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本文以平原高潜水位地区徐州与淮北煤矿沉陷地为例,研究了采煤沉陷地土壤性质变化的空间分布规律.研究结果揭示,开采沉陷显著影响耕地表层土壤的性质;沉陷地土壤容重增大,土壤受到压缩;土壤有机质、速效养分和土壤微生物量的变化与坡地上的土壤侵蚀和沉陷地下部积水有关,并受沉陷稳定时间长短影响,一般以沉陷地中坡土壤有机质与养分流失最大.在沉陷地部分坡位有积盐现象.  相似文献   
在上海市城市河岸带人工绿地建设了微区径流场,进行了5次模拟降雨径流实验,研究了人工绿地岸带下渗流中氮浓度和去除率的时空变化。结果表明:人工绿地岸带对垂直下渗流中氮有显著的净化作用,且主要集中于土壤的0~30 cm以内,TN和NH4+去除率在399%和398%以上,NO3-+NO2-去除率除11月为负值外,其余月份均在100%以上;在30~60 cm深度,由于土壤氮的析出导致径流中氮浓度增加,去除率降低;而60~90 cm深度的去除率增加。径流场内下渗流中氮浓度具有明显的水平空间变化,随距入水端距离的增加,30 cm深度下渗流中氮浓度先上升后下降;人工绿地岸带对下渗流中氮的净化作用均随淹水时间的延长呈降低趋势,且季节变化明显,在10月和4月具有较高的去除率,0~30 cm内TN、NH4+和NO3-+NO2-的去除率可分别达635%、891%和416%以上  相似文献   
环境法是一个新兴的部门法,对其基本原则的认定在学界观点颇多,没有形成统一的认识。环境责任原则在我国经历了一个从发展到完善的过程,体现了环境公平与正义的价值取向,反映了环境法可持续发展的本质特征,应该作为环境法的基本原则。同时,应通过法律制度的建设贯彻该原则,以发挥其对环境资源开发、利用、保护和管理等活动的指导作用。  相似文献   
尹常庆  曹进 《福建环境》2001,18(2):11-12
阐述了在环境监理工作中正确行使环境监测职责及权限的问题,并对环境监测与环境监理工作之间的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   
关于中国城市生活垃圾分类的法律研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
城市生活垃圾分类是目前发达国家广泛采用的一种垃圾源头处理方式,中国城市生活垃圾分类起步较晚,实践中存在较多问题,而中国现有的城市生活垃圾分类处理的法律法规也不够健全。如何认识阻碍中国城市生活垃圾分类具体实施的根本原因,法律的努力是解决问题的关键之一。了解中国现有城市生活垃圾分类的法律状况,对现有法律制度进行深层次分析和思考,找出推进中国城市生活垃圾分类的法律之路。只有这样中国城市生活垃圾分类才不会流于形式,资源的回收利用才会成为可能。  相似文献   
环境保护法律是国家经济健康发展及人与自然和谐相处的基本社会制度.中国经济的发展和人口的增加在许多地区已超出了环境容量.在环境状况日益恶化的情况下,不断完善和健全环境保护法律显得尤为重要.中国的环境保护法与俄罗斯的环境保护法在环境的定义、环境保护的内容与措施、科研教育与宣传、执行与监督机构以及法律框架等方面进行了对比、分析,作为借鉴,提出了增加人与环境和谐相处内容、改革环境保护管理体制、加强执法力度等进-步完善中国环境保护法律的建议.  相似文献   
厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonium oxidation,anammox)和反硝化厌氧甲烷氧化(nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation,n-damo)的发现打破了人们长久以来对生物氮、碳循环的传统认识.厌氧氨氧化细菌(anammox bacteria)和反硝化厌氧甲烷氧化细菌(n-damo bacteria)在水生态系统均有分布,并且在全球氮、碳循环中发挥重要作用.但它们在岸边带土壤中的存在和分布还不甚清楚.因此,本文对湖泊岸边带土壤中厌氧氨氧化细菌和反硝化厌氧甲烷氧化细菌的存在和分布进行了研究.基于厌氧氨氧化细菌hzs B基因(联氨合成酶关键基因)和M.oxyfera-like细菌16S rRNA基因的序列分析,分别证明了厌氧氨氧化细菌和M.oxyfera-like细菌在白洋淀湖泊岸边带深层土壤中的共同存在.厌氧氨氧化细菌hzs B基因定量PCR结果显示,其主要分布在地下水位附近及以下部分(40~100 cm),而在表层(0~40 cm)土壤中未被检测到.M.oxyfera-like细菌16S rRNA基因定量PCR结果显示,不同深度的土壤均有M.oxyfera-like细菌分布,并且其丰度随着土壤深度的增加而递增.这些结果说明厌氧氨氧化细菌和M.oxyfera-like细菌在湖泊岸边带深层土壤中共同存在,并且有不同的分布规律.  相似文献   
Wildman, Richard A., Jr. and Noelani A. Forde, 2012. Management of Water Shortage in the Colorado River Basin: Evaluating Current Policy and the Viability of Interstate Water Trading. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 411-422. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2012.00665.x Abstract: The water of the Colorado River of the southwestern United States (U.S.) is presently used beyond its reliable supply, and the flow of this river is forecast to decrease significantly due to climate change. A recent interim report of the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study is the first acknowledgment of these facts by U.S. federal water managers. In light of this new stance, we evaluate the current policy of adaptation to water shortages in the Colorado River Basin. We find that initial shortages will be borne only by the cities of Arizona and Nevada and farms in Arizona whereas the other Basin states have no incentive to reduce consumptive use. Furthermore, the development of a long-term plan is deferred until greater water scarcity exists. As a potential response to long-term water scarcity, we evaluate the viability of an interstate water market in the Colorado River Basin. We inform our analysis with newly available data from the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia, which has used interstate water trading to create vital flexibility during extreme aridity during recent years. We find that, despite substantial obstacles, an interstate water market is a compelling reform that could be used not only to adapt to increased water scarcity but also to preserve core elements of Colorado River Basin law.  相似文献   
Abstract: Protected areas are a cornerstone of conservation and have been designed largely around terrestrial features. Freshwater species and ecosystems are highly imperiled, but the effectiveness of existing protected areas in representing freshwater features is poorly known. Using the inland waters of Michigan as a test case, we quantified the coverage of four key freshwater features (wetlands, riparian zones, groundwater recharge, rare species) within conservation lands and compared these with representation of terrestrial features. Wetlands were included within protected areas more often than expected by chance, but riparian zones were underrepresented across all (GAP 1–3) protected lands, particularly for headwater streams and large rivers. Nevertheless, within strictly protected lands (GAP 1–2), riparian zones were highly represented because of the contribution of the national Wild and Scenic Rivers Program. Representation of areas of groundwater recharge was generally proportional to area of the reserve network within watersheds, although a recharge hotspot associated with some of Michigan's most valued rivers is almost entirely unprotected. Species representation in protected areas differed significantly among obligate aquatic, wetland, and terrestrial species, with representation generally highest for terrestrial species and lowest for aquatic species. Our results illustrate the need to further evaluate and address the representation of freshwater features within protected areas and the value of broadening gap analysis and other protected‐areas assessments to include key ecosystem processes that are requisite to long‐term conservation of species and ecosystems. We conclude that terrestrially oriented protected‐area networks provide a weak safety net for aquatic features, which means complementary planning and management for both freshwater and terrestrial conservation targets is needed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to review all available data on the extent and status of riparian ecosystems in the U.S.A. This report presents a synthesis of the findings, including some estimates of how much land was originally covered by woody riparian vegetation, and how much remains in that condition today. A synopsis of information is presented on the status of riparian ecosystems in each of 10 regions: California, Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Arid Southwest, Plains-Grasslands, Lake States, Corn Belt, Mississippi Delta, Northeast-Appalachian, and Southeast. Woody riparian plant communities once covered an estimated 75 to 100 million acres of land in the contiguous 48 states. Mankind has converted at least two-thirds of that nationwide acreage to other non-forest land uses and it is estimated that only 25 to 35 million acres of riparian plant communities remain in a near natural condition. Across the country, loss of riparian acreages is directly attributable to water resource development (especially channel modification and water impoundment), floodplain clearing for agriculture, and urbanization. In many states of the arid west, the midwest, and the lower Mississippi alluvial valley, riparian vegetation has been reduced in area by more than 80 percent. Riparian woodlands are one of this country's most heavily modified natural vegetation types.  相似文献   
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