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基层环保部门环境信息公开存在的问题及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《环境信息公开办法(试行)》将从2008年5月1日起正式施行。对环境保护行政主管部门来说,公开环境信息,加强与公众的沟通,接受公众的监督,是当前进一步推进政府公共管理和服务职能转变的要求,是当前强化环境执法、提升环保部门管理水平的迫切需要。本文系统地分析了基层环保部门环境信息公开工作现状,针对实际工作中存在的问题,提出了解决对策。 相似文献
为了配合国家发放水污染物排污许可证的管理,设计研制出新一代明渠污水流量自动监测装置,并已推广应用.该装置具有计量准确,抗干扰力强,适用范围广,耐腐蚀,不堵塞,不受液体中悬浮物和气泡的影响等优点,且造价低廉,管理使用方便. 相似文献
基于协调度与熵权法的绩效评价新方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
自人们意识到绩效评价的重要性以来,越来越多的研究集中于绩效评价的方法。以往的绩效评价侧重用数字表象进行评价,而忽略了政府、企业系统及其与社会经济发展之间的特性。基于此,根据既有的信息熵理论研究成果,提出了协调度与熵权法复合评价模型,并运用该模型对2009年度河北省区域创新绩效进行了实证分析,既科学、全面地衡量绩效情况,又便于政府、企业及其与社会经济发展之间的系统分析,是一种绩效评价方法的创新,具有一定的普适性和通用性。 相似文献
Brian Buchanan Zachary M. Easton Rebecca Schneider M. Todd Walter 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2012,48(1):43-60
Buchanan, Brian, Zachary M. Easton, Rebecca Schneider, and M. Todd Walter, 2011. Incorporating Variable Source Area Hydrology Into a Spatially Distributed Direct Runoff Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 43‐60. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00594.x Abstract: Few hydrologic models simulate both variable source area (VSA) hydrology, and runoff‐routing at high enough spatial resolutions to capture fine‐scale hydrologic pathways connecting VSA to the stream network. This paper describes a geographic information system‐based operational model that simulates the spatio‐temporal dynamics of VSA runoff generation and distributed runoff‐routing, including through complex artificial drainage networks. The model combines the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Curve Number (CN) equation for estimating storm runoff with the topographic index concept for predicting the locations of VSA and a runoff‐routing algorithm into a new spatially distributed direct hydrograph (SDDH) model (SDDH‐VSA). Using a small agricultural watershed in central New York, SDDH‐VSA results were compared to those from a SDDH model using the traditional land use assumptions for the CN (SDDH‐CN). The SDDH‐VSA model generally agreed better with observed discharge than the SDDH‐CN model (average, Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.69 vs. 0.58, respectively) and resulted in more realistic spatial patterns of runoff‐generating areas. The SDDH approach did not correctly capture the timing of runoff from small storms in dry periods. Despite this type of limitation, SDDH‐VSA extends the applicability of the SDDH technique to VSA conditions, providing a basis for new tools to help identify critical management areas and assess water quality risks due to landscape alterations. 相似文献
基于对绿色技术创新的特殊属性、企业绿色技术创新环境和驱动力的转变分析,给出了市场导向对企业绿色技术创新的驱动机理。研究发现,企业绿色技术创新具有进度紧迫性、社会实用性、市场导向性及双重外部性等特殊属性,需借助市场机制来驱动企业绿色技术创新投入。市场导向下的企业绿色技术创新,就是要借助市场机制来优化企业绿色技术创新要素的配置效率。其中,市场供求机制有利于释放绿色技术创新要素的供需信号,市场竞争机制有利于提高绿色技术创新企业的市场竞争力;市场的价格机制有利于绿色技术创新企业的价值实现。最后,结合我国绿色技术创新发展实践提出6点建议:以解决突出矛盾为导向,精准设计市场规制措施;以优化顶层设计为起点,实现多主体协同发力;强化知识产权保护,制定绿色产业专利战略;多管齐下促进绿色消费,引导企业绿色技术创新;完善绿色标准和标识制度,倒逼绿色技术升级;建立绿色技术创新发展评估体系,有针对性地提高市场规制效率。 相似文献
采用旷场实验,通过连续6天的实验观察,分析昆明种小白鼠在不同浓度女贞枝叶挥发气味环境中处理后其行为指标的变化,研究了女贞枝叶挥发物对小白鼠自发活动的影响,以此来客观评价女贞挥发物的保健功能。结果表明:1)处理组小白鼠运动总路程大于对照组,表明女贞挥发物有助于提高小白鼠的兴奋性。2)中央活动路程和站立次数两项指标呈现阶段性变化,探究适应阶段处理组小白鼠的指标数值显著高于对照组,熟悉环境阶段组间差异减小,但处理组的指标数值下降幅度小于对照组,表明女贞挥发物有利于促进小白鼠的探究性行为,提高其感知能力、学习和记忆力水平。3)实验过程中处理组小白鼠的粪便粒数始终比对照组少,表明女贞枝叶挥发物有利于缓解小鼠对新环境的紧张状态。 相似文献
Abstract: Open access (OA) publishing, whereby authors, their institutions, or their granting bodies pay or provide a repository through which peer‐reviewed work is available online for free, is championed as a model to increase the number of citations per paper and disseminate results widely, especially to researchers in developing countries. We compared the number of citations of OA and non‐OA papers in six journals and four books published since 2000 to test whether OA increases number of citations overall and increases citations made by authors in developing countries. After controlling for type of paper (e.g., review or research paper), length of paper, authors’ citation profiles, number of authors per paper, and whether the author or the publisher released the paper in OA, OA had no statistically significant influence on the overall number of citations per journal paper. Journal papers were cited more frequently if the authors had published highly cited papers previously, were members of large teams of authors, or published relatively long papers, but papers were not cited more frequently if they were published in an OA source. Nevertheless, author‐archived OA book chapters accrued up to eight times more citations than chapters in the same book that were not available through OA, perhaps because there is no online abstracting service for book chapters. There was also little evidence that journal papers or book chapters published in OA received more citations from authors in developing countries relative to those journal papers or book chapters not published in OA. For scholarly publications in conservation biology, only book chapters had an OA citation advantage, and OA did not increase the number of citations papers or chapters received from authors in developing countries. 相似文献