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Folorunsho M. Ajide;Titus Ayobami Ojeyinka; 《Sustainable Development》2024,32(3):2417-2434
Over the years, efforts have been put in place to address money laundering activities including financial crime and illicit funding controls. These efforts have been recognized to promote financial integrity and effective governance systems. They have been further adjudged by the United Nations' sustainable development (Goal-16) with a major concern to achieve peaceful, just and inclusive development. Previous studies reveal that money laundering activities have major implications for economic growth. However, little is known about the main implications of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations on sustainable development. On this note, this study contributes to the ongoing debate by investigating the relationship between AML regulations and sustainable development in 72 developing economies, consisting 29 upper middle income, 33 low middle income and 10 low income countries. Using instrumental variable generalized method of moment (IV-GMM), panel quantile estimation technique and dynamic panel threshold analysis, the findings are as follows. First, AML regulations promote sustainable development. Second, the panel quantile regression reveals that countries with moderate AML regulations attain higher sustainable development than those with excessive regulations. Further results on regional analysis show that AML regulations are more effective in Latin America, South Asia, Europe & Central Asia and Middle East & North Africa than in Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia & Pacific. These results are robust and stable after conducting a number of robustness analyses. The study suggests that effective AML regulations should be moderate and well-implemented to further improve economic, social and environmental sustainability in developing countries. 相似文献
为了解华中高山地区夏季大气PM2.5中元素的污染特征,于2018年6月在湖北省十堰市武当山国家空气质量监测站采集PM2.5样品,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定样品中18种元素(Na、K、Ca、Mg、Al、Fe、V、Cr、Mo、Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni、As、Se、Cd、Ba和Pb)的浓度,并探讨了其来源、生态风险和健康风险. 结果表明,武当山PM2.5的日均浓度范围为5.00—33.65 μg·m-3,平均浓度为(16.84±7.07) μg·m-3;元素K、Na、Fe、Ca、Al、Mg和Zn的浓度较高,7种元素占所分析元素的97.68%以上;富集因子结果表明,Mo、Zn、Pb、Cd和Se的EF值高于100,可能受周边人为活动排放污染物的区域或长距离传输影响;主成分-多元线性回归(PCA-MLR)结果表明,PM2.5中元素主要来自于燃煤和机动车(57.57%)、工业源(22.52%)和地壳(19.91%);武当山PM2.5重金属的生态风险指数极高,其中Cd、Se和Mo的潜在生态危害程度极强;健康风险评估显示,综合非致癌风险(HI)在儿童和成人中分别为2.28×10-2和3.04×10-2,均在可接受水平内,综合致癌风险(CRT)在儿童和成人中分别为4.45×10-7和2.37×10-6,说明成人存在潜在的致癌风险;Cr在成人中的致癌风险为1.88×10-6,说明Cr在成人中存在潜在的致癌风险,同种金属对人体的非致癌风险和致癌风险均表现为成人>儿童. 相似文献
Miaomiao Cheng Shijie Liu Xinlu Zhang Linlin M Liqiang He Shaojun Zhang 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2023,123(1):317-326
In recent years, with rapid increases in the number of vehicles in China, the contribution of vehicle exhaust emissions to air pollution has become increasingly prominent. To achieve the precise control of emissions, on-road remote sensing (RS) technology has been developed and applied for law enforcement and supervision. However, data quality is still an existing issue affecting the development and application of RS. In this study, the RS data from a cross-road RS system used at a single site (from 2012 to 2015) were collected, the data screening process was reviewed, the issues with data quality were summarized, a new method of data screening and calibration was proposed, and the effectiveness of the improved data quality control methods was finally evaluated. The results showed that this method reduces the skewness and kurtosis of the data distribution by up to nearly 67%, which restores the actual characteristics of exhaust diffusion and is conducive to the identification of actual clean and high-emission vehicles. The annual variability of emission factors of nitric oxide decreases by 60% – on average – eliminating the annual drift of fleet emissions and improving data reliability. 相似文献
为了解热防护织物吸湿状态下的防护性能,以提高织物的安全防护能力,首先,选取热防护织物组成多层组合S-1和S-2,利用热防护性能测试仪,分别测试织物组合S-1和S-2在外层织物不同含水率情况下的热防护性能(TPP)值及二级烧伤时间;然后,建立线性回归方程,描述在 4种含水率下织物TPP的变化情况,分析外层织物的含水率对热防护服多层织物组合TPP的影响。结果表明:对于所有织物组合,二度烧伤时间和TPP值都随外层织物含水率的增加而明显增加;当外层织物的含水率增加到30%左右时,外层织物的含水率直接影响消防服整体的TPP,含水率越高,消防服的TPP越好。 相似文献
为定量分析信号控制路段行人过街安全性,首先通过实地调查分析行人过街特性;然后提出安全熵概念,在修正传统COX比例风险回归模型基础上构建安全熵模型;借助主成分分析法提取影响行人过街危险度主成分求解模型,运用模糊理论划分安全等级,并将模型用于评价南京市儿童医院外一处信号控制路段行人过街安全性。研究表明:绿灯惯性心理和红灯截尾心理是支配信号控制路段行人闯红灯的主要心理;水平截集α越高对安全等级评估越保守,α=9时所得熵值集合可作为安全等级划分依据;实例应用得到南京市儿童医院外一处信号控制路段行人过街安全等级为 C级,与实际情况相符。 相似文献
为了探明我国餐厨垃圾资源化项目处理规模的影响因素,采用有序logistic回归对29个国家级餐厨垃圾处理试点项目进行统计学分析,考察人均GDP水平、服务人口、处理工艺以及地理位置对餐厨垃圾处理规模的影响,并建立相关的回归预测模型。结果显示:处理工艺和地理位置对项目处理规模的影响不显著(P>0.05),而人均GDP水平和服务人口会显著影响餐厨垃圾的处理规模(P分别为0.007和0.013),其中,服务人口对处理规模的影响更大。由此可见,为确定合理的餐厨垃圾处理规模,应重点考虑服务人口和城市人均GDP水平。基于此,建立了餐厨垃圾资源化处理规模的回归预测模型,该模型的准确性检验可达到75.86%,对于餐厨垃圾处理规模决策分析及合理评估具有参考意义。 相似文献
为准确预测爆破振动的衰减规律,控制爆破振动的影响,分析了现有的几种具有代表性的爆破振动预测经验公式的不足;在此基础上,引入岩体累计损伤对爆破振动效应的影响,经过无量纲分析,建立了岩体累计损伤下爆破振动衰减规律的多元非线性数学模型;根据实际工程的监测数据,用1stOpt 软件进行了多元非线性回归分析。结果表明:所提出的多元非线性回归公式预测精度高于传统的预测公式,能为同类露天爆破工程提供科学的指导。 相似文献
为确定某矿的矸石充填开采过程中最优充填材料配比和最佳的矸石充填量。设计了一种新型的矸石压缩模具,应用该模具和YE-200A液压试验机对十种不同粒径配比的矸石进行压缩试验,得出均匀配比的矸石为最优充填配比。采用最小二乘法拟合的数学模型,确定了均匀配比矸石充填材料与压力的变化规律。最后推出了均匀配比的矸石充填高度与采厚、顶板允许下沉量及顶板压力的函数关系。 相似文献
为提高海底管道腐蚀速率预测精度,建立一种基于改进随机森林的海底管道腐蚀预测模型。首先,采用斯皮尔曼相关系数,分析实海挂片腐蚀数据的相关性,并采用因子分析降维;然后,设定K值为5的K折交叉验证,建立随机森林回归(RFR)模型,并输入降维后的数据;最后,输出模型的交叉验证得分,并对比评价该模型与其他模型的最高得分预测结果。研究结果表明:改进RFR的五折交叉验证输出平均得分值为0.912,高于BP神经网络(BPNN)模型、支持向量回归(SVR)模型2种对比模型;五折交叉验证最高得分预测结果均方根误差(RMSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE)分别为1.441和1.3,均优于对比模型相应值。 相似文献