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江汉平原农地资源价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农地价值的货币化计量为缓解我国农地流失形势。修订和完善农地分等定级成果、征地补偿制度,制定和实施农地生态管护政策提供理论与实践依据。在随机抽样调查的基础上.运用收益还原法及CVM对江汉平原不同类型农地资源的市场价值和非市场价值进行评估.研究表明:江汉平原包括耕地,圈地、林地及水域用地在内的农地资源的非市场价值现值达1246.82亿元,是农地资源价值构成中无法忽略的重要组成部分。其中.耕地资源整体价值达4563.28亿元,无法通过市场交易体现的非市场价值有545.30亿元.占耕地价值构成的11.95%;园地及水域用地的价值分别为623.09亿元和3210.06亿元,非市场价值所占比例份额分别为32.21%和8,57%;林地资源的非市场价值225.64亿元,折合非市场价值约85704元/hm^2。  相似文献   
一个基于专家知识的生态系统服务价值化方法   总被引:204,自引:16,他引:204  
Costanza等提出的生态服务价值化评估方法在中国直接运用存在一些缺陷:低估或者忽略了某些生态系统服务价值。因此,笔者在其生态系统服务价值评估体系的基础上分别在2002年和2006年对中国700位具有生态学背景的专业人员进行问卷调查,得出了新的生态系统服务评估单价体系。通过对比发现,调查获得的基于专家知识的生态系统服务单价体系与基于物质量估算的生态系统服务价值之间具有较好的可比性。该基于专家知识的生态系统服务评估体系可以用于已知土地利用面积的生态系统服务价值估算,能在较短时间内获得较为精确的结果。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The concentrations of iron and sulfate in community water supplies are a concern for a number of areas in southwestern Minnesota. This study used the contingent valuation method to determine how much consumers would be willing to pay to improve their drinking water quality. On average, individuals were willing to pay US$5.25 per month (in 1995 U.S. dollars) to reduce the level of iron and US$4.33 per month to reduce the level of sulfate in their water to the USEPA's secondary standards for drinking water quality. Respondents with negative perceptions of their drinking water quality were willing to pay more to improve water quality. The aggregate annual willingness to pay (WTP) for all consumers in community water systems in southwestern Minnesota that were out of compliance with water quality standards were estimated to be US$2.4 million and US$2.0 million (in 1995 dollars) for reducing the levels of iron and sulfate, respectively. Yet the total WTP of consumers who use small community water systems may not be enough to pay the full cost of providing improved water in those systems. Economies of scale in water treatment and difficulties in financing improvements mean that technical innovation, government assistance, or institutional changes may be needed to improve water quality in these areas.  相似文献   
环保类项目主要价值体现为环境效益,清洁生产中高费方案分析中,单纯分析经济费用效益,经常为不可行方案.文章以污水处理厂3个不同的清洁生产方案(增加化学除磷、污泥深度脱水、增加除臭设施)为例,对他们的环境效益进行了货币化估值,并将AHP确定权重的方法引入环境影响货币化估值中,对纳入环境价值的方案分析其内部收益率,从而分析清洁生产中方案的可行性.分析得出化学除磷和污泥深度脱水的内部收益率分别为12.89%和13.54%,具有可行性,因此优选实施污泥深度脱水方案.  相似文献   
条件价值(CV)法是评估环境与资源价值的重要手段,后续确定性问题可有效便捷地提高CV结果的有效性。应用10刻度量化表式后续确定性问题对鼓山风景名胜区非使用价值CV评估结果进行校正。问卷采用双边界二分式,面对面调查获得518份有效调查问卷。结果显示:具有正支付意愿的受访者,其付费加入"鼓山保护协会"的确定度呈正态分布,确定度的平均值为6.72;确定度与受访者的收入、受访者对鼓山的熟悉程度呈显著正相关;受访者对起始投标值敏感。当确定度门槛值取7或8时,正支付率从51.5%分别下降至27.8%或23.3%,而平均支付意愿分别从33.24元下降至19.74元或16.36元,采用后续确定性问题校正后CV结果下降了一半左右。  相似文献   
京津冀地区控制PM2.5污染的健康效益评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
基于流行病学综合研究成果,运用环境健康风险评估技术和环境价值评估方法,对京津冀地区实施并达到2012年新颁布的《空气质量标准》中细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度标准可实现的健康效益进行了评估,并对区域内各城市的健康效益进行了比较分析.结果表明,京津冀地区能够实现的健康效益总和可达到612~2560亿元/a(均值为1729亿元/a),相当于该地区2009年地方生产总值的1.66%~6.94%(均值为4.68%).其中河北省所能实现的总健康效益最大,北京、天津和石家庄这些大城市能够实现的健康改善和经济效益最为显著.本文的研究结果可望为实施PM2.5空气质量标准的成本效益分析提供科学依据,并为大气污染区域联防联控和环境质量管理与合作提供重要的政策决策参考.  相似文献   
为检验意愿价值评估法(Contingent Valuation Method,CVM)中争论的焦点问题——支付意愿的问卷"内容依赖性",本文以上海城市内河生态修复为评估对象,构建CVM的假想市场,设计评估顺序、评估对象尺度、嵌套物品等四重方案,通过720份问卷平行调查对同一评估对象在不同问卷中获得的支付意愿,并进行估计值比较和t检验。研究结果显示:支付意愿的数值随评估尺度的增加并不显著增加;单独评估比作为嵌套物品评估具有更高的支付意愿值;在问卷中先被评估的物品居民给出的支付意愿较高;整体物品的支付意愿小于各部分的加总。研究结果验证了国外实证研究文献报道的"范围不敏感"、"嵌入效应"、"顺序效应"、"部分—整体效应"等现象的存在。对此现象的解释主要是收入效应和替代效应。因此,在将CVM研究结果应用于公共政策中应充分考虑上述因素引起的偏差。  相似文献   
Decision-making in spatial planning is often based only on administrative regulations and procedures. This approach does not guarantee an efficient allocation of scarce financial resources. Consequently, the present paper discusses the practical relevance of an approach to incorporate results of economic valuation into strategic spatial planning for the example of green infrastructure. For this, a contingent valuation was conducted at a reference site in Esslingen, Germany. Here, participants of the survey stated their willingness to pay for different green infrastructure investment categories. Build on the survey results, the possible future foci of regional green infrastructure planning are derived and impacts on regional green infrastructure policy for the case of the Neckar region are investigated.  相似文献   
This paper presents a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of a trade-off between salmon and hydropower production in the Ume/Vindel River, northern Sweden. A distinctive element of this analysis is that estimated changes in resource conditions are based on detailed river-specific data. A salmon population model was used to develop the scenario and a novel willingness to pay (WTP) question, which caters for uncertainty in a different manner, provided an interval estimate. Non-use values are the major contributors to the benefit (96–517 millions of Swedish kronor (MSEK)) of increasing the stock of wild salmon. Sensitivity analysis suggests that the opportunity costs in terms of lost electricity are typically higher than the estimated benefits.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: Conjoint analysis and the related choice-modelling methods have been used for many years in marketing research to evaluate consumer behaviour and preferences for different kinds of product attributes. Recently, the number of applications in environmental science and management has started to grow. Conjoint analysis is found in many different forms, and the environmental studies evaluated in this review display the same range of methods as in other fields. The key characteristic of all these methods is that trade-offs are evaluated by jointly considering a number of important attributes. MAIN FEATURES: This paper is a review of the literature on environmental applications of conjoint analysis and assesses in which environmental area conjoint analysis has been most successful. The method and the design of the studies are reviewed as well. RESULTS: A total of 84 studies were found, dealing with environmental issues that were evaluated by conjoint analysis. The studies concern agriculture, ecosystem management, energy, environmental evaluation, forestry, land management, pollution, products, recreation, environmental risk analysis and waste management. DISCUSSION: Choice experiments seem to have a comparatively stronger position in environmental studies than elsewhere. Most of the environmental applications are related to natural resource management. This is somewhat surprising, but a number of reports have appeared also on product evaluation, which could be a key application area in the future. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to marketing and transportation, the number of environmental conjoint studies is rather small but increasing, and the method has proven to work effectively in eliciting preferences on environmental issues. In environmental issues, experimenters often use choice experiments, especially concerning ecosystem management and environmental evaluations. When it comes to evaluating preferences concerning agriculture, forestry, energy and products, a more traditional approach of conjoint analysis is favoured. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Two new areas of application are identified in this review--environmental communication and expert elicitation. Conjoint analysis can thus be developed into a useful instrument for environmental risk analysis and communication, both of which are necessary for an efficient approach to risk governance.  相似文献   
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