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Using historical General Land Office record as a reference, this study employed a landscape-scale disturbance and succession model to estimate the future cumulative effects of six alternative management plans on the tree species composition for various physiographic settings for the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri. The results indicate that over a 200-year horizon, the relative abundance of black oak and pine species groups will decrease and the relative abundance of the white oak species group will increase, regardless of management strategy. General Land Office witness tree records provide a measure of tree species composition in the period from 1800 to 1850, prior to the large-scale influx of European settlers. Compared to the tree species composition described in the General Land Office records, the six contemporary management alternatives considered all would lead to a lower abundance of pine species, a higher abundance of red/black oak species, and a slightly higher abundance of white oak species after 200 years. Impacts of management on tree species composition varied with physiographic settings. The projected relative abundance of pine differed significantly across the five physiographic classes over the first 40 years of the simulation. In the medium term (simulation years 41-100) the projected relative pine abundance differed significantly among only four physiographic classes. In the long term (simulation years 100-200) the projected relative pine abundance differed for only one physiographic class. In contrast, differences among physiographic classes in the relative abundance of black oaks and white oaks increased over time. In general, the expected long-term differences in relative tree species abundance among six proposed alternative management plans are small compared to shifts in tree species composition that have occurred from 1850 to the present.  相似文献   
本文通过分析岷江上游水电梯级开发对生态环境的主要影响,确定维持流域生态平衡的最小生态环境需水量测算方法。经测算,岷江上游的生态环境需水量占流域多年平均流量的6%~33%,越靠近源头,生态环境需水量所占比例越大。建议提高岷江上游生态环境需水量所占比例,将生态环境需水占比超过20%的茂县以上河段设为禁止开发区域,取消禁止开发区域内原规划的6级电站。同时在已建电站坝下和各县域出境断面设置生态流量监控断面,确保流域开发的环境生态平衡。  相似文献   
在石油化工领域,为了有效预防和控制易燃易爆有毒气体的泄漏燃烧爆炸,利用计算机技术和电信通讯网络,处理信息和传输信息,以监测探头、无线接收发模块、监控主计算机三部分构建一套安全预警监控系统。在化工厂或危险源区域的危险点,设置多处监测节点,接受信息传输到无线接收发模块,进行模糊化计算、推理,判断后输出结果到监控主计算机,监控主计算机向安全管理人员、现场工作人员等发出报警信息。  相似文献   
基于OPC的煤矿安全监测系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对控制网接入上层管理网难和各个安全监控系统互不兼容的问题,设计了一种基于OPC技术的煤矿安全监测系统。通过各种工控设备配有的OPC服务器,与矿井下各安全监控分站建立通讯关系,并遵循统一的OPC协议,将采集的井下实时状况数据整合到SQL Server2005关系数据库中,借助工业以太网上传给企业的安全管理平台,经过数据分析和图表显示,可以快捷直观地了解井下具体情况,同时也可以通过网页W eb在整个煤矿企业内部办公网络中进行发布,让安全信息得到全矿的分享。这里以煤矿注浆监测系统为例,重点介绍了利用OPC技术实现上层网与终端注浆监控网通讯的方案。  相似文献   
云南高原湖泊流域土地利用与水质变化异质性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南省九大高原湖泊为例,通过面板数据方式分析对高原湖泊流域土地利用类型变化,通过库兹涅兹曲线相关内容对利用强度的分析以及与水质的动态变化情况,得到耕地、园地、湿地面积与湖泊含磷量存在一定负相关.林地、牧草地、建设用地面积与湖泊含磷量存在一定正相关.牧草地、耕地、园地、湿地面积与湖泊含氮量存在一定负相关,建设用地面积与湖泊含氮量存在一定正相关.园地和耕地面积与污染综合指数存在负相关,建设用地面积与污染综合指数存在负相关.分析指出,滇池、泸沽湖处于流域协调区间,阳宗海、抚仙湖、星云湖、程海处于流域冲突区间,洱海、异龙湖处于冲突区间向协调区间转型过程中.  相似文献   
Saad, David A., Gregory E. Schwarz, Dale M. Robertson, and Nathaniel L. Booth, 2011. A Multi‐Agency Nutrient Dataset Used to Estimate Loads, Improve Monitoring Design, and Calibrate Regional Nutrient SPARROW Models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(5):933‐949. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688. 2011.00575.x Abstract: Stream‐loading information was compiled from federal, state, and local agencies, and selected universities as part of an effort to develop regional SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) models to help describe the distribution, sources, and transport of nutrients in streams throughout much of the United States. After screening, 2,739 sites, sampled by 73 agencies, were identified as having suitable data for calculating long‐term mean annual nutrient loads required for SPARROW model calibration. These sites had a wide range in nutrient concentrations, loads, and yields, and environmental characteristics in their basins. An analysis of the accuracy in load estimates relative to site attributes indicated that accuracy in loads improve with increases in the number of observations, the proportion of uncensored data, and the variability in flow on observation days, whereas accuracy declines with increases in the root mean square error of the water‐quality model, the flow‐bias ratio, the number of days between samples, the variability in daily streamflow for the prediction period, and if the load estimate has been detrended. Based on compiled data, all areas of the country had recent declines in the number of sites with sufficient water‐quality data to compute accurate annual loads and support regional modeling analyses. These declines were caused by decreases in the number of sites being sampled and data not being entered in readily accessible databases.  相似文献   
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows industrialized countries to comply with the Kyoto Protocol by using carbon offsets from developing countries. There are two puzzles within this carbon market: additionality (the proposed activity would not have occurred in its absence) and co-benefits (the project has other environmental benefits besides climate mitigation). This paper proposes an econometric approach to evaluate the CDM effect on sulfur dioxide emission reductions and assess its additionality indirectly. Our empirical model is applied to China's emissions at the prefecture level. We found that the CDM does not have a statistically significant effect in lowering sulfur dioxide emissions. This result casts doubt on additionality of these CDM activities, that is, they would have happened anyway.  相似文献   
Estimating influence of stocking regimes on livestock grazing distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Livestock often concentrate grazing in particular regions of landscapes while partly or wholly avoiding other regions. Dispersing livestock from the heavily grazed regions is a central challenge in grazing land management. Position data gathered from GPS-collared livestock hold potential for increasing knowledge of factors driving livestock aggregation patterns, but advances in gathering the data have outpaced advancements in analyzing and learning from it. We fit a hierarchical seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model to explore how season of stocking and the location where cattle entered a pasture influenced grazing distributions. Stocking alternated between summer on one side of the pasture one year and fall on another side of the pasture the next year for 18 years. Waypoints were recorded on cattle for 50 d each year. We focused our analysis on the pasture's 10 most heavily grazed 4-ha units, because these units were the most prone to negative grazing impacts. Though grazing of the study units was always disproportionately heavy, it was much heavier with the summer than fall stocking regime: Bayesian confidence intervals indicate summer grazing of study units was approximately double the average fall grazing value. This is our core result, and it illustrates the strong effect stocking season or date or both can have on grazing distributions. We fit three additional models to explore the relative importance of stocking season versus location. According to this analysis, stocking season played a role, but stocking location was the main driver. Ostensibly minor factors (e.g. stocking location) can greatly influence livestock distributions.  相似文献   
Two computational methods were applied to classification of movement patterns of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to elucidate Markov processes in behavioral changes before and after treatment of formaldehyde (0.1 mg/L) in semi-natural conditions. The complex data of the movement tracks were initially classified by the Self-organizing map (SOM) to present different behavioral states of test individuals. Transition probabilities between behavioral states were further evaluated to fit Markov processes by using the hidden Markov model (HMM). Emission transition probability was also obtained from the observed variables (i.e., speed) for training with the HMM. Experimental transition and emission probability matrices were successfully estimated with the HMM for recognizing sequences of behavioral states with accuracy rates in acceptable ranges at central and boundary zones before (77.3-81.2%) and after (70.1-76.5%) treatment. A heuristic algorithm and a Markov model were efficiently combined to analyze movement patterns and could be a means of in situ behavioral monitoring tool.  相似文献   
Knowledge gain and behavioral change in citizen-science programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Citizen-science programs are often touted as useful for advancing conservation literacy, scientific knowledge, and increasing scientific-reasoning skills among the public. Guidelines for collaboration among scientists and the public are lacking and the extent to which these citizen-science initiatives change behavior is relatively unstudied. Over two years, we studied 82 participants in a three-day program that included education about non-native invasive plants and collection of data on the occurrence of those plants. Volunteers were given background knowledge about invasive plant ecology and trained on a specific protocol for collecting invasive plant data. They then collected data and later gathered as a group to analyze data and discuss responsible environmental behavior with respect to invasive plants. We tested whether participants without experience in plant identification and with little knowledge of invasive plants increased their knowledge of invasive species ecology, participation increased knowledge of scientific methods, and participation affected behavior. Knowledge of invasive plants increased on average 24%, but participation was insufficient to increase understanding of how scientific research is conducted. Participants reported increased ability to recognize invasive plants and increased awareness of effects of invasive plants on the environment, but this translated into little change in behavior regarding invasive plants. Potential conflicts between scientific goals, educational goals, and the motivation of participants must be considered during program design.  相似文献   
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