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针对间歇式加煤锅炉SO2的排放特性和平均排放浓度测试,结合两种常用的智能烟气分析仪,列举定电位电解法在实际测试中的应用情况以及不同测试分析仪器的功能性特点,指出当前在实际测试过程中存在的人为随意性和易出现的测试误差,提出消除和减少误差的相应对策.  相似文献   
房地产开发项目环境影响评价可以从源头控制和预防可能发生的环境污染和环境纠纷。介绍了房地产开发项目环境影响评价的分类和施工期和运营期产生的废气、废水、噪声及固废等对环境造成不利影响,并且提出了公众参与在房地产开发项目的重要性,为环境影响评价工作者正确评价房地产开发项目的环境影响提供参考。  相似文献   
分析了目前区域开发环境影响评价(REA)还存在的主要问题:进行环境影响评价的开发区域少,且其环境评价介入时间晚;理论体系尚未建立;应用研究不足;公众参与力度不够;专业人才不足。提出了建立健全法律法规、加强科研力度、加大投资、加强国际交流与合作、强化公众参与力度、加大人才的培养与引进等建议。  相似文献   
滇池湖滨近60a景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,利用1957年、1972年的正射航空影像和2009年Google earth上的高清影像作为信息源,选取了斑密度、结合度、景观多样性和优势度等指标,对滇池湖滨近60a的景观格局变化进行定量分析,并利用马尔科夫转移矩阵模型研究各类景观的转化情况。结果表明:1957~2009年,滇池湖滨的景观格局变化很大,湿地和湖泊先减少后略增加,水田和旱地面积减少,建设用地面积增加,湖滨景观趋于破碎化,景观分布趋于均匀。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,目前太湖流域污染情况严重,江苏作为主要地区之一,农村生活污水的治理成了主要关注的内容.通过对该地区农村生活污水治理现状的分析,发现江苏地区农村污水治理存在生活污水处理设施设计及施工不符合要求、运行维护资金欠缺、运行模式欠妥等问题,并根据这些存在的问题提出了相应合理的对策与建议.  相似文献   
以上海市嘉定区污染源在线监测为例,对污染源自动监测运行中常见的仪器运行稳定性差,监测数据准确度低,故障修复不及时等问题进行分析,从管理、技术、沟通三个方面提出对策和建议。  相似文献   
高校要加强大学生礼仪教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文列举了大学生在学校多种场合和情景中礼仪素养缺失的种种表现,并多方面分析问题产生的原因,最后简要提出了高校要加强大学生礼仪教育的对策。  相似文献   
The frequently discussed gap between conservation science and practice is manifest in the gap between spatial conservation prioritization plans and their implementation. We analyzed the research‐implementation gap of one zoning case by comparing results of a spatial prioritization analysis aimed at avoiding ecological impact of peat mining in a regional zoning process with the final zoning plan. We examined the relatively complex planning process to determine the gaps among research, zoning, and decision making. We quantified the ecological costs of the differing trade‐offs between ecological and socioeconomic factors included in the different zoning suggestions by comparing the landscape‐level loss of ecological features (species occurrences, habitat area, etc.) between the different solutions for spatial allocation of peat mining. We also discussed with the scientists and planners the reasons for differing zoning suggestions. The implemented plan differed from the scientists suggestion in that its focus was individual ecological features rather than all the ecological features for which there were data; planners and decision makers considered effects of peat mining on areas not included in the prioritization analysis; zoning was not truly seen as a resource‐allocation process and not emphasized in general minimizing ecological losses while satisfying economic needs (peat‐mining potential); and decision makers based their prioritization of sites on site‐level information showing high ecological value and on single legislative factors instead of finding a cost‐effective landscape‐level solution. We believe that if the zoning and decision‐making processes are very complex, then the usefulness of science‐based prioritization tools is likely to be reduced. Nevertheless, we found that high‐end tools were useful in clearly exposing trade‐offs between conservation and resource utilization.  相似文献   
在对主体功能区理论与实践研究的基础上,分析了我国主体功能区划研究现状,指出当前研究中主体功能区划存在定位与理论基础不明、技术方法不统一、实证研究空间相对集中等问题,提出在未来的发展中应通过主体功能区分类,建立统一的面积比例指标、开发强度指标和基础数据库来规范主体功能区划,完善我国规划体系.  相似文献   
根据水环境质量监测数据审核工作实践,总结出目前新疆地、州、市环境监测站上报的水环境质量监测数据中存在的问题,并介绍和分析了几种常用的水质监测数据合理性判断的方法和依据,以期为新疆水环境质量监测工作提供可借鉴的建议。  相似文献   
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