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目的研究压力变化环境对NDIR型CO_(2)气体传感器的影响,获得不同压力范围内传感器的响应变化规律。方法采用小型加压舱,在CO_(2)分压不变的情况下,分别采用N_(2)阶梯缓慢加压和冲击快速加压方式,研究英国C20和国产G4传感器在高压环境中稳定时间和漂移度等性能指标的波动规律,考察传感器对压力变化的响应规律。结果在低于607950 Pa的高气压稳压状态下,基本不会造成机械损伤,但信号会发生较大的漂移,国产G4分体式传感器出现信号震荡现象。CO_(2)分体式传感器及整机的浓度输出值随着压力的升高,标准气样值与实测值的比值接近幂函数形式,分体式传感器的输出浓度值比整机的输出浓度值要大。结论不同CO_(2)浓度分压下的压力响应规律具有比较良好的一致性,冲击加压的漂移比阶梯加压显著,浓度真值可以通过测量总压和内置多次函数来修正。  相似文献   
孙佑海  王操 《自然资源学报》2022,37(11):2975-2989
通过对现行空间规划法律规范的体系性检视,发现由于立法策略、部门立法以及规划立法依附性等原因,其存在顶层立法付之阙如、外部结构冗杂扁平、内部规范碎片冲突等问题。遵循领域法、发展法以及体系化逻辑,国土空间规划立法应以现实问题与治理现代化为导向,在突破部门法壁垒的同时注重法制发展的接续性,力求实现国土空间规划法律体系的形式协调与价值融贯。构建国土空间规划法律体系,对内应确立国土空间规划法的基本法地位并辅之以配套立法,对外应注重与国土空间开发保护法等相关立法、国土空间政策与技术标准的衔接,最终构架起一个主轴明确、层次严密、差序有别的圆锥状国土空间规划法律体系。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Because dragonflies are very sensitive to alien trees , we assessed their response to large-scale restoration of riparian corridors. We compared three types of disturbance regime—alien invaded , cleared of alien vegetation , and natural vegetation (control)—and recorded data on 22 environmental variables. The most significant variables in determining dragonfly assemblages were percentage of bank cover and tree canopy cover , which indicates the importance of vegetation architecture for these dragonflies. This finding suggests that it is important to restore appropriate marginal vegetation and sunlight conditions. Recovery of dragonfly assemblages after the clearing of alien trees was substantial. Species richness and abundance at restored sites matched those at control sites. Dragonfly assemblage patterns reflected vegetation succession. Thus , initially eurytopic , widespread species were the main beneficiaries of the removal of alien trees , and stenotopic , endemic species appeared after indigenous vegetation recovered over time. Important indicator species were the two national endemics ( Allocnemis leucosticta and Pseudagrion furcigerum ) , which , along with vegetation type , can be used to monitor return of overall integrity of riparian ecology and to make management decisions. Endemic species as a whole responded positively to restoration , which suggests that indigenous vegetation recovery has major benefits for irreplaceable and widespread generalist species .  相似文献   
Seasonal variations in dissolved and particulate P forms were assessed in the estuarine system of Chalakudy River, Kerala, South India – a tropical river having substantial relics of riparian vegetation. The contribution of the reactive P form extended to 84–96% compared with the residual fraction. Geographical and human activities have had effects on the phosphorus-loading capacity at various locations, which reveal pronounced variability in P distribution. Not all forms of phosphate in suspended particulate matter are likely to be released, and thus the nature of the P forms within the stock is a sensitive factor that can be utilised. Ca-bound P in suspensates increases to a highly significant level in the estuarine area, whereas Fe/Al-bound P predominates at the riverine and catchment areas during both the monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. Thus, calcium compounds determine the availability of P in the alkaline estuarine environment, whereas in the riverine environment, Al and Fe control P solubility. The comparatively low P load in upstream waters indicates that, under ambient situations, vegetative riparian zones can be very important P filters.  相似文献   
Riparian land use remains one of the most significant impacts on stream ecosystems. This study focuses on the relationship between stream ecosystems and riparian land use in headwater regions. Four riparian land types including forest, grassland, farmland, and residential land were examined to reveal the correlation between stream water and fish communities in headwater streams of the Taizi River in north-eastern China. Four land types along riparian of 3 km in length were evaluated at 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 m widths, respectively. Generally, the results found a significant relationship between riparian land uses and stream water quality. Grassland was positively correlated with water quality parameters (conductivity and total dissolved solids) at scales from 100 to 500 m riparian width. Farmland and residential land was negatively correlated with water quality parameters at scales from 25 to 500 m and from 50 to 200 m riparian widths, respectively. Although the riparian forest is important for maintaining habitat diversity and fish communities, the results found that only fish communities were significantly correlated with the proportion of riparian farmland. Farmland had a positive correlation with individual fish abundance within a riparian corridor of 25 to 50 m, but a negative correlation with fish diversity metrics from 25 to 100 m. This study indicates that effective riparian management can improve water quality and fish communities in headwater streams.  相似文献   
随着现代科技的发展,安全生产监督管理需要模式、方法、手段等方面实现创新.本文紧密结合安全生产监督管理工作的需要,以Android平台为基础,基于SOA架构设计,采用第三代移动访问技术,融合无线通信、数据库及计算机网络等前沿技术,研究开发了一套安全生产移动执法系统,它包含了移动执法端、服务管理端和底层通信服务三大体系,实现了安全生产现场执法各项功能,有效推进了移动通信技术在安全生产领域的应用.  相似文献   
节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。我国目前煤矿安全生产形势趋稳向好,但依然严峻。分析陕西省煤矿瓦斯灾害情况和近年来煤矿安全生产状况。总结分析近年来我省瓦斯综合治理取得的成效,煤矿监察执法方面所做的主要工作,煤矿瓦斯综合治理存在的一些问题,提出一些针对性的建议和工作措施。  相似文献   
广州市流溪河河岸带土壤反硝化作用的多尺度影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广州市水源地流溪河二级支流的河岸带为研究对象,分析嵌套结构的多尺度因素对河岸带土壤反硝化作用的影响,确定调节河岸带土壤反硝化酶活性的不同尺度控制因素.结果表明:以土壤反硝化酶活性表征的反硝化潜力,其在研究区内的剖面尺度空间变异性显著大于断面尺度和流域景观尺度;反硝化酶活性的空间变异受多尺度因子的作用,其中剖面尺度中土壤有机碳、全氮、硝态氮等因子对其空间分布起主要的直接控制作用,而断面尺度的景观位置、植被密度与流域景观尺度的地形指数、高程及土地利用类型等因子通过影响土壤性质而间接调控反硝化酶的空间分异性;研究区的反硝化酶活性在剖面尺度中表层最高,随着深度增加呈急剧减小的趋势;断面尺度中活性值最高位于河岸区中间的景观位置,因该位置具有良好的景观连接性和较高的植被密度;流域景观尺度中,除受人为扰动严重城市化地区外,河岸带土壤反硝化酶活性沿流域从上游至下游呈不断增加的趋势.  相似文献   
为了研究软硬煤瓦斯解吸规律,搭建了大质量瓦斯解吸实验系统,进行了不同变质程度软硬煤的瓦斯解吸实验,对比分析了软硬煤的孔隙结构特征,查明了软硬煤的瓦斯解吸规律及影响因素。研究结果表明:软煤相对于硬煤,具有更多的瓦斯解吸总量和更快的解吸速度,采用幂函数可以较好的描述软硬煤的解吸规律,煤的破坏类型和变质程度是影响瓦斯解吸量的主要因素;软硬煤瓦斯解吸规律的差异性主要受煤的孔隙结构影响,软煤总孔容是硬煤的1.18~2.14倍,且软煤中孔及大孔更为发育,这为瓦斯解吸提供了更优质的通道;软煤相对硬煤在同等条件下变质程度更高,煤吸附甲烷的能力更强,这有利于软煤瓦斯解吸量的增加及解吸速度的加快。研究成果为准确测试煤层瓦斯含量和钻屑解吸指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Western state water resources are drawing increasing attention because of prolonged drought, pound-water overdraft and an ever-increasing awareness of insufficient Colorado River water to supply a growing population and meet industrial demand. Arizona is no exception, and the alarming decline in ground-water levels has prompted the Arizona State Legislature to adopt legislation establishing the Ground-Water Management Study Commission to recommend legislative action by 1979. This paper summarizes Arizona's ground water legislative history and discusses possible alternatives for change. The authors address specific issues facing the State and offer a set of possible Commission recommendations.  相似文献   
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