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本文采用11项指标并确定相应的评分标准和权重分配,对关中地区进行防旱抗旱能力的综合评价,得出关中地区属中等抗旱能力区。由于经济发展需水超过供水能力,现状及本世纪末缺水率将超过20%。因而跨流域引水是今后长期供水的途径。  相似文献   
MFAM模型在河流水质污染模拟及预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张学成 《四川环境》1994,13(4):10-15
文中以时间序列分析为基础,介绍了均值生成函数这一崭新概念,并且经成份因子提取分析推导建立了模拟序列的数字模型(简记为MFAM),经对黄河下游花园口断面的1988-1989年实测水质污染指标溶解氧(DO),氨氧,化学耗氧量(COD),五日生化需氧量(BOD5)等序列模拟,结果表明MFAM模型能较好地模拟河流水质污染指标的变化趋势,拟合平均误差只有5.2-6.4%,MFAM模型应用于预测1990-1991年水质污染指标变化,结果表明预测精度达85%以上,文中最后得出结论:MFAM模型应用于河流污染模拟和预测,是完全可行且十分方便。  相似文献   
自然灾害不同灾情的比较方法探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨仕升 《灾害学》1996,11(4):35-38
用计算自然灾害不同灾情的灰色关联度的方法,来对不同灾情进行比较分析。该方法不仅能够比较同一灾级中不同的灾情,也能够对不同灾级的灾情差异程度作比较分析,因而它与现有的不同灾情的比较方法相比,更科学合理。  相似文献   
环境保护同经济建设和社会发展相协调,是我国环境保护的基本原则。本文从环境保护与经济发展的相互关系出发,比较实际地估计了我省各种污染排放物及造成的经济损失,探讨了环保治理资金社会投入的比例问题。  相似文献   
The core requirement of sustainability is that current economic activities should not result in an excessive burden on future generations. This criterion is general enough to imply different decision rules for the preservation of environmental assets. Neoclassical economics does not have a sustainability criterion for environmental assets independent of the intertemporal efficiency criterion, which allocates environmental and man-made capital based on projected monetary benefits and costs. This criterion is examined in terms of the feasibility of valuing the benefits of environmental assets, the substitution possibilities between natural and man-made capital, and the ethical grounds for using efficiency as the sole determinant of the allocation of environmental assets. An alternative ecological sustainability criterion is the preservation of safe minimum levels of environmental assets in physical terms rather than the dollar value of a composite of natural and man-made capital. Safe minimum standards for environmental assets constrain the efficiency criterion in order to ensure the sustainability of economic systems. It is argued that the ecological approach to sustainability should limit the economic approach for decisions involving the allocation of environmental assets.  相似文献   
简要叙述了常用的信号处理系统的类型与处理机结构,介绍了正逐步得到广泛应用的DSP+FPGA处理机结构,在此基础上提出了一种实时信号处理的线性流水阵列,并举例说明了该结构的具体实现,最后分析说明了此结构的优越性。  相似文献   
黄土高原地区生态建设的关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从黄土高原地区水土保持生态建设的实际情况出发,结合历史经验教训,探讨了生态建设与农业发展、农民脱贫致富的关系.指出生态环境问题归根结底是人的问题,减少人类对生态环境的破坏和干扰,因地制宜地进行植被建设和生态恢复,激励广大农民自觉参与生态建设对黄土高原地区水土保持生态建设成败至关重要.  相似文献   
本文主要论述了在实现我国中长期环境与资源保护战略目标过程中,环境形势的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性;指出必须通过发展观念、经济增长方式、经济体制和政策职能的转变,树立和落实全面、协调和可持续的科学发展观,促进经济、政治、文化、生态环境的全面发展。  相似文献   
胡杨林的衰退原因与林地恢复策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄培祐 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):121-124
胡杨广布于地中海沿岸并呈带状东延至中国和蒙古人民共和国。目前,胡杨林已普遍呈不同程度退化,以塔里木盆地为例,垦伐等人为因素使林地总面积迅速减少。现场观测发现,一些林区缺乏胸径20cm以下的立木,而该地从1972年以来断绝洪水来源,显示洪水对幼苗补给可能存在相关,该地断绝洪水多年后,2002年重新出现洪泛过程,洪水退后出现大量的幼苗生长,从而证实洪水过程是胡杨幼林发生的必要条件。本文就此现象提出恢复部分林地的对策。  相似文献   
Risk governance of GM plants and GMfood products is presently subject to heatedscientific and public controversies. Scientistsand representatives of the biotechnologyindustry have dominated debates concerningsafety issues. The public is suspicious withregard to the motives of scientists, companies,and political institutions involved. Thedilemmas posed are nested, embracing valuequestions, scientific uncertainty, andcontextual issues. The obvious lack of data andinsufficient information concerning ecologicaleffects call for application of thePrecautionary Principle (PP). There are,however, divergent opinions among scientistsabout the relevance of putative hazards,definition of potential ``adverse effects,' andwhether actions should be taken to preventharm. The reliance on the concept ofsubstantial equivalence in safety evaluation ofGM food is equally controversial. Consequently,value assumptions embedded in a scientificframework may be a barrier for employment ofthe PP. One of our major conclusions is thatprecautionary GMP usage requires riskassessment criteria yet undeveloped, as well asbroader and more long-term conceptions of risk,uncertainty, and ignorance. Conflicts ofinterest and public participation are otherissues that need to be taken intoconsideration. GMP governance regimes that arejustifiable from a precautionary and ethicalpoint of view must transcend traditionalscientific boundaries to include alternativescientific perspectives as well as publicinvolvement.  相似文献   
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