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Land classification used to select abandoned hazardous waste study sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biological effects of hazardous substances in the environment are influenced by climate, physiography, and biota. These factors interact to determine the transport and fate of chemicals, but are difficult to model accurately except for small areas with a large data base. The requirement for a large data base may be reduced locally if the regional influences of these factors were predetermined from existing data. Knowledge of the regional factors would also relax the restriction to considering only small areas. This paper advocates consideration of regional characteristics of the environment in the early stages of waste management strategy development. It presents as an example a procedure for selecting study sites from candidate-abandoned hazardous waste dumpsites in the southeastern United States. It uses small-scale maps of low resolution from the National Atlas to delineate the boundaries and to determine the environmental characteristics that prevail over units of land within the region. A computer map-overlay and graphic approach is used to facilitate the grouping of land types. Abandoned hazardous waste dumpsites found within land types that best represent the region are surveyed for selecting a study site. It is expected that environmental impact data obtained from a representative site would be useful for predicting impact potentials in similar remotely located areas within the same general region.  相似文献   
以京津冀城市群为研究对象,通过测度城市综合实力、构建城市创新体系,结合城市经济发展不一致指数,探究城市创新对城市群协调发展的效应。结果表明:①京津冀城市群创新能力差距大,高等级创新城市对周边区域的辐射带动作用不明显,其中北京市"虹吸效应"显著,天津市次之,河北省石家庄、保定、唐山科创能力在本省内较高。②城市群内部资源配置不均,城市间联系较弱,中心城市周边区域"岛、洞"现象明显。据此,提出京津冀城市群内部区域间资源整合的发展策略和区域协同发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
本文采用主成分分析方法,测算了长三角一体化区域经济发展与环境负荷系统综合指数;运用耦合协调模型,对两系统耦合协调度进行了考察;依据耦合协调度,构建了绿色发展能力判别标准,据此对绿色发展状态进行了识别;基于基尼系数方法,对绿色发展状况均衡性进行了探索。结果表明:(1)安徽、浙江、江苏、上海的经济发展指数分别由2005年的0.41、0.41、0.46、0.44跃升至2017年的0.81、0.72、0.85、0.84,环境负荷指数分别由2005年的0.91、0.91、0.90、0.84降至2017年的0.58、0.51、0.55、0.44;(2)研究时段内,安徽、浙江、江苏、上海的耦合协调度均值分别为0.7677、0.7667、0.7688、0.7691,均呈准绿色发展状态;(3)考察时序内,长三角一体化区域绿色发展能力基尼系数均值为0.0129,准绿色发展能力均衡。基于研究结果,提出了提升长三角一体化区域绿色发展能力的政策建议。  相似文献   
A case study for water using network of a Starch industry in the state of Gujarat, India, is undertaken with an aim to reduce demineralised water and freshwater flow rates and consequently the wastewater flow rate. The problem was identified as a multi contaminant, reuse and recycle problem. The freshwater consumption and demineralised water consumption were 100 t/h and 51 t/h respectively before modification and the network was dealing with three major contaminants such as total organic content, total dissolved solids and total suspended solids. A program was developed in MATLAB for analysis using Water Pinch. The improved water using network designed for the present work consumed less demineralised and freshwater. The reductions are of the tune of 28% and 64.38% for demineralised and fresh water respectively. Due to alteration in piping, there will be a saving of 406 026 INR per year, which will be utilized for development of efficient environment policy for the company. The entire concept had been implemented on plant level on 1st February-2009 and the reductions are of the tune of 25% and 60% for demineralised and fresh water respectively.  相似文献   
膜技术是一种高效、低能耗和易操作的液体分离技术,在水处理领域有很好的应用前景.但由于废水的复杂性,单一膜技术很难达到处理要求,而且容易导致膜的污染及损坏.介绍了几种常见的膜集成技术在水处理中的应用,着重介绍了微滤/超滤与反渗透集成技术的应用.  相似文献   
喀斯特峡谷区常见植物叶片δ13C值与环境因子的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
容丽  王世杰  杜雪莲 《环境科学》2008,29(10):2885-2893
通过对贵州花江峡谷喀斯特石漠化区4种典型石漠化植物群落中11种常见植物种叶片的δ13C值测定,研究了各植物种对影响植物碳同位素分馏的主要环境因子(土壤储水量、大气相对湿度、光照强度、土壤厚度)的响应,分析了石漠化梯度中不同土层土壤储水量、大气相对湿度、土壤有机质、年均气温、光照强度等环境因子梯度变化与植物叶片δ13C值的关系.结果表明,大部分物种的δ13C值对环境因子的变化趋势表现为随环境水分好转呈下降趋势,即水分利用效率下降;也有部分物种呈稳定不变或逆势上升趋势.相关性分析表明,清香木(Pistacia weinmannifolia)、石岩枫(Mallotus repandus)、红背山麻杆(Alchornea trewioides)的主导因子是土层储水量;肾蕨(Nephrolepis cordifolia)、野桐(Mallotus japonicus var.floccosus)的主导因子是土壤厚度;肾蕨、八角枫(Alangium chinense)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)的主导因子是光照强度;而广西密花树(Rapanea kwangsiensis)、圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium)和灰毛浆果楝(Cipadessa cinerascens)则分辨不出主导因子,即环境影响因素更为综合.总体而言,叶片高δ13C值是对低水分、高光、低资源环境的适应.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to trace the evolution of the resource concept in modern Japan by highlighting key individuals who played major roles in communicating this idea to a wider audience during its formation and development between the 1910s and 1950s. Special attention will be paid to the effect of different historical contexts on interpretations of the term “resource”. The paper reveals how the integration of knowledge indispensable for achieving sustainability occurs. The orientation of resource policy was drastically different before and after World War II. In the pre-war period, the military government used the resource concept to create a comprehensive inventory of the nation’s military forces, and “resource” was thus a convenient term to neutralize the aggressive connotations of top-down military mobilization. After the turn to democratic principles in 1945, “resource” suddenly acquired a symbolic meaning as a means to serve the people. Despite these contrasts, however, pre and post-war resource concepts share a commonality in that the government acted as the centralizing force, providing a platform to integrate disparate knowledge under the resource concept. At a time when society itself is more prone to fragmentation, the resource concept, which played a significant role in unification in the past, should be re-examined. The history of the concept in Japan, particularly during the pre and post-war period up until the 1950s, contains a wealth of insights as to how this can be achieved.
Jin SatoEmail:
本文阐述了省级环境信息中心数据整合平台的建设与应用情况,包括平台建设背景、平台建设的几个阶段、平台架构、软硬件环境建设概况、平台特点、平台现状等。平台不仅能够满足现行环保业务的运行,更能够满足以后环保业务的发展,同时平台能够满足海量数据、数据挖掘,同时为数据安全、环境分析、环境预测提供依据和条件,为环境管理部门提供了海量型数据存储、安全型数据存储、节约型数据存储,为后期行业私有化的建设提供了基础。  相似文献   
利用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)和荧光区域积分(FRI)的方法解析三维荧光光谱(3D-EEMs),结合主成分分析、相关性分析、聚类分析和多元线性回归分析,研究了曝气预处理改良土壤渗滤系统(ISI)处理生活污水时溶解性有机物(DOM)的垂直分布特征.根据FRI分析,ISI中DOM可以分为5个荧光区域,包括3个类蛋白物质区域(I、Ⅱ、IV)和2个类腐殖质物质区域(Ⅲ、V).沿着垂直方向向下,ISI中DOM有溶出的现象,导致总荧光区域积分体积(TOT)与TN、TP、NH4+-N、COD、TOC等都呈现显著负相关的关系,而与EC呈现显著正相关关系,其中荧光区域V与NO3--N浓度呈显著正相关的关系,氮素去除与DOM组成之间关系密切.通过进一步做PARAFAC分析表明,可以从DOM中识别出四种荧光组分,分别为C1类富里酸类物质和C2、C3、C4类蛋白类物质.荧光组分浓度得分值Fmax表明,ISI对物质降解由易到难依次为C2 > C4 > C1、C3,即类酪氨酸最易降解,其次为类色氨酸类物质和类富里酸类物质.根据多元线性回归分析,可以用Fmax间接表征TN、TP和COD等水质指标的浓度.  相似文献   
根据可持续发展的理念,以实现资源化利用最大化为原则,针对规模化养猪场,通过技术集成和装置创新,提出了"固液分离池-上流序批式沼气池-固液分离机"粪污处理工艺,结合沼气工程运行自动化监控技术,形成规模化猪场粪污处理新工艺技术。福建省新星种猪育种有限公司应用该工艺技术运行结果表明,该工艺技术能够实现有效资源再利用,避免粪污排放造成环境污染,有望为规模化猪场建立一种实用生态型技术模式。  相似文献   
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