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Climate change presents a complex environmental health and justice challenge for the field of urban planning. To date, the majority of research focuses on measuring local climate efforts and evaluating the general efficacy of adopted climate action plans (CAPs). Cumulatively, these studies argue that socio-economic and demographic variables (such as the fiscal health of cities, city size, and median household income) are important factors in implementing climate policies. Less studied are issues of environmental justice and the impacts of climate change on population health. Through interviews with urban planners and a document analysis of CAPs, this study assesses how California cities with high levels of pollution and social vulnerability address climate change and public health. The findings of this study show that CAPs in these cities rarely analyse whether greenhouse gas reduction strategies will also yield health co-benefits, such as a reduction in the co-pollutants of climate change (i.e. ozone, particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides). In many instances, the net co-benefits of health are not monetised, quantified, or even identified by local governments. In California's most impacted cities, climate planning activities and work on public health are happening in a parallel manner rather than through an integrated approach. The results suggest a need for increased opportunities for interagency coordination and staff training to conduct health analyses, free and easily accessible tools, methods for prioritising funding streams, and the development of partnerships with community-based organisations for linking climate planning with public health.  相似文献   
环境规划是环境管理工作的重要内容之一,环境规划的目标是环境保护与经济协调发展的具体结合点。为使制定的规划能够可行,在规划的整个过程中公众参与是非常重要的。文章基于对中国目前环境规划中的公众参与存在的不足之处的简要论述,对影响环境规划公众参与有效性的因素进行了初步的探讨,指出公众参与的制度、对象、时间、形式、内容的设计、解决矛盾的能力、参与公众的热情等是影响中国环境规划公众参与有效性的主要因素,并提出了一些提高中国环境规划公众参与有效性的建议。  相似文献   
环境影响评价中公众参与存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与在环境影响评价中是不可缺少的一部分,具有非常重要的作用。为推进和规范环境影响评价活动中的公众参与,2006年2月,环保部出台了《环境影响评价公众参与暂行办法》,主要对公众参与的组织形式和公众参与的时限做了规定。虽然暂行办法的出台发挥了一定的作用,但中国的公众参与制度还是不够完善,公众参与的有效性差。针对于此,分析了中国环境影响评价中公众参与存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。促进中国环境影响评价中的公众参与能够有效地进行,为环境管理提供依据。  相似文献   
环境违法行为对生态环境和人民生活构成严重威胁,有些违法行为甚至危及人民的生命财产安全。环境行政主管部门针对违法行为作出的责令改正决定,由于种种原因总是无法及时落实,究其原因是对责令改正违法行为的可强制执行性产生分歧。本文分析了责令改正环境违法行为的法律属性和强制执行依据,提出把公共利益作为判断强制执行责令改正违法的标准。  相似文献   
环境影响评价在环境保护中起着重要的作用,而中国环境影响评价工作起步较晚,环境影响评价的技术方法及导则在实践中不断更新;欧美国家作为环境影响评价工作实施较早的国家,对环境影响评价流程及报告内容作了详细规定,也为中国的环境影响评价工作提供了宝贵经验,为了切实发挥环境影响评价的作用,应根据中国的实际情况,在可行性方案比选、公众咨询及参与、项目实施后监测等方面进行改进。  相似文献   
文章分析了环境影响评价制度的价值,我国环境影响评价制度存在的缺陷。提出我国环境影响评价制度的完善措施应为:拓宽环境影响评价对象范围,引进可替代方案,确保公众有效参与。  相似文献   
"公共图书馆虚拟信息咨询服务"是俄罗斯专门信息咨询性网站提供的项目,它具有全国图书馆的合作性,咨询服务对象和咨询内容具有公众性。揭示和探讨虚拟咨询服务模式的形成、服务内容、服务特色与服务方式,以全面展现俄罗斯虚拟咨询服务的整体发展状况和水平,在此基础上,分析和总结俄罗斯虚拟咨询服务的6个特点。  相似文献   
Global climate change is likely to have a range of consequences for human health as a result of disturbance or weakening of the biosphere's natural or human-managed life support systems. The full range of potential human health impacts of global climate change is diverse and would be distributed differentially spatially and over time. Changes in the mortality toll of heatwaves and changes in the distribution of vector-borne infectious diseases may occur early. The public health consequences of sea level rise and of regional changes in agricultural productivity may not occur (or become apparent) for several decades. Vulnerability is a measure of both sensitivity to climate change and the ability to adapt in anticipation of, or in response to, its impacts. The basic modes of adaptation to climate-induced health hazards are biological, behavioural and social. Adaptation can be undertaken at the individual, community and whole-population levels. Adaptive strategies should not introduce new health hazards. Enhancement of the acknowledged public health infrastructure and intervention programmes is essential to reduce vulnerability to the health impacts of climate change. In the longer-term, fundamental improvements in the social and material conditions of life and in the reduction of inequalities within and between populations are required for sustained reduction in vulnerability to environmental health hazards.  相似文献   
2009年,财政部拟定了新《高等学校会计制励(征求意见稿),要求核算能提供预算管理需要的预算收支信息,增加了与公共财政改革相关的会计核算内容,但高校会计制度(征求意见稿)与公共财政体制依然存在着衔接不当问题。从公共财政体制改革对高校会计的影响出发,解读了高校会计制度(征求意见稿)与财政改革的衔接性,分析了高校会计实务中存在的与公共财政改革不协调的问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   
公共建筑火灾风险评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付强  张和平  王辉  谢启源 《火灾科学》2007,16(3):137-142
建筑物的火灾危险度包括火灾对建筑物本身的破坏以及对建筑物内部人员伤害两个方面.本文在古斯塔夫火灾危险度法和层次分析法的基础上,采用模糊数学中的一些方法对火灾危险源进行处理.将火灾风险定义若干因子,每个因子对应火灾危险源的不同特性.通过评价得出建筑物所属的安全等级以及一定区域内建筑火灾风险的排序.在评价过程中考虑控制风险的力量,特别是消防队控制风险的力量对建筑物火灾风险的影响,使评估结果更加合理准确.该方法可以使消防部队快捷迅速的了解辖区内重要公共建筑的安全情况,以及如何合理的布置消防站点,降低城市区域风险.  相似文献   
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