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In Pacific Northwest streams, summer low flows limit water available to competing instream (salmon) and out-of-stream (human) uses, creating broad interest in how and why low flows are trending. Analyses that assumed linear (monotonic) change over the last ~60 years revealed declining low flow trends in minimally disturbed streams. Here, polynomials were used to model flow trends between 1929 and 2015. A multidecadal oscillation was observed in flows, which increased initially from the 1930s until the 1950s, declined until the 1990s, and then increased again. A similar oscillation was detected in precipitation series, and opposing oscillations in surface temperature, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation series. Multidecadal oscillations with similar periods to those described here are well known in climate indices. Fitted model terms were consistent with flow trends being influenced by at least two drivers, one oscillating and the other monotonic. Anthropogenic warming is a candidate driver for the monotonic decline, and variation in (internal) climatic circulation for the oscillating trend, but others were not ruled out. The recent upturn in streamflows suggests that anthropogenic warming has not been the dominant factor driving streamflow trends, at least until 2015. Climate projections based on simulations that omit drivers of multidecadal variation are likely to underestimate the range, and rate of change, of future climatic variation.  相似文献   
•ZnO/Perlite inactivated 72% of bioaerosols in continuous gas phase. •TiO2 triggered the highest level of cytotoxicity with 95% dead cells onto Poraver. •Inactivation mechanism occurred by membrane damage, morphological changes and lysis. •ZnO/Poraver showed null inactivation of bioaerosols. •Catalysts losses at the outlet of the photoreactor for all systems were negligible. Bioaerosols are airborne microorganisms that cause infectious sickness, respiratory and chronic health issues. They have become a latent threat, particularly in indoor environment. Photocatalysis is a promising process to inactivate completely bioaerosols from air. However, in systems treating a continuous air flow, catalysts can be partially lost in the gaseous effluent. To avoid such phenomenon, supporting materials can be used to fix catalysts. In the present work, four photocatalytic systems using Perlite or Poraver glass beads impregnated with ZnO or TiO2 were tested. The inactivation mechanism of bioaerosols and the cytotoxic effect of the catalysts to bioaerosols were studied. The plug flow photocatalytic reactor treated a bioaerosol flow of 460×1 06 cells/m3air with a residence time of 5.7 s. Flow Cytometry (FC) was used to quantify and characterize bioaerosols in terms of dead, injured and live cells. The most efficient system was ZnO/Perlite with 72% inactivation of bioaerosols, maintaining such inactivation during 7.5 h due to the higher water retention capacity of Perlite (2.8 mL/gPerlite) in comparison with Poraver (1.5 mL/gPerlite). However, a global balance showed that TiO2/Poraver system triggered the highest level of cytotoxicity to bioaerosols retained on the support after 96 h with 95% of dead cells. SEM and FC analyses showed that the mechanism of inactivation with ZnO was based on membrane damage, morphological cell changes and cell lysis; whereas only membrane damage and cell lysis were involved with TiO2. Overall, results highlighted that photocatalytic technologies can completely inactivate bioaerosols in indoor environments.  相似文献   
城镇居民食物消费的生态足迹及生态文明程度评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
城镇居民食品账户生态足迹核算一直面临着消费项目不完善与消费-土地利用矩阵信息匮乏的问题。研究通过改进自下而上生态足迹模型,较好地解决了上述问题;并构建了食物消费的生态文明度概念与分类层次体系,在生态影响“数量”评估的基础上开展了“质量”评估。论文对2005—2012年中国及各省城镇居民食物消费的生态影响及生态文明度进行了实证研究,结果表明:1)城镇居民部门食物账户的生态影响变动主要驱动力为在外就餐;2)全国及大陆省份中除山西、江西和青海外的28个省份城镇居民食物消费的生态文明度发生了不同程度的下降。中国如果忽略城镇市场倒逼机制对生态文明的巨大作用,规模扩大与食谱增富的城镇化可能将整个中国带入生态环境脆弱性增强的境地。  相似文献   
通过试验模拟不同幅度、不同频率的脉冲式进水流量波动,研究脉冲式流量波动对已稳定运行的厌氧氨氧化UASB反应器性能的冲击影响.结果表明,在脉冲波动幅度小于60mL/min(上升流速1.33cm/min)范围内,厌氧氨氧化UASB反应器表现出良好的适应性和承受力,甚至对于高频率的波动冲击,出水也可达到一级A标准,NH4+-N和NO2--N去除率都基本维持在80%以上,总氮去除率维持在70%以上.而当脉冲的波动幅度为100mL/min(上升流速2.22cm/min)时,则UASB反应器的出水水质波动性大,随着波动频率的增大,反应器的适应时间增长,一直到波动频率为1.5h时,反应器出水NH4+-N和NO2--N浓度难以稳定在5mg/L以下.随着波动幅度由40mL/min增大到60,100mL/min,反应器内污泥中厌氧氨氧化菌的丰度值和厌氧氨氧化菌占全细菌的百分含量均呈现先增多后减少的趋势,在波动幅度为60mL/min时均为最大,可能是由于此时污泥和基质的混合与接触更为高效,氮去除效率高,更有利于厌氧氨氧化菌的生长.  相似文献   
综述了环境中典型的结合态与游离态类固醇雌激素的来源、危害以及环境归趋,探讨了其在地下环境(土壤和浅层地下水系统)中的吸附、微生物降解等迁移转化过程及其影响因素,总结了常见的环境雌激素处理方法与危害控制措施.最后,针对目前环境中类固醇雌激素在包气带与浅层地下水中的穿透过程及其生态效应研究工作的基础上,对未来相关方面的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   
铁路客运站作为旅客集散地,出入站客流量会因为节假日、大规模列车晚点或停运等突发事件出现大规模聚集。当车站出现高密度客流时,若未能及时采取有效的应对措施,极易出现踩踏等事故。为应对车站大客流情况,首先制定了黄、橙、红三级预警机制。其中黄、橙预警用于应对车站高密度客流情况,而红色等级预警则用于应对短时间内车站需迅速疏散客流的紧急情形和大量客流长时间无法乘车离开的情形。最后重点研究了基于不同等级预警的应对方案。所提出的大型客运站大客流预警与应对方案实际应用于北京西站,经过多次春运和暑运检测,起到了良好的效果。  相似文献   
采用一种针对水体中全氟化合物的改进的极性有机化合物整合采样技术(POCIS)进行了不同水流速度下污染物的吸附动力学,以及水流速度对全氟化合物在该采样器上采样速率的影响研究.结果表明,在不同水流速度下7种全氟化合物在放置时间10d内呈线性关系.POCIS对全氟化合物的采样速率随着水流速度(0.085~0.0018m/s)的降低而减小,但是对个别物质如全氟十一酸的采样速率无明显影响.将所建立的POCIS采样方法应用于南京市地表水中,并与常规的主动监测方法进行比较,发现利用POCIS采样技术推算出的污染物时间权重浓度和两次主动采样测定浓度基本一致.  相似文献   
街道峡谷对称性对污染物扩散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数值模拟的方法,研究了行列式和错列式街谷两侧建筑物的对称性对街谷内和下游建筑尾流区污染物浓度的影响,并引入3个用于评价室内空气环境的指标来描述街谷中人员区域内的空气质量.结果表明,平均残留时间(ART)和有效通风率(PFR)可用于评价不对称街谷内的空气质量.街谷的不对称性对街谷内部和下游建筑尾流区污染物浓度分布均有明显影响.下游建筑越低,则尾流区的浓度越高.行列式和错列式街谷中人员活动空间的无量纲平均浓度分别在建筑高度比例为7/3和7/2时最大.为在城市规划中尽可能避免出现最不利比例的街谷,根据平均残留时间和有效通风率等指标,给出了上下游建筑高度比与最不利街谷改善率的关系.  相似文献   
基于物质流分析的中国减物质化趋势及循环经济成效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王红 《自然资源学报》2015,30(11):1811-1822
物质流分析通过测量经济活动物质投入的数量、强度及其变化即物质化或减物质化趋势,能够反映可耗竭自然资源损耗和环境退化的总体情况,也是评价循环经济发展成效尤其是资源综合利用对物质消耗影响的一个有效工具。论文运用统计学和计量经济学方法,分析了中国2000-2013年直接物质投入及其与特定经济特征的关系,确定了资源利用强度变化趋势,评价了中国循环经济实践尤其是资源综合利用的成效。发现2000-2013年中国直接物质投入总量持续增加、单位GDP直接物质投入先上升后下降,说明中国已进入了相对的减物质化阶段;第二产业比重先增加后下降的变化趋势是直接物质投入强度变化的格兰杰原因;中国的资源综合利用总量增加但综合利用率仍很低,未对直接物质投入强度产生统计学意义上的显著影响;未来中国直接物质投入总量和人均值在很长时间内还将继续增加。  相似文献   
A thermodynamic procedure has been proposed which can be used to predict the gas pressure, temperature and flow rate through orifice upon chock flow condition, using equation of state (EOS). The procedure applied for emergency depressurization operation incorporating the Peng-Robinson EOS and validated by comparing flow rates of a multi-component hydrocarbon gas mixture for thirteen experimental cases. The average absolute deviations of the predicted flow rates for orifice discharge coefficients of 0.85 and 0.9, are 7.36% and 2.03%, respectively. The corresponding error for API 520 (American Petroleum Institute Recommendation Practice 520) method is 6.91%. In this work, the hydrate formation temperature and hydrate inhibitor type and its required weight fraction for preventing the hydrate formation upon orifice and its upstream conditions are evaluated by the EZ-Thermo software using the Moshfeghian–Maddox method. The results qualitatively show that the hydrate prevention is essential for the safety of the operation due to low temperature condition.  相似文献   
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