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根据垂直潜流人工湿地发生堵塞的成因主要是基质层中不可滤物质积累的结论,在分析垂直潜流人工湿地堵塞物形态及成分粒径的基础上,首次提出了基质间不可滤物质积累微观概念模型的假设;并根据微观概念模型,在考虑生物膜、无机物积累等动态变化因素条件下提出基质间完全堵塞所需时间、基质表面发生雍水所需时间及基质渗透系数随时间变化的关系.  相似文献   
Using reclaimed wastewater for crop irrigation is a practical alternative to discharge wastewater treatment plant effluents into surface waters.However,biofouling has been identified as a major contributor to emitter clogging in drip irrigation systems distributing reclaimed wastewater.Little is known about the biofilm structure and its influence on clogging in the drip emitter flow path.This study was first to investigate the microbial characteristics of mature biofilms present in the emitters and the effect of flow path structures on the biofilm microbial communities.The analysis of biofilm matrix structure using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that particles in the matrix of the biofilm coupled extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and formed sediment in the emitter flow path.Analysis of biofilm mass including protein,polysaccharide and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) showed that emitter flow path style influenced biofilm community structure and diversity.The correlations of biofilm biomass and discharge reduction after 360 h irrigation were computed and suggest that PFLAs provide the best correlation coefficient.Comparatively,the emitter with the unsymmetrical dentate structure and shorter flow path (Emitter C) had the best anti-clogging capability.By optimizing the dentate structure,the internal flow pattern within the flow path could be enhanced as an important method to control the biofilm within emitter flow path.This study established electron microscope techniques and biochemical microbial analysis methods that may provide a framework for future emitter biofilm studies.  相似文献   
人工湿地作为一种高效率、低投资、低运行费用、低能耗的污水处理技术,越来越受到世界各国的关注。随着人工湿地的不断推广与应用,堵塞是影响其应用和推广的主要因素之一。湿地发生堵塞后,基质的渗透系数会急剧下降,过水能力也随之降低,大量引入湿地系统的污水直接雍积在湿地表面,长期积水引发恶臭、导致蚊蝇滋生,恶化运行环境。本文通过对人工湿地运行过程中出现的填料堵塞机理与特点进行分析,归纳和总结了人工湿地堵塞的影响因素,提出了人工湿地堵塞相应的解决措施,提高人工湿地对污水的处理效果,以期能够为人工湿地的应用及推广提供参考。  相似文献   
三级串联人工快渗系统处理养殖废水   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
人工快速渗滤系统(constructed rapid infiltration,CRI)是在传统的污水快速渗透系统上发展起来的一种新的生物处理方法。采用猪粪浸泡污水模拟实际猪场处理系统的厌氧出水,研究三级串联人工快渗系统对其污染物的去除效果。试验结果表明,三级串联系统对废水COD、NH3N的去除率稳定在81%和94.5%,出水均满足了《畜禽养殖行业污染物排放标准》(GB18596-2001)的要求,同时三级串联系统还可以有效预防系统的堵塞。  相似文献   
谢云  石正坤 《四川环境》2009,28(1):57-63
超临界水氧化是一项对有机废液焚烧处理最有潜力的替代技术,在过去的20多年里,这项技术引起了广泛的关注。然而,作为一项管端技术,超临界水氧化仍存在许多不足,这些不足阻碍了它的工业应用。除了反应器腐蚀和盐析导致的技术问题外,超临界水氧化经常被认为是一项处理所有废液的“通用”技术,然而也是无法实现的“通用”技术。本文介绍了作为管端处理技术的超临界水氧化技术存在的问题,讨论了可能的解决办法,介绍了不同反应器的概念,提出了在超临界水氧化领域里开展进一步研究和发展新工艺流程的建议。此外,评价了超临界水氧化技术涉及到的自身能源供应问题。  相似文献   
人工补给作为解决地下水超采及其环境负效应的有效措施,在全球得到广泛应用.但人工补给过程中的介质堵塞问题对补给效率、运行成本及工程寿命有着显著不利影响.在收集整理已有研究资料的基础上,对人工补给类型,过程中介质堵塞机理、预测、控制和治理方法进行了详细归纳和总结.分析表明,介质堵塞受到介质、水源物化特征和水文地球化学条件等因素影响;堵塞预测方法有水质指标法、经验公式法、数学模型法;堵塞的预防目前以水质控制为主;堵塞的治理需综合物理和化学方法.尽管有关人工补给的多种技术已日益成熟,但结合介质空间差异特征和水源条件复杂性开展的人工补给促渗技术还需进一步研究.  相似文献   
利用矿化垃圾层预防和控制渗滤液导排系统堵塞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在卫生填埋场中,垃圾渗滤液导排系统堵塞普遍存在,悬浮固体形成的物理堵塞、有机物降解和金属离子沉淀导致的生物.化学堵塞是引起导排系统堵塞的关键因素.本文构建了"矿化垃圾+砾石层导排"的渗滤液下渗装置,通过矿化垃圾预处理渗滤液中悬浮固体和有机物以控制导排系统发生的物理和生物-化学堵塞.结果表明,在矿化垃圾层,渗滤液中化学需...  相似文献   
本文采用自主设计的强化预处理人工湿地装置进行处理低浓度农村生活污水的研究,针对人工湿地堵塞问题,考察了运用强化预处理装置(海绵装置和滤布装置)对污水进行预处理来预防湿地的堵塞,并且在水力停留时间为1d的工况下,研究了湿地装置对污水的净化效果.结果表明:运用强化预处理装置后,不仅能有效防止湿地堵塞而且不影响湿地对污水的净化效果,强化预处理湿地装置对CODCr、SS、NH4+-N、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为67.14%,90.39%,64.12%,70.13%和67.98%,出水CODCr、SS、NH4+-N、TN、TP均可满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》 (GB18918-2002)的一级B要求,在我国广大农村地区的分散式污水处理中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   
垂直潜流人工湿地堵塞机制:堵塞成因及堵塞物积累规律   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
叶建锋  徐祖信  李怀正 《环境科学》2008,29(6):1508-1512
为解决垂直潜流人工湿地的堵塞问题,需首先探明人工湿地的堵塞成因和堵塞物在人工湿地中的分布规律.在发生堵塞的垂直潜流人工湿地中,通过研究基质间各物质与雍水面积、基质间空隙率之间的相关关系,发现人工湿地发生堵塞的成因主要是基质层中不可滤物质的积累,并得出以砂子为基质的人工湿地每mL基质间不可滤堵塞物超过18.23 mg时即会出现雍水表观现象;同时研究发现,在本试验条件下,人工湿地布水口周围容易先产生堵塞现象,堵塞层主要分布于距布水管下10~20cm处;基质中不可滤无机物积累的程度比不可滤有机物更明显,且有随着水流方向沿程迁移的趋势;有机物质积累于基质深度基本呈负相关性,基质越深,有机质含量越少,雍水后基质表层有机质含量高于其它各层.  相似文献   
Aquifer recharge,which uses urban stormwater,is an effective technique to control the negative effects of groundwater overexploitation,while clogging problems in infiltration systems remain the key restricting factor in broadening its practice.Quantitative understanding of the clogging process is still very poor.A laboratory study was conducted to understand surface physical clogging processes,with the primary aim of developing a model for predicting suspended solid clogging processes before aquifer recharge projects start.The experiments investigated the clogging characteristics of different suspended solid sizes in recharge water by using a series of one-dimensional fine quartz sand columns.The results showed that the smaller the suspended particles in recharge water,the farther the distance of movement and the larger the scope of clogging in porous media.Clogging extents in fine sand were 1 cm,for suspended particle size ranging from 0.075 to 0.0385 mm,and 2 cm,for particles less than 0.0385 mm.In addition,clogging development occurred more rapidly for smaller suspended solid particles.It took 48,42,and 36 hr respectively,for large-,medium-,and small-sized particles to reach pre-determined clogging standards.An empirical formula and iteration model for the surface clogging evolution process were derived.The verification results obtained from stormwater recharge into fine sand demonstrated that the model could reflect the real laws of the surface clogging process.  相似文献   
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