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The turbidity variation in artificial water and samples from a water plant was investigated in the presence of organics with different relative molecular mass. The results show that recessive turbidity existed when water chemical conditions were changing. The formation of turbidity depended on organic relative molecular mass and their conformations on particles. At higher pH and lower ionic strength, the organic chains with a more extended conformation resulted in rising turbidity of the suspension. At lower pH, the reconformation of organics took place due to charge neutralization by the proton, resulting in a decline in turbidity. The addition of NaCl and MgCl2 at pH 7.00 also resulted in a decrease of turbidity in the suspension. It is believed that the occurrence of recessive turbidity has a significant influence on the stability of water supply quality.  相似文献   
研究了聚合氯化铝铁和壳聚糖改性对高岭土、海泡石和红壤去除水中铜绿微囊藻效果的影响。结果表明,壳聚糖改性的红壤对铜绿微囊藻的去除效果最好,其生成絮体密实度大,抗扰动能力强。当改性红壤的投加量为50 mg/L时,叶绿素a和铜绿微囊藻去除率分别达到98.0%、95.1%。该絮凝剂适应性好,在pH为3.0~6.0的范围内对铜绿微囊藻均可取得很好的去除效果,对叶绿素a和浊度的去除率可达90%以上。壳聚糖通过包裹红壤颗粒,借助壳聚糖的粘结架桥和电中和能力,大幅度提高了红壤的絮凝性能。该絮凝剂处理富藻水,具有絮凝效果明显、絮体密实度大、投加量少、绿色环保、经济等优点,在工程上具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   
制备了聚硅酸氯化铝(PASC)絮凝剂,并用其进行了皂素废水处理实验。考察了絮凝剂投加量、pH值、搅拌速度对COD和浊度去除率的影响。结果表明,当絮凝剂投加量为9~13.5 mg/L、pH值5~7、搅拌速度150~250 r/min时,COD和浊度去除效果较好。最佳工艺条件为:絮凝剂投加量11.25 mg/L、pH值6、搅拌速度200 r/min。此时,COD去除率为93.7%,浊度去除率为97.5%。PASC的絮凝性能明显优于PAC。  相似文献   
阳离子型聚合物对低温低浊水的絮凝效果与形态学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微絮凝-深床直接过滤工艺,以西安市曲江水厂低温低浊水质为原水(水温低于10 ℃,初始浊度低于10NTU),投加阳离子型聚合物(简称CP)作主混凝剂或助凝剂,借助分形数学理论与图像分析技术,对滤料粒径、原水浊度、原水温度、药剂种类、聚合物分子量及投加量、混合强度等因素对处理效果的影响进行了研究,分析探讨了不同药剂处理低温低浊水的作用机理、絮凝形态学特征以及絮体结构的分形特性.结果表明,①当温度低于4 ℃、初始浊度小于4NTU时,不宜单独采用Al2(SO4)3或PAC作为絮凝剂;当温度为4~10 ℃、初始浊度小于10NTU时,如果只投加Al2(SO4)3或PAC作为絮凝剂,宜用细砂滤料过滤;低温低浊条件下,无机混凝剂形成的絮体粒径小、结构松散脆弱、有效质量密度低、沉速慢,但表征絮体分形特性的分维值较高.②CP作絮凝剂能显著改善低温低浊水的絮凝效果与过滤性能,但混合强度需增大,宜用粗砂滤料过滤;③单独用CP作絮凝剂时,宜投加分子量较低的弱阳性聚合物或投加低剂量较高分子量的强阳性聚合物;CP用作助凝剂时,能显著减少主混凝剂用量,但宜投加强阳性聚合物或增加弱阳性聚合物的剂量.④CP兼备电性中和与吸附架桥絮凝作用,能形成粒径较大、吸附性能与过滤性能良好的网状絮体构型,其有效质量密度高,产生的污泥量少,污泥沉降速度快,脱水效果好,但分维值低.⑤各种水处理药剂的处理效果为:Al2(SO4)3(或PAC) CP>CP>PAC>Al2(SO4)3,这种差别由絮体的形态学特性与构型特征各异引起.  相似文献   
基于玻璃纤维对小颗粒物的截留和微孔过滤,以及超声波辅助清洗等方法原理,设计和制作了带反冲洗自洁功能的三级串联在线过滤系统,将滤网(初级)、超声波作用下装填有玻璃纤维的过滤器(二级)、微孔滤管(三级)串联,对较高浊度的环境水样进行在线过滤。评估了模拟水样和实际水样中浊度的去除效果,证明该系统对水样中颗粒物有很好的去除并大幅降低水样浊度。在优化的条件下,原始浊度范围在4~100NTU的水样经过滤后,浊度均能降至1NTU以下。以标准方法测定的典型水质指标(活性磷、铵氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮)的浓度为基准,计算水样经所设计的过滤系统处理后,这4种营养盐的回收率一般在85%-130%之间,说明本系统的使用基本不影响目标物的测定。  相似文献   
针对一年中长江原水和黄浦江原水的水质情况,进行了两种原水几种水质指标的对比分析,混凝沉淀后两种原水氨氮和CODMn的达标情况对比,以及不同水温对于两大原水浊度、氨氮和CODMn混凝效果的影响。结果表明,黄浦江原水的浊度、氨氮和CODMn一般比长江原水高,pH比长江原水低,经过混凝沉淀处理后长江原水氨氮和CODMn的达标率比黄浦江原水高,两种原水的浊度、氨氮和CODMn的去除率随水温的升高有增大的趋势,若两种原水进行混合,为保证其处理后水质达标,则黄浦江和长江原水的配比最好不能超过2∶8。  相似文献   
低温低浊水的处理是给水处理的一个难点.分析了常规混凝方法难处理低温低浊水的原因,介绍和比较了膜处理低温低浊水的4种方法.研究结果表明,膜法出水水质好、稳定,采用低压膜直接过滤降低能耗,节省药剂投加费用;混凝-超滤工艺中加入粉末活性炭后可增加溶解性有机物的去除,膜生物反应器能有效去除氨氮.膜法处理低温低浊水对浊度和有机物的去除明显好于传统工艺,能提供水质良好的饮用水,是低温低浊水处理的发展方向.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Landsat radiance values were processed at two different (single and double) levels of accuracy to estimate chlorophyll a, turbidity, and suspended sediment in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Both ordinary least square and ridge regression analyses were used to establish a relationship between water quality parameters and Landsat radiance. Radiance measurements made at greater precision (double level) gave a better solution in this application. The ridge regression analysis for double level not only can reduce the total mean square error about 13–20 percent and confidence interval about 6–28 percent as compared to ordinary least square analysis, but it can also change the interpretation of analysis results.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Individual particle analysis (IPA) by scanning electron microscopy interfaced with automated image and X‐ray analyses was used to characterize inorganic particles in five reservoirs and four tributaries located within the Catskill and Delaware systems of the New York City water supply. Individual particle analysis provides combined elemental and morphologic characterizations. Results are presented in terms of particle projected area per unit volume (PAV), consistent with optical impacts, and partitioned into seven generic particle types according to composition. Minerals of terrigenous origins, particularly clay minerals, dominated the inorganic particle populations of all the study systems except one downstream reservoir. Higher PAV levels were observed in the Catskill system. Particle dynamics represented by PAV were driven primarily by runoff, while the reservoirs were also greatly influenced by the timing of sediment resuspension promoted by drawdown of the surface and fall mixing. The benefit of the serial configuration of the reservoirs in decreasing inorganic particles with progression downstream towards the city is demonstrated. The patterns in PAV levels among the study systems generally tracked those of more common metrics of impacts of suspensoids, including mass concentrations of suspended solids, turbidity, and Secchi disc transparency.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: During the summers of 1982, 1983, and 1985, we assessed the effects of placer mining sedimentation on Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus, in the headwaters of Birch Creek, northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. We compared differences between two streams (one that was undisturbed and one with mining activity upstream) near the confluence. Studies of caged fish demonstrated that, if grayling could not escape from streams carrying mining sediments, they would either die at high rates (sac fry) or suffer gill damage, starvation, and slowed maturation (age-O fingerlings and age-2 juveniles). Indirect effects of sedimentation, through loss of summer habitat for feeding and reproduction, may more severely affect grayling populations than the direct effects of sedimentation on the health and survival of individual fish.  相似文献   
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