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The paper discusses the importance of understanding structural perturbations of models used in mathematical biology, where we mainly focus on ecology and dynamical systems. We describe first briefly the classical modeling strategy and the derivation of model structures. Structural perturbations are then discussed, mainly in the framework of ODEs. We give some examples how insights obtained from this type of model could be transfered to other kinds of models. Finally we propose an alternative modeling strategy characterized by a systematic investigation of a models neighbourhood in an appropriately chosen model class.  相似文献   
讨论了2000年02月~2019年08月不同分辨率、算法中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品在不同季节、区域、下垫面条件下中国区域的精度和适用性,在像元尺度上对比了重采样降低分辨率后的多角度大气校正(MAIAC)AOD数据与其他产品的精度.研究表明:在同等验证条件下,相较于暗目标算法(DT)、深蓝算法(DB)和暗目标与深蓝结合算法(DTB),1km MAIAC AOD产品在中国地区与AERONET站点AOD观测数据整体一致性最高,R2达到0.891,均方根误差(RMSE)仅为0.126,超过75%的验证样本落在期望误差线(EE)范围内;同时,该产品受季节、区域和下垫面变化影响也最小,其中秋季R2达到0.917,RMSE为0.111,样本落在EE内的比例达到80.11%.3km DT算法AOD产品在植被覆盖率较大的森林和农田区域优于1km MAIAC AOD产品,在植被覆盖率较小的草地和城市区域则差于1km MAIAC AOD产品,且该产品在不同季节均存在AOD高估问题,其中,夏季高估程度最高(平均相对误差(RMB)=1.622,AOD值高估62.2%).DB在长三角和珠三角地区存在AOD被低估的现象.DTB算法兼顾了DT算法和DB算法的优缺点,DTB算法AOD产品的相关性一般高于DB算法AOD产品,样本被高估程度一般低于DT算法AOD产品.通过重采样方法降低1km MAIAC AOD产品分辨率后,相同尺度下的MAIAC AOD数据精度优于DT算法、DB算法和DTB算法AOD产品,因此,MAIAC算法更适用于小尺度城市群集中区域的大气环境监测.  相似文献   
利用3种不同型号激光雷达在广州番禺大气成分观测站开展外场同步对比观测实验.通过全球地基气溶胶监测网(AERONET)气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品验证了3种激光雷达原始信号反演消光系数的可靠性.同时对比探讨了激光雷达低层反演能见度产品与能见度仪的相关性;对比美国国家环境预报中心全球同化系统模式(NCEP-GDAS)模拟结果讨论了激光雷达对混合层高度反演的有效性.最后利用个例分析揭示不同天气型下污染物可能的外源输送和本地积累.量化分析结果表明:3部激光雷达反演的能见度与能见度仪的相关系数均达到0.7以上,混合层高度均与NCEP-GDAS模式计算的混合层高度具有一定的可比性.与模拟结果相比,白天混合层高度在霾天气时相对较低,更能有效的揭示霾天气,亦可反映夜间间歇性湍流特性.应用分析表明:3部激光雷达均能较为一致的监测污染物的输送和本地的累积.外来输送主要以弱冷空气输送型为例,分析个例(2014年11月21~22日、24~25日)表明:后一过程(24~25日)由于夜间混合层高度(MLH)低,导致上层的粒子无法下传,污染物聚集在0.8km,且快速过境了,而前一过程(21~22日)整层输送,导致了近地层相对高的PM2.5浓度;本地累积主要以冷高出海型为例(2014年11月25日20:00~27日20:00),逆温与低的地表通风系数共同造成了前一时段(25日20:00~26日20:00)的消光明显高于后一时段(26日20:00~27日20:00).  相似文献   
利用Aqua/MODIS C006大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品分析胡焕庸线两侧时空分布与变化特征,并结合2010年土地利用类型探究二者之间的响应.结果表明:(1)胡焕庸线一方面可作为中国气溶胶分布的重要分界线,两侧AOD呈现东高西低的特点;另一方面,亦可作为AOD成因的分界线,胡焕庸线东侧气溶胶主要以人为活动排放为主,胡焕庸线西侧气溶胶主要是以沙尘为主的自然气溶胶构成.(2)10年来,胡焕庸线东侧AOD以0.0768/10 a的速率下降,高值区面积也以6.41万km2·a-1的速率逐年萎缩;而胡焕庸线西侧只呈现微弱的下降趋势,高值区、低值区面积无显著变化.(3)胡焕庸线以东地区,土地覆盖类型为耕地和建设用地的区域AOD较高.而在胡焕庸线以西地区,AOD与未利用土地及其周边草地地区的响应较好.  相似文献   
为了满足铀的高通量快速筛查及环境突发事件快速检测的需要,本研究利用脱氧核酶的特异性催化反应,结合本课题组自主研制开发的倏逝波光纤生物传感器,通过设计两步法的反应策略,即"均相反应,固相杂交"的检测方案,建立了光纤倏逝波生物传感检测铀酰离子的新型技术方法.结果发现,该方法对于5~100 nmol·L~(-1)内的铀酰离子具有良好的线性检测区间,检测限低至0.5 nmol·L~(-1),整个检测过程仅需16 min即可完成,铅和汞等10种金属离子对于本检测方法无明显干扰,表现出了对铀酰离子的良好选择性.传感光纤可重复使用100次以上,不会有信号的明显衰减,可有效降低检测成本.对丹江口水库水进行的实际水样加标回收实验结果显示,丹江口水库实际水样的加标回收率为91.6%~94.6%.本研究可为利用生物传感器法检测环境水体中的铀酰离子提供技术支撑.  相似文献   
Phase change materials (PCMs) that can store and release heat energy over the temperature range from 363 to 393 K are crucial for solar absorption cooling, and it is worthy to seek new solid-liquid PCMs candidates that melt and crystallize in this temperature range. In this paper, (E)-3-m-tolylbut-2-enoic acid (mTBEA) was applied as a PCM candidate. Its thermal energy storage properties and thermal stability were systematically investigated. The results showed that mTBEA melted at 382.9 ± 0.5 K and crystallized at about 364 K, with a melting enthalpy (ΔfusH) of 138.4 ± 6.9 J g?1 and showed good long-term cyclic stability and thermal stability. The supercooling of mTBEA was stabilized at about 20 K, indicating that the conservation condition of melted mTBEA could be simple. In addition, the melted mTBEA could release all the absorbed thermal energy upon crystallizing. Besides, mTBEA exhibited good thermal stability for it to be applied as PCM. Hence, mTBEA is a promising PCM candidate for solar absorption cooling. Furthermore, the heat capacity of mTBEA was measured by modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) over the temperature range from 198.15 to 431.15 K, and the molar thermodynamic functions, [HT-H298.15]m and [ST-S298.15]m, were calculated based on the fitted molar heat capacity data.  相似文献   
于文金  于步云  谢涛  苏荣 《环境科学学报》2016,36(10):3535-3542
基于GIS技术和岭回归分析方法,采用苏锡常地区的MODIS高分辨率气溶胶光学厚度资料、PM_(2.5)浓度观测资料和苏锡常及周边地区的气象观测资料,构建了基于气溶胶光学厚度和气象要素的PM_(2.5)地面浓度分布估算模型,模拟了2013年春季苏锡常地区PM_(2.5)的空间分布状况,并将此模型与气象要素多元回归模型、气溶胶光学厚度直接回归模型进行比较.结果表明:该模型将遥感观测资料与地面气象观测资料相结合,能够有效地模拟PM_(2.5)的空间分布状况;2013年春季苏锡常地区PM_(2.5)的空间分布具有整体上西北高、东南低,中心城区高、城郊区低的趋势,局部高浓度区域可能与工业生产、交通等人为因素有关;该模型能够在保持较高精度的前提下,有效地突出局部地区的变化特征,体现出更强的空间分异性,对于研究PM_(2.5)的空间分布规律具有一定的实际应用价值.  相似文献   
By aggregating MODIS(moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer) AOD(aerosol optical depth) and OMI(ozone monitoring instrument) UVAI(ultra violet aerosol index)datasets over 2010–2014, it was found that peak aerosol loading in seasonal variation occurred annually in spring over the Gulf of Tonkin(17–23°N, 105–110°E). The vertical structure of the aerosol extinction coefficient retrieved from the spaceborne lidar CALIOP(cloud-aerosol lidar with orthogonal polarization) showed that the springtime peak AOD could be attributed to an abrupt increase in aerosol loading between altitudes of 2 and 5 km.In contrast, aerosol loading in the low atmosphere(below 1 km) was only half of that in winter. Wind fields in the low and high atmosphere exhibited opposite transportation patterns in spring over the Gulf of Tonkin, implying different sources for each level. By comparing the emission inventory of anthropogenic sources with biomass burning, and analyzing the seasonal variation of the vertical structure of aerosols over the Northern Indo-China Peninsula(NIC), it was concluded that biomass burning emissions contributed to high aerosol loading in spring. The relatively high topography and the high surface temperature in spring made planetary boundary layer height greater than 3 km over NIC. In addition, small-scale cumulus convection frequently occurred, facilitating pollutant rising to over 3 km, which was a height favoring long-range transport. Thus, pollutants emitted from biomass burning over NIC in spring were raised to the high atmosphere, then experienced long-range transport, leading to the increase in aerosol loading at high altitudes over the Gulf of Tonkin during spring.  相似文献   
提出了基于光纤微弯损耗原理和光时域反射OTDR技术,针对新型无黏土层危险废物填埋场渗漏检测的定位方法。由于渗漏的垃圾渗滤液会使膨润土防水毯(GCL)膨胀,导致与之紧贴的光纤发生弯曲变形,激光束通过弯曲的光纤会出现光能损耗,通过测量后向瑞利散射光的功率,即可实现对光纤沿程的弯曲情况进行检测,结合光时域反射原理对出现弯曲损耗的故障点进行定位。建立了填埋场渗漏检测的数学模型,利用理论推导和实验研究证实了该方法的可行性。实测结果表明:防渗膜破损位置与测量结果高度吻合,最大定位误差为1.4 m,最大定位引用误差为0.133%。  相似文献   
The structural and mechanical properties of extruded high-amylose and normal cornstarch were studied as a function of time and humidity to determine the suitability of high-amylose cornstarch for use in biodegradable plastic materials. After extrusion at 170°C and 20–30% moisture, high-amylose starch was mostly amorphous, with small amounts of V- and A-type crystal structures. Tensile strengths for the extruded high-amylose starch ribbons were rather stable with time (65, 50, and 35 MPa at 20, 50, and 80% RH) and were higher than those for normal cornstarch (25, 40, and 15 MPa after 84 days at 20, 50, and 80% RH). Elongations at break declined gradually with time for high-amylose starch (6, 11, and 11% after 84 days at 20, 50, and 80% RH), while rapid declines were seen for normal cornstarch at higher humidities (3, 9, and 3% after 84 days at 20, 50, and 80% RH). Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that normal cornstarch aged at a high humidity had much larger sub-T g endotherms than high-amylose cornstarch. These endotherms reflect decreases in enthalpy and free volume which occur in amorphous polymers due to structural relaxation. It appears, therefore, that plastic materials prepared from gelatinized or melted high-amylose cornstarch should have greater strength and flexibility and slower physical aging than those prepared from gelatinized normal cornstarch.Paper presented at the Bio/Environmentally Degradable Polymer Society—Second National Meeting, August 19–21, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.Product names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by the USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
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