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城市产业集中区在推动城市产业发展和人口就业中发挥着重要作用,但其在发展过程中,对周边人口和环境带来的负面影响也越来越突出。鉴于现有研究对城市内部空间的环境效率研究不足,论文从环境性能的概念入手,结合产业集中区环境的复杂性、综合性特征,提出了包括社会经济贡献、环境负荷与环境风险3个维度的环境性能评估指标体系,并对污染源识别、空间单元选择等科学问题进行了探索。以北京市丰台区污染源普查数据、注册企业数据及风险源数据为数据基础,采取空间分析方法,定量评价其环境性能空间差异性。主要研究结果包括:提出了选取城市产业集中区环境性能评估空间单元的原则,并将丰台区划分为1 379个500 m×500 m格网单元,论证了环境性能评估的空间尺度效应,表明在更加精细的格网尺度上有利于探查局部空间分异格局;基于北京市丰台区案例,发现环境负荷高的地区主要集中在太平桥、方庄、西罗园、马家堡等东北部街道;环境性能低值区具有明显的中心城区指向、沿快速环路分布和批发市场指向等特征;根据评估结果建议从产业布局、定点管理、生态空间设置以及人口调控等方面为实施精细化的环境空间管控提供依据。  相似文献   
雾霾污染的城市间动态关联及其成因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对严重的雾霾天气以及雾霾污染边界不断扩张的严峻挑战,加快创新大气污染联防联控体系以形成跨区域协同治污合力势在必行。本文基于京津冀、长三角、珠三角、成渝、长中游等五大地区96个城市2015年的空气质量指数(AQI)以及PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2、CO、NO_2、O~3等6种分项污染物的逐日数据,从时间序列数据"预测能力"的视角,在向量自回归模型框架下识别雾霾污染的城市间动态交互影响效应,运用社会网络分析方法刻画雾霾污染空间关联的网络结构特征。在此基础上,运用二次指派程序从分项污染物视角考察雾霾污染空间关联的关键诱因,并利用双变量Moran指数揭示雾霾污染与其影响因素之间的空间相关性。研究发现,城市雾霾污染之间存在普遍的动态关联关系且呈现出联系紧密、稳定性强、带有明显特征的多线程复杂网络结构形态。不论在地区内部还是在全部样本城市当中,均不存在孤立的城市节点,这意味着面对雾霾污染的空间关联网络,任何一个城市都不能独善其身,均受到来自地区内部和地区以外其他城市以及它们构成的空间关联网络的影响。在六种分项污染物中,PM_(2.5)的空间关联是导致雾霾污染空间关联的最主要诱因。城市雾霾污染与其影响因素尤其是城市人口密度、投资强度、工业污染排放之间存在显著的空间相关性。基于上述结论,中国应当加快构建以防控PM_(2.5)为重点的跨区域雾霾污染协同治理机制,并将其融入城市群发展战略以及区域发展战略之中,最终实现包含雾霾污染协同治理在内的全方位的区域协同发展。  相似文献   
农村水环境治理行动的演化博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新常态下,我国环境承载力已经达到或接近上限,农村水环境也存在着"边治理、边污染"和地方政府监管乏力问题,究其根源是缺乏农村水环境治理的内生机制,在中央政府投入大量精力、财力的同时,其他利益相关主体却存在不同利益诉求和行为导向冲突,因而厘清农村水环境治理行动中的主体博弈关系有助于突破此现实困境,形成良好的行动机制。本文利用演化博弈模型,分析了地方政府、企业和农户三方博弈主体在农村水环境治理行动中的演化过程。研究结果表明,系统演化具有多重复杂情景,在良好的演化情景下,只要农户参与治理的意愿高,地方政府最终将趋向于引导行动,企业也相应选择净化策略,三方实现共同治理,农村水环境质量将得到显著改善;相反地,在不良演化情景下,即使农户愿意参与治理、或企业愿意采取净化策略,都无法得到地方政府的支持和系统中其他主体的响应,系统将锁定于不良状态,最终造成农村水环境治理的"公地悲剧";在一般情景下,通过调节各方策略的参数值,发现只要地方政府和企业联合起来致力于通过一系列引导和扶持策略保障农户从参与农村水环境治理中获得切实利益,可使系统跳出不良状态,形成三方共同治理的良好局面。实例分析结果进一步验证了只要政府和企业联合行动以切实保障农户的利益,就有利于促进农村水环境质量提升。据此提出促进三方共同参与、保障农户利益的农村水环境治理行动对策建议。  相似文献   
水权水市场改革是我国水资源管理改革的重要内容,也是当前我国资源环境研究领域的热点之一。我国水权市场尚未发育完成,水权交易还未成体系,更缺乏水权交易的制度体系和技术支撑。国内外的研究表明,有效运作的水权市场,需要具备产权明晰、计量监测技术支撑、监管制度完善等多方面的条件,同时也会受到交易成本、第三方效应、社会文化等多方面的影响;从已有的水权交易模型来看,国内学者基本上是沿用了西方发展起来的水权交易模型,很少考虑中国国情因素。总体来看,国内水权水市场研究目前存在三个方面的主要缺陷。第一,在水权市场发展的规律研究方面,过于强调市场的作用和市场制度本身,对水权市场运作的内在机制认识不足;第二,在水权市场的国际经验借鉴方面,过于强调个别国家的"先进经验",对水权市场发展的教训和伴随的问题认识不足;第三,在水权交易和市场制度建设过程中,过于强调理想意义上的自由市场模式,对国情条件的制约和中国特色的因素认识不足。当前亟需开展更为深入的研究,系统探索中国国情因素对水权市场构建的影响,重点揭示中国特色的水权市场制度体系特征,提出中国情境下的水权交易模式、交易规则、水权监管制度以及与国情条件相适应的水价政策。通过理论集成和知识创新,增进对中国特色水权市场制度的理解,为水资源管理体制改革和水资源的可持续利用提供研究支撑。  相似文献   
Seas and oceans are confronted with a plethora of environmental problems, caused by land-based activities (agriculture, industries, and ports) and by maritime activities (such as shipping, fishing, oil and gas drilling, tourism, and navigational dredging). Environmental problems at sea challenge the efficacy of state sovereignty. Who is responsible, accountable, and regulates environmental and spatial problems at the level of regional seas, and what is the role of states in these processes of governance? In the regional seas and on the high seas, the environmental state is challenged by two developments: states become players at different levels, and states are confronted with the activities of big market players where they have no or little jurisdiction. The different forms of the environmental state in Europe’s regional seas and in the Arctic Ocean are examined.  相似文献   
《2030年可持续发展议程》已经形成了社会、经济与环境三大支柱的格局.根据进程追踪的方法,本文通过回顾环境进入《2030年可持续发展议程》目标的过程,着重分析环境目标未来15年将对全球与中国环境治理产生的重要影响.在全球环境治理层面的基本结论是:①全球环境治理体系的重要性将显著上升.②新型伙伴关系将强化环境非政府组织与市民社会的作用.③未来全球环境治理将形成以数据和指标为驱动的特点.④联合国系统内环境机构的作用将进一步强化,联合国环境署的发展受到关注.⑤环境与气候变化中的资金融资与技术转让渠道将进一步多元化.⑥气候变化问题与其他环境问题将在全球和国家层面深度融合.对中国环境治理的积极影响,体现在:①《2030年可持续发展议程》将为中国经济的转型升级和可持续发展提供新的强大动力,并形成倒逼机制;②将显著提升中国公众的环保意识;③为中国在全球治理中发挥关键性作用提供了难得的着力点;④将使中国的区域合作更加“绿色化”.当然,在新常态的经济形势下,全球可持续发展的环境目标也使得中国环境治理的压力与责任不断增加.同时,《2030年可持续发展议程》也存在一系列问题与不足之处:①目标过多且模糊不清,实现难度大.②当前所罗列的一些目标间可能包含潜在的冲突,需要进一步的研究与论证.③环境目标缺乏量化的标准.尽管如此,就环境目标而言,《2030年可持续发展议程》比千年发展目标更加综合、全面和系统,是当今国际社会应对环境问题集体努力的成果,必须高度重视与研究.  相似文献   
As large wildfires have become common across the American West, federal policies such as the Healthy Forests Restoration Act have empowered local communities to plan for their own wildfire protection. Here, we present an analysis of 113 community wildfire protection plans from 10 western states where large fires have recently occurred. These plans contain wide diversity in terms of specific plan elements and dimensions, yet less diversity in the paradigms underlying their fire protection approaches. These patterns held true across both plans constructed solely by local actors as well as those constructed with the help of outside consultant expertise.  相似文献   
Political inaction at the federal level in the United States has driven increased attention to the importance of planning for climate change at the metropolitan level. This study reports on a survey of 25 regional councils in the United States that measures the extent to which they have adopted climate change plans and to identify the factors that influence their ability to implement climate change initiatives. The findings revealed that a majority of regional councils are involved in planning for and seeking to reduce climate change, and that existing efforts in complementary policy domains make this involvement possible. The findings support a multi-level framework to assess the institutional capacity of regional councils to implement climate change policy and planning in a metropolitan area.  相似文献   
In this paper, we provide an overview of local and regional climate change plans in China by scrutinizing planning documents from 16 cities, four autonomous regions, and 22 provinces. We develop and apply an evaluation protocol to understand goals, process, and strategies in these plans. We also conduct interviews with government officials to provide a context for subnational climate change planning. The results indicate that current climate change planning in China is characterized by the ‘top-down’ approach, in which the central governmental incentives play a vital role in shaping provincial and municipal plans. In addition, most plans have the following issues: vague definition of what characterizes a low-carbon city/region; deficiency in the quality of greenhouse gas inventory and reduction targets; insufficient strategies provided to respond to climate change; inadequate stakeholder engagement; and weak horizontal coordination. Finally, we offer recommendations to improve climate change planning in China.  相似文献   
As part of the debate on the legitimacy of governance networks in global environmental politics, this article investigates the conditions under which policy solutions can be transferred worldwide as a result of a particular type of interaction within transnational expert networks and technical committees. To this end, the article hypothesises that policy solutions can be legitimised in governance networks meeting four cumulative criteria: participation, flexibility, horizontality and inclusiveness. This hypothesis is then tested by means of two heuristic case studies dedicated to the worldwide transfer of environmental standards via United Nations specialized agencies. The empirical work partly strengthens the validity of the hypothesis but also underscores the limits of legitimation strategies in the face of strong heterogeneity of interests. In such cases, environmental policy networks may adopt fairly “vertical” features and resort to classical bargaining and constraint strategies whereby compromises are exchanged and power asymmetries are mobilised.  相似文献   
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