作用,前期城镇化的发展导致资源和人口的集聚效应明显,资源的利用效率和配置效率得到提升,从而抑制工业能源消费。在越过第二个门槛点后,城镇化对工业能源消费起正向作用,此时工业的发展和生活消费水准的提升对能源消费提出了更多的要求。最后为促进长江经济带城镇化和工业低碳化的协调发展,提出以下建议:加快长江经济带沿线各省份联动发展,缩小城镇化发展差异;针对城镇化率和工业能源消费的非线性关系,采取相应的措施引导和控制工业能源消费的变化趋势;协调城镇化进程和地区工业能源消耗,促进城镇化的健康发展。  相似文献   
强"波特假说"认为严格而恰当的环境规制政策将使企业的生产效率呈现先降后升的趋势,为验证强"波特假说"及其产业异质性,首先建立产业碳密集指数,将工业部门36个细分行业划分为高碳密集产业、中碳密集产业和低碳密集产业;接着运用方向性距离函数测算2003—2014年细分行业的绿色全要素生产率,基于系统"GMM"估计方法验证三个细分行业的环境规制强度对绿色全要素生产率的影响。研究结果显示:第一,样本期间内,高碳密集产业的环境规制强度远远高于中低碳密集产业,这表明高碳密集产业一直是产业节能减排的重点对象,而碳排放情况较为严重的中碳密集产业则为"被遗忘的角落";第二,强"波特假说"在工业部门内存在产业异质性,高碳密集产业和中碳密集产业的环境规制强度与绿色全要素生产率呈"U"型关系,而在低碳密集产业中两者则呈倒"U"型关系;第三,相对于高碳密集产业,中碳密集产业因环境规制强度较容易跨越"U"型拐点而具有较大的减排空间,低碳密集产业在达到"U"型拐点之前,环境规制为其绿色全要素生产率提升的动力。本文研究结论蕴含如下的政策建议:根据产业的碳密集程度实施针对性的环境规制政策,持续加强中碳密集产业的环境规制力度,适度加强低碳密集产业的环境规制强度,高碳密集产业需根据不同阶段的经济水平设计具有针对性的环境规制政策,逐渐将三类产业的"遵循成本"效应转化为"创新补偿"效应,实现经济增长和环境保护的双赢。  相似文献   
产业精准扶贫作用机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在精准扶贫的国家战略下,产业扶贫被赋予了新的内涵,承担起贫困户的"造血"功能,成为精准扶贫的核心,本文将其概括为"产业精准扶贫"。与已有研究不同,文章以产业精准扶贫与传统产业扶贫的区别以及产业精准扶贫怎样发挥作用这一科学问题为研究对象,综合运用了实地观察法、问卷调查法和深度访谈法,从微观尺度研究产业精准扶贫的作用机制。研究表明:(1)与传统产业扶贫停留在村一级或者大户层面不同,产业精准扶贫将产业透过村庄到农户,而且与贫困户的土地、资本和劳动力等生产要素有机地结合起来。(2)产业精准扶贫作用机制是通过利益相关方共同对土地、资本和劳动力等生产要素进行匹配的过程。产业精准扶贫突显了贫困户的主体性作用,着重强调贫困户自身拥有的土地、劳动力要素的参与,真正建构了多主体、多要素参与的长效机制。(3)产业精准扶贫是一个共同参与的过程。农户或是入股、务工或是自己发展产业,积极参与到农业生产中,通过政府引导、企业管理、村两委参与,促进贫困户参与在生产过程中,就产业过程中的事项达成共识,促进了贫困户的公民精神培育、实用技术掌握和思想观念转变。(4)产业精准扶贫是实现贫困人口增收发展的有效路径,但仍需注意风险防患。扶贫信息发布、帮扶单位责任人等扶贫利益相关者的组织和传播,为企业和社会资本进入贫困村奠定基础,但是,也相应地增加了产品销售问题和产业自然灾害的风险,产业贴补和金融扶持政策的稳定性也会影响产业精准扶贫的运行和成效。因此,要相应地加强对扶贫产业风险的预警,规避和降低产业扶贫风险。  相似文献   
长江流域治理开发是长江治理、开发、保护和管理的总称,包括流域治理、水资源开发利用、水资源保护、水土保持生态建设以及流域管理等内容,经过建国以来半个多世纪的发展和努力,长江流域治理开发取得了巨大的成就。在可持续发展战略和和谐社会思想的指导下,流域治理开发与生态环境建设息息相关,正确评价长江流域治理开发对生态与环境的改善和保护作用,对于促进治江事业的健康发展,充分发挥其生态环境效益具有十分重要的意义。通过对长江流域近五十多年来治理开发的总结归纳,分别从治理、开发、保护和管理等角度分析和总结了其对生态环境的保护和改善作用,认为长江流域治理开发总体上对生态、环境保护发挥了充分和积极的作用。  相似文献   
江苏省沿江开发区空间分工、制造业集聚与转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于新经济地理学相关理论,针对江苏省沿江开发战略实施以后,制造业空间可能存在的变动,在整理和分析调查问卷资料的基础上,选择专业化指数和基尼系数2种方法来定量分析江苏省21个沿江省级以上开发区空间分工、制造业集聚和转移态势。结果表明:(1)2002~2006年江南沿江开发区通过向江北沿江开发区转移部分传统产业,逐渐形成了江南沿江技术/资本密集型制造业“中心”和江北沿江劳动密集型制造业“外围”的空间分工格局;(2)江南沿江开发区内部、江北沿江开发区内部尚未形成良好的分工关系;(3)受开发区发展阶段、区域产业政策、本地化资源供给和市场需求等因素影响,并未发现理论预期的普遍存在的产业集聚现象,仅纺织服装、石化、电力、塑料橡胶等产业呈现集中趋势.  相似文献   
Long-term monitoring of mountain birch populations (1992–2006) was performed in 14 test plots located at distances of 1 to 63 km from the copper-nickel smelter in Monchegorsk (Murmansk oblast) and differing in the degree of disturbance. In the period from 1999 to 2006, atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide and heavy metals amounted to only one-third of those between 1992 and 1998, but birch mortality in heavily polluted areas (with nickel concentrations in leaves exceeding 160 mg/kg) remained at the same level, being absent (as previously) in less polluted areas. Throughout the observation period, birch recruitment was observed only in areas where nickel concentrations in the leaves were below 160 mg/kg; i.e., this concentration proved to be the threshold with respect to both mortality and recruitment of mountain birch. The course of demographic processes in its populations has remained unchanged after the reduction of emissions, confirming the hypothesis of the “inertial“ effect of industrial emissions on ecosystems. In some areas of industrial barrens, mountain birch may perish completely within the next decade.  相似文献   
To estimate the response of conifers to long-term industrial air pollution at the pigment system level, the dynamics of photosynthetic pigments have been studied in needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) growing at different distances from the emission source (a pulp and paper mill). It has been shown that the pigment apparatus of spruce. The results show that in spruce, unlike in pine, the pigment apparatus remains unchanged under the effect of weak pollution. Long-term exposure at high levels of industrial emission results in suppression of chlorophyll and carotenoid syntheses in pine but stimulates pigment production in spruce. An increase in the contents of pigments in the needles of conifers growing in the impact zone of the pulp and paper mill reflects a compensatory mechanism of adaptation of their pigment system to long-term stress exposure.  相似文献   
The establishment and development of the industrial symbiosis of eco-industrial park are affected by several factors. Based on the formed industrial symbiosis supporting system chart, this article analyzes the microcosmic supporting system and macroscopic supporting system. In the microcosmic supporting system, it elaborates five aspects including key enterprises, service intermediaries in the park, symbiotic enterprises, competitors and the public in detail. Then it describes the macroscopic supporting system from four aspects of governmental participation, technological innovation, educational promotion and cultural support. Finally, combining with the current construction status of the ecoindustrial park in China, it proposes the countermeasures and suggestions to build the supporting system for the eco-industrial park and provides theoretical support for the faster and better construction of the eco-industrial park in China.  相似文献   
Western China has lagged a lot in terms of industrial structure and economic development,compared with the national average.And China announced its target of CO_2 emission reduction,i.e.by 2020,CO_2 emission per GDP will drop by40-45%compared with 2005.The target will be incorporated into China's long-term industrial planning.Against this background,this paper will make a comprehensive examination of the industrial development of Western China,aiming to discover a green and compatible way.First,we analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of regional industrial structure for the period 2000-2010.Second,we try to discover the industrial structure optimization path for Western China by employing the Vector Auto Regression model.Lastly,we try to provide some advice and suggestions for further industrial development in Western China.Our examination shows that further industrial development in Western China should pay full attention to resource conservation and recycling,and develop on a green and compatible path.  相似文献   
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