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海河流域社会经济发展对河流水质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王超  单保庆  秦晶  张洪 《环境科学学报》2015,35(8):2354-2361
海河流域社会经济快速发展,主要河流水质恶化.本文基于海河流域人口规模、经济产值和土地利用变化过程,结合河流社会经济发展指标和水质变化统计分析,从流域废污水排放和水资源利用等角度分析社会经济对水环境影响机制.研究表明,流域人口规模大幅增长、工业生产强度大幅提高,工业聚集区由北京-天津地区扩展到北京-天津-唐山、石家庄、聊城-德州等地区,导致海河流域工业废水和生活污水排放规模迅速上升,成为河流水质恶化直接驱动力.城市扩张是流域土地利用变化最显著特征,近30年来城市用地面积增加85%,北京-天津-唐山城市群规模扩大,造成流域水资源开发利强度加剧,降低河流自净缓冲能力.因子分析表明,流域影响河流水质因素分解为农村、城市和自然等3个方面,其中城市化过程和农村社会经济发展对河流水体污染物浓度水平影响非常显著.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on impediments to environmentally sound management practices and how these might be overcome, with an emphasis on the role of environmental management systems, supply chains and civil society. It argues that: Farmers are under increased pressure to cut costs and improve production but with little opportunity to increase prices. Commonly short-term economic interest has damaging environmental implications. Current government policy, in Australia and in many other jurisdictions, relies heavily on voluntary arrangements, education and information, as the main policy instruments through which to persuade farmers to adopt better environmental farm management - e.g. the recent push to encourage the use of voluntary environmental management systems. However, there is good evidence to suggest that these can only make a valuable contribution when combined with a range of other policy instruments, including positive and negative incentives, intervention by third parties and in some cases, an underpinning of regulation. Arguably, what is needed is a strategy that builds on the strengths of voluntary environmental management arrangements while compensating for their weaknesses by combining them with other, complementary policy instruments. If so, we must engage with a range of questions that have not so far figured substantially in the policy debate. Although the principal focus has been on the role of government in bringing about on-farm change in management practices, supply chain pressure (at least in respect of agricultural chemicals and practices which threaten food safety) and civil society action are also potentially powerful mechanisms for bringing about change. Government can and should play a role in harnessing such forces in the interests of improved environmental on-farm practices.  相似文献   
风险社会中突发事件的特征与处置理念探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
突发性事件由于其本身所具有突发性、紧急性、危重性、复杂性、关联性、广泛性、政治性和不确定性等特征,所以其负面性影响很大,往往可能成为激发社会矛盾、进而爆发政治、经济和社会危机的直接原因。而经济转轨、社会转型、利益群体多元化等许多不稳定的因素,对局部地区乃至全国的经济发展和社会稳定构成了潜在威胁。在这样一个具有诸多风险因素的社会,由此而引发的突发事件又有形式多元化、规模扩大化、形态群体化、影响辐射化、目标国际化等特点。所以,在现阶段,处置突发事件的理念必须适应这种风险社会的公共危机特点,做到危机缓和,未病先防;以人为本,取信于民;利益调和,治病求本。  相似文献   
The social and economic implications of atmospheric change on biodiversity need to be seen in a global context of major shifts in the conceptualization and management of our relationship with nature. Traditionally, we have conceptualized the atmosphere and the other creatures of the biosphere as separate from the human, but their quasi-autonomy is now becoming subject to more and more human management. This raises not only economic issues, but social, political, and ethical concerns that will have substantial influence on public policy. Among these are the commodification of genetic material; the privatization of traditional knowledge; and the management of information. In this broader context, the paper examines an array of current and proposed strategies of response to changes in biodiversity as a result of climatic and other stresses.  相似文献   
Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management in Different Jurisdictions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of sustainable forest management (SFM) requires forest resource managers to monitor and collect information pertaining to their environmental, economic and social impact. There are increasing expectations from a variety of publics (government, customers, and other stakeholders) that forests be demonstrably well-managed, creating incentives for forest managers to design credible systems for assessing their management performance. It is against this background that local, national and international approaches to regulating forest practices have been evolving. This article reviews the different dimensions of governance as they relate to monitoring and information reporting in the forest sector. Specifically, it discusses the changing role of sovereignty, the effects of globalization and the emergence of civil society stakeholders in forestry-related decision-making. Concepts such as sovereignty and globalization have important implications for monitoring forest practices and for defining SFM. Whether SFM standard creation and enforcement involves a sovereign, shared-sovereignty or civil society approach will affect the level and nature of SFM monitoring. As a result, we need to better consider the concept of monitoring appropriate to the scale and intensity of operations, how monitoring and information reporting standards differ between jurisdictions, and what this means for independently verifying SFM at an inter-jurisdictional level.  相似文献   
水旱灾害对我国农业及社会经济发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
徐乃璋  白婉如 《灾害学》2002,17(1):91-96
水旱灾害首先影响到我国农业生产。粮食产量的大幅减产还会波及到整个国民经济及人民生活水平的下降。研究自然灾害不仅要注意因灾损失的自然因素,同时要联系造成灾害的社会、经济、人文因素等诸多方面进行自与非自然因素的综合分析。  相似文献   
安全文化与和谐社会的关系及其建设的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在分析和谐社会、安全及安全文化内涵的基础上,从和谐社会的评价指标体系论证了安全与和谐的一致性;从安全文化与和谐社会的特征、功能、原则等方面,深入阐述安全文化建设与和谐社会构建的统一性;提出安全科学可以为和谐社会建设提供理论指导的新观点,进而为和谐社会建设作出贡献的思想。笔者提出了倡导安全健康主义、倡导安全健康信仰等建设安全文化的具体措施。  相似文献   
In responding to global climate change,the idea of low-carbon economy emerges as the times require.Developing low-carbon economy is based on the construction of low-carbon society.The so called "two-orientation society"(resources conservation orientated society and environmental friendly orientated society) is the concrete representation of low-carbon society with Chinese characteristics,and an actual action for China in developing low-carbon economy.Based on urban agglomeration,the paper discusses the meaning of and the route to low-carbon society which would better reflect the intrinsic requirements of such a society.  相似文献   
建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,需要在人与自然和谐发展的共有信念下,通过制度创新和制度变迁,实现个体理性向集体理性的收敛。制度变迁是构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会的关键所在,而制度变迁的内在机理是资源相对价格和人们消费偏好的变迁。通过强制性制度变迁,建立完善的法律法规体系、政策支持体系、技术创新体系和激励约束机制,形成低投入、低消耗、低排放和高效率的节约型增长方式;通过诱致性制度变迁,唤起公众的节约意识和环保意识,从而提升整个社会的环境责任感,让足够的认知成为公众自觉行动的能力。  相似文献   
高风险社会及其对策研究   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
成松柏  陈国华 《灾害学》2007,22(1):18-22
经济和技术不断发展的过程中伴随的副作用使人类社会逐渐处于“风险社会”乃至“高风险社会”之中。当前我国正处于结构调整和社会转型中,存在着自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件等各种各样的风险。在对现代社会风险的特点进行归纳后,对其量化方法也进行了初步探讨,并结合我国实际情况从影响风险大小的各因素入手,拟定了若干风险管理对策,对如何面对“风险社会”和提高风险承受能力可起到积极的参考作用。  相似文献   
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