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典型河谷城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露风险 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为定量评价河谷型城市土壤与灰尘铅对城市儿童健康的影响与风险,结合野外调查的基础上,以陕西渭河谷地典型工业城市宝鸡、西安、渭南和铜川为研究区域,以定量分析河谷型城市儿童环境铅暴露为核心,收集4个城市土壤与灰尘分析样品总计243个。利用X射线荧光光谱法测定了4个城市土壤与灰尘铅的含量;采用BCR连续形态分级法探究了城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅地球化学形态分布与迁移特征;根据US EPA污染物暴露与健康风险评价模型对城市儿童铅暴露进行了评价。研究结果表明渭河谷地典型城市宝鸡、铜川、西安和渭南城市土壤与灰尘铅浓度(X±SD)分别为(409.2±52.54)和(624.70±66.15)mg·kg-1、(357.47±41.37)和(592.60±36.78)mg·kg-1、(61.4±13.31)和(78.42±14.89)mg·kg-1、(46.71±12.11)和(64.7±13.76)mg·kg-1,均高出陕西省土壤铅背景值;污染水平依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。4个河谷型城市土壤与灰尘重金属铅发生整体迁移的趋势为:宝鸡城市灰尘(90.71%)西安城市灰尘(84.74%)≥宝鸡城市土壤(83.12%)渭南城市灰尘(74.89%)≥西安城市土壤(74.50%)铜川城市灰尘(72.49%)铜川城市土壤(57.50%)渭南城市土壤(53.79%)。可见,铅在均在城市灰尘中的迁移趋势远大于相应的城市土壤。4个城市土壤与灰尘均表现出较大的儿童暴露致癌风险,宝鸡和铜川城市儿童土壤与灰尘铅暴露也分别存在非致癌风险,风险程度依次为宝鸡铜川西安渭南。儿童铅暴露致癌与非致癌风险程度与其城市土壤和灰尘中铅可氧化态分布呈相似的规律,表明碱性的城市土壤与城市灰尘(p H7)中可氧化态铅可能是导致河谷型城市儿童铅暴露风险和儿童血铅污染的主要形态和因素。由此,城市燃煤排放与含铅制品的加工等活动可能是渭河谷地河谷型城市儿童血铅与铅暴露最主要的贡献源,必须采取长期有效的监测与控制措施。 相似文献
以湖北武汉、随州、武穴和孝感以及山东德州5个多年转基因水稻种植区为试验地,在水稻生育期采集转cry1 Ab/c基因水稻Bt汕优63(Bt-SY63)和对照非转基因汕优63(SY63)稻田水体和土壤,使用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)方法对稻田水体和土壤Cry1 Ab/c蛋白残留量进行动态监测.结果显示,与SY63稻田相比,连续种植2~4 a后,不同生育期Bt-SY63稻田水体Cry1Ab/c蛋白残留量大多与同一生育期SY63样品间差异未达显著水平(P>0.05),最高残留量为0.373 ng· mL-1.与水体Cry1Ab/c蛋白残留情况相似,不同生育期Bt-SY63稻田土壤Cry 1Ab/c蛋白残留量大都低于试剂盒检测限(0.25 ng·g-1),仅随州苗期、德州拔节期和开花期样品有微量残留,鲜土残留量分别为0.261、0.540和0.361 ng·g-1,并分别与SY63样品间差异显著(P<0.05).另外,多年连续种植Bt-SY63水稻后,2、3和4a种植年限的Bt-SY63稻田水体和土壤中Cry1Ab/c蛋白残留量之间大都没有显著差异(P>0.05).认为连续种植2、3和4a的Bt-SY63水稻稻田水体和土壤仅存在微量Cry1Ab/c蛋白残留,不会造成Cry1Ab/c蛋白在稻田水体和土壤中的累积. 相似文献
Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration impacts on food security and climate change and may be affected by soil microbes in fertilized croplands. A 12-year field experiment under the rice–wheat system was used to evaluate the effect of the long-term fertilization on the SOC accumulation, culturable soil microbes, and their interaction in purple paddy soil. Results showed that varied fertilizations resulted in a significant increase of the SOC content and stock in the plow layer, as well as rise in populations of major soil microbes, including bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi compared with no fertilization. Soil with combined application of chemical NPK fertilizer and organic amendment (pig manure or rice straw return) on average had the highest organic carbon content and stock, amounts of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi, which were 7.8%, 5.8%, 75.8%, 130.5%, and 16.2% higher than the NPK fertilization alone. Fertilization differentially altered populations of the functional anaerobic bacteria in paddy soil. With the combined application of chemical NPK fertilizer and organic amendment, soil displayed higher amounts of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria, anaerobic fermentative bacteria, hydrogen-producing acetogen, methanogenic bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and sulphate-reducing bacteria than that with the NPK fertilization alone or no fertilization. Populations of all three major soil microbes showed significantly positive correlations with the SOC content, indicating their interaction was of mutual promotion. Data suggest that the combined application of the NPK fertilizer with organic amendment especially by the rice straw return is recommended to sustain the soil biological fertility and mitigate the emission of the greenhouse gas by the SOC sequestration in purple paddy soil. 相似文献
土壤侵蚀是一种危害严重、分布范围广的生态环境问题,影响人与自然的和谐共存,以及各业生产的可持续发展。通过分析秦皇岛市土壤侵蚀特点、原因,提出综合治理土壤侵蚀的对策和措施,以期为今后该区土壤侵蚀防治与治理提供科学依据。 相似文献
从山海关区农村生态环境现状出发,客观分析了农村生态环境存在的水体污染、土壤污染、水土流失等问题,以及影响农村生态环境的主要因素,如污水和垃圾的无组织排放、化肥和农药的不合理使用、基础设施差、监管缺位等,提出应从环保体制、环保意识、基础设施建设、自然资源保护、污染防治、强化监管等方面采取切实可行的措施,保护农村生态环境。 相似文献
土壤-植物系统中磷和砷相互作用关系的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
砷元素导致的环境污染问题日益突出,施磷已成为植物修复砷污染土壤过程中必要强化措施之一。土壤-植物系统中磷和砷的相互作用关系是非常复杂的,研究表明:磷和砷在土壤中往往是共生的,但又存在竞争吸附关系;磷和砷在不同植物中的相互作用关系主要有拮抗效应和协同效应;有必要通过分子生物学手段对磷和砷表达基理进行深入研究,获得对砷具有超积累能力的植株。 相似文献