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通过空气质量监测数据对正在形成或即将到来的空气污染进行预测是一项具有重要意义的工作,而空气质量监测站只能检测其周围一定范围内的空气污染情况。为了衡量整个城市的空气污染情况,获取任意时间、任意位置的空气质量信息,结合交叉注意力机制,提出了一种融合拓扑信息与气象信息的空气质量预测网络(CGMIM)。将西安市空气质量监测数据与气象数据转换为图像拼接起来,作为输入信息。在高阶非线性时空动态神经网络(MIM)的基础上引入注意力机制,并增加拓扑图编码器模块,提高模型提取能力以及对空气质量监测数据中的空间特征的利用率。最后,使用时空损失函数替代传统的均方误差损失函数,提高模型对空间关系的关注。结果表明:CGMIM网络模型能够在准确预测的同时,对位置区域合理填充,能够有效提升空气质量监测数据的空间分辨率。  相似文献   
The subsea wellhead connector is a critical connection component between subsea Christmas tree and subsea wellhead for preventing the leakage of oil and gas in the subsea production system. Excited by cyclical loadings due to environmental forces and the other support forces, the subsea wellhead connector is prone to the failure, which could lead to the loss of subsea tree or wellhead integrity and even catastrophic accidents. With the Monte Carlo simulation method, this paper presents a reliability analysis approach based on dynamic Bayesian Networks, aiming to assess the failure probability of the subsea wellhead connector during service life. Take the driving ring component of the subsea wellhead connector as an example to demonstrate the reasonability of the proposed model. The generation data is processed by the transform between the numerical value and the state variable. Based on the stress-strength interference theory, the structure reliability of the driving ring with 96.26% is achieved by the proposed model with the consideration the aging of the material strength and the most influential factors are figured out. Meanwhile, the corresponding control measures are proposed effectively reduce the failure risk of the subsea wellhead connector during service life.  相似文献   
有效生态网络构建可保障区域生态安全,是实现区域可持续发展的重要路径。基于生态节点的内涵解析,建立了"资源型战略点—结构型战略点—结构型薄弱点"的多层级生态节点识别体系,利用金坛区2015年的遥感影像、土地利用数据、POI数据等,通过多目标遗传算法、最小阻力模型等方法,构建了金坛区层级生态网络,并采用表征网络拓扑结构和节点效用性等指标,定量评价生态节点优化前后的生态网络性能,取得以下主要研究结论:(1)多层级生态网络在节点效用、网络整体性能上显著优于一般网络,且在复杂生态水网区域具有较强适用性;(2)金坛区现状生态网络分布不均匀,生态节点布局亟待优化,经优化节点覆盖率提升了17.70%,节点分布均匀度降低45.45%,平均聚类系数提升了87.36%;(3)多层级生态节点体系具有实践应用性,应针对不同类型生态节点采取差别化管理策略。  相似文献   
环境物联网运用智能传感器等设备感知生态环境的变化,监测环境质量、监控企业的排污行为,通过环境数据的采集、传输、处理、整合,辅助环境管理决策。近年来环境物联网得到长足发展,但现有的环境物联网体系无法满足多种任务和应用场景的需求,主要问题体现在数据质量和精准度缺乏保证,数据传输能力有限,数据共享还未打通,数据分析应用能力还有待提升。笔者系统分析了环境物联网感知层、传输层和应用层的现状与问题,较全面地研究了物联网与大数据技术的最新进展,提出了环境物联网的发展方向以解决上述问题,为实现精细化管理与科学决策提供科学参考。  相似文献   
基于Zigbee技术的无线辐射监测系统可对众多辐射监测仪的监测数据进行实时采集和统计分析,无需布线,组网灵活。该辐射监测系统包括多台辐射监测仪及上位机监测平台。辐射监测仪负责测量辐射信息,并将辐射测量结果通过Zigbee模块发送出来。辐射监测平台负责接收辐射测量结果,并将数据在监测平台上进行显示和存储。对辐射监测仪和辐射监测系统进行测试,测试结果表明:辐射监测仪可对在环境本底的基础上增加0.1 μSv/h的γ辐射给出可靠报警;辐射监测系统可自动进行无线网络连接,整体运行稳定,数据采集准确,可实现对各个辐射监测仪监测数据的实时采集和存储。  相似文献   
日趋严重的道路交通噪声已成为城市的主要噪声源之一。精准高效地监测道路交通噪声是控制交通噪声污染的重要前提,然而噪声测量技术的发展脉络仍未被厘清。通过系统梳理2000—2021年国内外发表的282篇文献,发现当前道路交通噪声监测可分为静态多站点测量、自动监测网络、移动测量和参与式测量4种方法,并应向多源监测数据融合、提升数据时空分辨率、开发低成本且易集成的自动监测网络、建立公众参与式噪声测量规范与数据整合标准、制定以人为本的城市道路交通噪声动态监测体系等方向发展。未来可采取自动监测网络为主,常规静态测量、参与式测量和移动测量等方法为辅的技术体系监测道路交通噪声。该研究可为道路交通噪声监测技术革新及噪声污染防控提供参考。  相似文献   
构建了双室微生物燃料电池(double microbial fuel cells,DMFC)型毒性传感器分别对Cr(Ⅵ)、Cd2+、Cu2+、Zn2+进行在线检测研究。通过对反应器进行优化,确定DMFC在外电阻为1 000 Ω时达到最大功率密度;外循环速率为0.933 4 mL·min-1时反应器运行较稳定。在最优条件下,通过监测铜离子来确定检测时间为60 min,清洗时间为10 min。在以上条件下进行重金属检测,结果表明4种重金属的检测范围分别为0.3~10、0.4~10、40~160、15~80 mg·L-1。抑制率可以用来验证反应器的可行性,检测范围内抑制率与重金属浓度呈现一定的线性关系,其相关系数分别为0.959 7、0.979 5、0.944 1、0.936 6。并可得到相应的线性方程,这些方程可用于验证DMFC-传感器的稳定性。选取检测范围内的浓度进行验证,结果表明4种重金属的相对误差均小于11%,传感器相对稳定并可长期运行。  相似文献   
The new method for the forecasting hourly concentrations of air pollutants is presented in the paper. The method was developed for a site in urban residential area in city of Zagreb, Croatia, for four air pollutants (NO2, O3, CO and PM10). Meteorological variables and concentrations of the respective pollutant were taken as predictors. A novel approach, based on families of univariate regression models, was employed in selecting the averaging intervals for input variables. For each variable and each averaging period between 1 and 97 h, a separate model was built. By inspecting values of the coefficient of correlation between measured and modelled concentrations, optimal averaging periods for each variable were selected. A new dataset for building the forecasting model was then calculated as temporal moving averages (running means) of former variables. A multi-layer perceptron type of neural networks is used as the forecasting model. Index of agreement, calculated for the entire dataset including the data for model building, ranged from 0.91 to 0.97 for the respective pollutants. As suggested by the analysis of the relative importance of the input variables, different agreements for different pollutants are likely due to different sources and production mechanisms of investigated pollutants. A comparison of the new method with more traditional method, which takes hourly averages of the forecast hour as input variables, showed similar or better performance. The model was developed for the purpose of public-health-oriented air quality forecasting, aiming to use a numerical weather forecast model for the prediction of the part of input data yet unknown at the forecasting time. It is to expect that longer term averages used as inputs in the proposed method will contribute to smaller input errors and the greater accuracy of the model.  相似文献   
BOD微生物传感器检测方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用固定化微生物分散悬浮的方法,进行了BOD微生物传感器及其检测方法的研究。该传感器响应大、测量范围广、稳定性好,测定BOD时,线性响应范围为0-500mg/L,线性相关系统数达到0.99以上,且存在很好的重现性,响应时间在12min内。测定结果与BOD5标准方法具有良好的相关性,连续稳定地工作寿命在4个月以上。  相似文献   
在综合分析条带开采地表下沉系数影响因素的基础上,采用神经网络方法建立了条带开采地表下沉系数的计算模型。模型以国内外成功的条带开采实例为学习训练样本和测试样本,对模型的计算结果与实测值进行了对比分析,分析结果表明,该模型的计算值更接近于实测值。在上述研究的基础上,在给定条带开采采出率的条件下,以条带开采的地表下沉系数最小为原则,运用该模型实现了对条带开采尺寸的优化设计。该研究的成果,为条带开采地表下沉系数的理论计算及条带开采尺寸的优化设计探索出了一种新的方法。  相似文献   
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