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利用农药对酯酶活力的抑制反应,测定了不同浓度的敌敌畏对游离的不同动物肝脏酯酶的酶活性。实验采用从动物肝脏中提取的粗酶液在水解后与显色剂固兰B盐作用,用分光光度计测定其在595nm处的吸光度。结果表明,猪肝中α-乙酸萘酯酶(α-NA Esterase)的活力较高,且对较低浓度的敌敌畏也有较好的灵敏度。鸡肝和鸭肝α-乙酸萘酯酶对敌敌畏浓度变化不是很明显。  相似文献   
炔雌醇和壬基酚在土壤中的吸附-解吸特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
姜鲁  王继华  李建忠  辛佳  李淼  刘翔 《环境科学》2012,33(11):3885-3892
通过吸附动力学研究和批量平衡试验,以炔雌醇(EE2)和壬基酚(NP)为代表,考察内分泌干扰物在3种不同性质的天然土壤中的吸附-解吸特征.结果表明,双室一级动力学模型比单室一级动力学模型更适合描述EE2、NP在土壤中的动态吸附过程.快吸附过程在吸附初期占据主导地位,之后慢吸附室的相对贡献逐渐增大,直至达到吸附平衡.土壤对NP的吸附速率是EE2的2.0~4.7倍.Freundlich模型和DA模型均能较好地拟合EE2与NP的吸附等温线,但DA模型拟合效果更佳.饱和吸附容量与土壤有机质含量呈显著正相关,EE2的饱和吸附容量(0.85~7.67μg·g-1)明显低于NP(10.47~110.15μg·g-1).吸附自由能计算表明,土壤对EE2和NP的吸附以物理作用为主.此外,3种受试土壤对EE2和NP的解吸附均存在滞后现象,需要预防其潜在的环境风险,其中有机质含量最高、比表面积最大的土样滞后性最明显.  相似文献   
鼠李糖脂对底泥中17α-炔雌醇生物降解性的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用HPLC-ESI-MS分析了铜绿假单胞杆菌诱变株MIG-N146的发酵液粗提物,发现其中含有15种鼠李糖脂同系物,临界胶束浓度(CMC)为0.125mmol.L-1,最小平均表面张力为29.2mN.m-1,表面活性良好.同时,通过摇瓶实验,考察了不同浓度鼠李糖脂(RL)对底泥中17α-炔雌醇(EE2)生物降解性的影响.结果表明,随着鼠李糖脂浓度的增加,EE2的生物降解速率常数k值逐渐增大,可生物降解性增强.在浓度低于2.0mmol.L-1的鼠李糖脂作用下,EE2的生物降解效率仅稍有提高;而浓度高于6.0mmol.L-1后,水/底泥混合体系中EE2的生物降解速率提高至1.346d-1以上,是无鼠李糖脂时的2.9倍以上.当鼠李糖脂浓度达到10.0mmol.L-1时,2d内混合体系中EE2的降解率可达到90%.HPLC-PDA检测显示,鼠李糖脂易被微生物降解,不会在环境中长期残留;EE2降解过程中检测出2种中间产物,鼠李糖脂会影响EE2代谢中间产物的相对含量,但不会改变EE2的代谢途径.  相似文献   
17α-甲基睾酮是一种人工合成雄激素,在水产养殖以及医药行业中广泛使用,其对鱼类的内分泌干扰效应研究工作相对较少.通过甲基睾酮对稀有鲫幼鱼的42天流水暴露,观察了其性腺发育和生物标记物变化.在500ng·L-1甲基睾酮暴露组中幼鱼生长受到抑制(p≤0.05),在50ng·L-1以上暴露组中性腺指数显著增加(p≤0.05),雄性个体比率明显升高.通过组织学观察发现,50ng·L-1以上浓度甲基睾酮暴露后卵巢组织切片中出现了精子细胞,且精子细胞数量随剂量的增加而增加.通过生物标记物卵黄蛋白原测定发现,在50ng·L-1以上浓度甲基睾酮暴露后,稀有鲫幼鱼血清中的卵黄蛋白原水平显著增加(p≤0.05).综合分析,17α-甲基睾酮主要表现出雄激素效应,而其在稀有鲫体内的代谢物则能够应激卵黄蛋白原,对稀有鲫幼鱼的最低可观察效应浓度(LOEC)为50ng·L-1.因此,仅依靠体内卵黄蛋白原应激单项指标不能准确判定化学品是否是环境类雌激素.  相似文献   

The lakes of Hanoi are important water resources for urban agriculture. The concentrations of 17α-ethinylestradiol in the water of three major lakes were found to range from 0.1 to 9.1?ng/L, peaking during the rainy season. Effects at levels from 1?ng/L to 1?µg/L on the germination of mung bean (Vigna radiata) and bok choy (Brassica rapa) were studied. Soaking the seeds in solutions containing 17α-ethinylestradiol at 10?ng/L and higher increased the germination rate of mung bean but not of bok choy. For the latter, irrigation after sowing with solutions containing 17α-ethinylestradiol at 10?ng/L and higher accelerated germination.

Abbreviations: MNRE: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; PE60: Population equivalent; USGS: U.S. Geological Survey; SPE: Solid phase extraction; EDTA: Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate; HPLC: High performance liquid chromatography; ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; DOM: Dissolved organic matter; EEQ: Estradiol equivalent  相似文献   
采用氨氧化菌Nitrosomonas europaea降解17α-乙炔雌二醇(EE2),考察降解过程中氨氮的作用以及EE2的降解机制.结果表明,N.europaea降解EE2属于共代谢过程,氨氮是共代谢发生的必要条件.氨氧化过程产生的亚硝氮会在酸性条件下将EE2硝基化,反应符合一级动力学模型,降解速率常数与亚硝酸根、H+及游离亚硝酸浓度成正相关.通过控制pH值大于7.5抑制硝基化反应,证实了N.europaea对EE2的生物降解作用,生物降解反应符合一级动力学模型且降解速率常数为0.0069h-1.当N.europaea氨氧化反应导致pH值低于7.5时,EE2的去除存在生物降解和硝基化的协同作用,EE2去除符合一级动力学模型且降解速率常数为0.0093h-1.同时还发现一种未曾报道过的EE2生物降解产物M613,对于其雌激素效应和毒性还需进一步探究.  相似文献   
Sun K  Jin J  Gao B  Zhang Z  Wang Z  Pan Z  Xu D  Zhao Y 《Chemosphere》2012,88(5):577-583
The potential for negative effects caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) release into the environment is a prominent concern and numerous research projects have investigated possible environmental fate and toxicity. However, their sorption behavior by size fractions of soil and sediment has not been systematically represented. The sorption of bisphenol A (BPA), 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and phenanthrene (Phen) by different size fractions of soil and sediment were investigated. Sorption isotherms of EE2, BPA, and Phen by size fractions of soil (SL) and sediment (ST) were well fitted to the Freundlich model. The positive correlation between EE2, BPA and Phen sorption capacity (log Kd) of size fractions and their organic carbon (OC) content suggests that OC of size fractions in SL and ST should regulate sorption, while the surface area (SA) of size fractions may not account for sorption of EE2, BPA and Phen. Each size fraction of ST had higher sorption capacity (Kd or KOC) of EE2 and BPA than that of SL due to their difference in the polarity of organic matter (OM) between terrestrial and aquatic sources. Sorption capacity logKd for size fractions of SL and ST did not follow the order: clay > silt > sand due to the difference in OM abundance and composition between the size fractions. Large particle fractions of ST contributed about 80% to the overall sorption for any EE2, BPA, and Phen. This study was significant to evaluate size fractions of soil and sediment as well as their associated OM affecting EE2 and BPA sorption processes.  相似文献   
The effects of monoterpenes on the degradation of 14C-2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) were investigated in soils collected from areas surrounding monoterpene and non-monoterpene-emitting vegetation. Indigenous microorganisms degraded 14C-2,4-DCP to 14CO2, after 1 d contact time. Degradation was enhanced by prior exposure of the soils to 2,4-DCP for 32 d, increasing extents of mineralisation up to 60%. Monoterpene amendments further enhanced 2,4-DCP degradation, but only following pre-exposure to both 2,4-DCP and monoterpene, with total 2,4-DCP mineralisation extents of up to 71%. Degradation was greatest at the higher monoterpene concentrations (≥1 μg kg−1). Total mineralisation extents were similar between concentrations, but higher than the control and the 0.1 μg kg−1 amendment, indicating that increases in monoterpene concentration has a diminishing enhancing effect. We suggest that monoterpenes can stimulate the biodegradation of 2,4-DCP by indigenous soil microorganisms and that monoterpene amendment in soils is an effective strategy for removing organic contaminants.  相似文献   
An inter-laboratory comparison exercise was organized among European laboratories, under the aegis of EU COST Action 636: “Xenobiotics in Urban Water Cycle”. The objective was to evaluate the performance of testing laboratories determining “Endocrine Disrupting Compounds” (EDC) in various aqueous matrices. As the main task three steroid estrogens: 17α-ethinylestradiol, 17β-estradiol and estrone were determined in four spiked aqueous matrices: tap water, river water and wastewater treatment plant influent and effluent using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS. Results were compared and discussed according to the analytical techniques applied, the accuracy and reproducibility of the analytical methods and the nature of the sample matrices. Overall, the results obtained in this inter-laboratory exercise reveal a high level of competence among the participating laboratories for the detection of steroid estrogens in water samples indicating that GC-MS as well as LC-MS/MS can equally be employed for the analysis of natural and synthetic hormones.  相似文献   
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