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Here we show that heavy metal geoaccumulation is apparent in the Tinto and Odiel estuary and, at a lower magnitude, in off-shore sediments. Values above probable effects level (PEL) are recorded for As, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, for As and Hg in the associated off-shore sediments and for As in the Guadiana River. Significant correlations were found between total organic carbon (TOC) and Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, and Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg and As in the Guadiana River. PCA analysis differentiated the three studied locations.  相似文献   
不同植物废物对垃圾堆肥过程VSCs释放的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
选取黄豆杆、红薯藤、菠萝蜜果核和紫檀树叶4种植物废物,分别与生活垃圾混合进行堆肥处理,考察堆肥过程中甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲基二硫醚3种含硫类可挥发性有机物(VSCs)释放量与植物废物性质之间的关系.结果表明,各工况下,3种VSCs释放均集中在堆肥初期(前6d),甲硫醇均为主要的恶臭贡献者.不同工况的3种VSCs释放浓度差异显著.其中,以红薯藤为堆肥配料的工况下3种VSCs累积释放浓度均最高,以黄豆杆和紫檀树叶分别为堆肥配料的工况相对较低,累积释放浓度仅为前者的16.0%~74.3%,并低于生活垃圾单独堆肥. VSCs释放水平与混合原料的易降解有机物含量呈正比,与其植物多酚的含量呈反比.  相似文献   
The examinations of selected wastes and stream sediments from the vicinity of a chemical plant by sequential extraction procedures and direct methods, SEM/EDX and XRD, were carried out in order to identify the different forms of chromium, particularly as they are released to potential mobility. The results show that the top and bottom waste samples contain 37,756 and 53,650 μg g1 Cr, respectively, but about 7% and 2% of the total chromium type Cr(VI). The chemical extraction results show that the mobility of Cr in the upper part of the waste pile is significantly higher than in the bottom section; the exchangeable form of Cr accounts for 25% and < 1%, respectively, the last one irrespective of redox conditions. About 50% of Cr is associated with the reducible fraction of the top waste, and similar with the residual fraction in the bottom waste. Oxidation of the bottom waste shift some portion of Cr from residual to the moderately reducible fraction. The major Cr-forms in the river sediments are compounded with Fe-oxides. The < 2 μm size fraction of the selected sediment sample, particular enriched in chromium contained up to 73,000 μg g1 Cr with about 95% of this in the moderately reducible fraction, predominantly bound with oxyhydroxides. SEM/EDX and XRD analysis of wastes and river sediment indicate that the main insoluble Cr-phase is ferroan — (Mg, Fe) (Cr, Al)2O4 which would be dissolved mainly in the residual fraction.  相似文献   
The potential impact of exposure to heavy metals and health problems was evaluated at the Tar Creek Superfund site, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, USA. Observed versus expected mortality was calculated for selected conditions in the County and exposed cities. Excess mortality was found for stroke and heart disease when comparing the exposed County to the state but not when comparing the exposed cities to the nonexposed rest of the County. However, sample sizes in the exposed area were small, population emigration has been ongoing, and geographic coding of mortality data was incomplete. In an exposed community, 62.5% of children under the age of 6 years had blood lead levels exceeding 10 μg/dl. The relationships between heavy-metal exposure and children’s health and chronic disease in adults are suggestive that a more thorough investigation might be warranted. A number of possible environmental and health studies are suggested, including those focusing on possible central nervous system impacts. Unfortunately, the exposed population is dispersing. One lesson learned at this site is that health studies need to be conducted as soon as possible after an environmental problem is identified to both study the impact of the most acute exposures and to maximize study sample size—including those exposed to higher doses—and minimize the loss of individuals to follow-up.  相似文献   
The immobilisation of heavy metals in the soil of a 25-year-old active firing range using durian (Durio zibethinus L.) tree sawdust (DTS), coconut coir (CC) and oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) was investigated. The immobilisation effects were evaluated in terms of metal accumulation in water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) and soil metal bioavailability. A pot experiment was conducted by amending the firing range soil with DTS, CC and EFB at application rates of 0%, 1% and 3% (w/w), respectively. All amendments increased the biomass yield and reduced the uptake of heavy metals in the plant tissue. Zn had the highest values of Bioconcentration Factor (BCF: 0.301–0.865) and Translocation Factor (TF: 1.056–1.883). Pb was the least-accumulated and transported metal in the plant tissues, with the BCF and TF values of 0.019–0.048 and 0.038–0.116, respectively. The bioavailable fraction of heavy metals in the firing range soil decreased following the application of the three agricultural wastes studied. DTS, CC and EFB did not cause toxicity symptoms in the water spinach over the pot experiment. Therefore, DTS, CC and EFB are considered promising immobilising agents for the remediation of metal-contaminated land.  相似文献   
通过在厨余垃圾暗发酵产氢过程中添加不同质量浓度的稀土元素La3+,考察稀土元素对产氢性能的影响。结果表明,添加一定质量浓度的La3+能促进厨余垃圾产氢效率,而高质量浓度则有抑制效应。添加La3+质量浓度为0.5 mg/L时效果最佳,产氢量和总有机酸量达到最大,分别为43.11 mL/gVS和11 871.7 mg/L,分别是对照组的1.45倍和1.24倍。添加一定量的稀土元素也能同时促进产氢污泥的胞外多聚物的生成。  相似文献   
The elemental composition of the industrial waste incineration bottom ash (IWIBA) samples collected from three different types of incinerator with different kinds of wastes were compared. The major-to-ultratrace elements in the IWIBA samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As a result, ca. 40 elements in the concentration range from milligrams per gram to submicrograms per gram could be determined with relative standard deviations of less than 5%. The IWIBA sample from petrochemical wastes contained lower concentrations of the elements, because fewer mineral constituents were contained in the input waste materials. On the contrary, the elemental concentrations in the IWIBA sample from industrial solid wastes provided the highest values for most elements, while the elemental compositions of the IWIBA sample from food wastes were similar to those of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash. In addition, it was found from the analytical results that the levels of various heavy metals such as Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, As, Zr, Mo, Sb, Ba, and Pb were higher in the IWIBA samples than in municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash. The enrichment factors of the elements in the IWIBA samples were estimated from the analytical results to compare the elemental distributions in incineration bottom ashes in relation to their mining influence factors, which are the indices for human use of the elements.  相似文献   
2000 years of mining activity at Wiesloch, Germanyleft behind a legacy of mining wastes, some of which haveextremely high contents of toxic elements like As, Cd, Tl,Sb, Pb and Zn. To evaluate their long-term impact ondifferent environmental compartments, the detailedenvironmental monitoring presented here focused on themineralogical and chemical characterization of thedifferent waste materials, consisting of dumpings with orefragments, flotation tailings and medieval metallurgicalslags. Leaching experiments with these materials, usingeluents of different compositions and pHs were carried outto assess the conditions governing the mobilization and re-fixation of these species. It was shown, that the carbonatehost rock of the mineralization, the loess blanket coveringthe area and the organically rich municipal sewage sludgesdeposited on top of the tailings, represent potentialbarriers to the dispersion of toxic elements over a muchlarger area. Moreover, particulate emissions from thesteep, unvegetated escarpments of the tailing heapsrepresent a continuous thread to the environment.  相似文献   
Cotton textile manufacturing operations cause air pollution. Air pollutants are generated by fossil fuel fired combustors due to their flues and/or a variety of chemicals in use for production. Excessive use of chemicals can be stopped or minimized by replacing them or by optimizing the production processes. Energy and water conservation are important goals in textile workplaces as well. There is substantial research and development to minimize pollution potentials of textile operations. In this paper air polluting potentials of cotton textile manufacturing operations are discussed and some quantitative examples are given for evaluating the risks to the environment. Studied impacts to environment cover direct discharges into the ambient air as well as the workplace atmosphere. Further studies are recommended for minimizing the impacts to the local and global air quality due to cotton textile production facilities.  相似文献   
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